blob: c86426d4894c26ccd91636599c0af2890f684e90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector
import scala.util.Try
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse.{statusForCode, ERROR_FIELD}
import org.apache.openwhisk.utils.JsHelpers
/** Basic trait for messages that are sent on a message bus connector. */
trait Message {
* A transaction id to attach to the message.
val transid = TransactionId.unknown
* Serializes message to string. Must be idempotent.
def serialize: String
* String representation of the message. Delegates to serialize.
override def toString = serialize
case class ActivationMessage(override val transid: TransactionId,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
revision: DocRevision,
user: Identity,
activationId: ActivationId,
rootControllerIndex: ControllerInstanceId,
blocking: Boolean,
content: Option[JsObject],
initArgs: Set[String] = Set.empty,
lockedArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
cause: Option[ActivationId] = None,
traceContext: Option[Map[String, String]] = None)
extends Message {
override def serialize = ActivationMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
override def toString = {
val value = (content getOrElse JsObject.empty).compactPrint
def causedBySequence: Boolean = cause.isDefined
* Message that is sent from the invoker to the controller after action is completed or after slot is free again for
* new actions.
abstract class AcknowledegmentMessage(private val tid: TransactionId) extends Message {
override val transid: TransactionId = tid
override def serialize: String = AcknowledegmentMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
/** Pithy descriptor for logging. */
def messageType: String
/** Does message indicate slot is free? */
def isSlotFree: Option[InstanceId]
/** Does message contain a result? */
def result: Option[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]]
* Is the acknowledgement for an activation that failed internally?
* For some message, this is not relevant and the result is None.
def isSystemError: Option[Boolean]
def activationId: ActivationId
/** Serializes the message to JSON. */
def toJson: JsValue
* Converts the message to a more compact form if it cannot cross the message bus as is or some of its details are not necessary.
def shrink: AcknowledegmentMessage
* This message is sent from an invoker to the controller in situations when the resource slot and the action
* result are available at the same time, and so the split-phase notification is not necessary. Instead the message
* combines the `CompletionMessage` and `ResultMessage`. The `response` may be an `ActivationId` to allow for failures
* to send the activation result because of event-bus size limitations.
* The constructor is private so that callers must use the more restrictive constructors which ensure the respose is always
* Right when this message is created.
case class CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId,
response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation],
override val isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId)
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "combined"
override def result = Some(response)
override def isSlotFree = Some(instance)
override def activationId = response.fold(identity, _.activationId)
override def toJson = CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = copy(response = response.flatMap(a => Left(a.activationId)))
override def toString = activationId.asString
* This message is sent from an invoker to the controller, once the resource slot in the invoker (used by the
* corresponding activation) free again (i.e., after log collection). The `CompletionMessage` is part of a split
* phase notification to the load balancer where an invoker first sends a `ResultMessage` and later sends the
* `CompletionMessage`.
case class CompletionMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId,
override val activationId: ActivationId,
override val isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId)
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "completion"
override def result = None
override def isSlotFree = Some(instance)
override def toJson = CompletionMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = this
override def toString = activationId.asString
* This message is sent from an invoker to the load balancer once an action result is available for blocking actions.
* This is part of a split phase notification, and does not indicate that the slot is available, which is indicated with
* a `CompletionMessage`. Note that activation record will not contain any logs from the action execution, only the result.
* The constructor is private so that callers must use the more restrictive constructors which ensure the respose is always
* Right when this message is created.
case class ResultMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId, response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation])
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "result"
override def result = Some(response)
override def isSlotFree = None
override def isSystemError = response.fold(_ => None, a => Some(a.response.isWhiskError))
override def activationId = response.fold(identity, _.activationId)
override def toJson = ResultMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = copy(response = response.flatMap(a => Left(a.activationId)))
override def toString = activationId.asString
object ActivationMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat12(ActivationMessage.apply)
object CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation],
isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId): CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage =
new CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage(transid, activation, isSystemError, instance)
def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: WhiskActivation,
instance: InstanceId): CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage =
new CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage(transid, Right(activation), Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
implicit private val eitherSerdes = AcknowledegmentMessage.eitherResponse
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat4(
.apply(_: TransactionId, _: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation], _: Option[Boolean], _: InstanceId))
object CompletionMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: WhiskActivation,
isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId): CompletionMessage =
new CompletionMessage(transid, activation.activationId, Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
def apply(transid: TransactionId, activation: WhiskActivation, instance: InstanceId): CompletionMessage = {
new CompletionMessage(transid, activation.activationId, Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat4(
CompletionMessage.apply(_: TransactionId, _: ActivationId, _: Option[Boolean], _: InstanceId))
object ResultMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId, response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]): ResultMessage =
new ResultMessage(transid, response)
def apply(transid: TransactionId, activation: WhiskActivation): ResultMessage =
new ResultMessage(transid, Right(activation))
implicit private val eitherSerdes = AcknowledegmentMessage.eitherResponse
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat2(ResultMessage.apply(_: TransactionId, _: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]))
object AcknowledegmentMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[AcknowledegmentMessage] = Try(
protected[connector] val eitherResponse = new JsonFormat[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] {
def write(either: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]) = either.fold(_.toJson, _.toJson)
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
case _: JsString =>
// per the ActivationId serializer, an activation id is a String even if it only consists of digits
case _: JsObject => Right(value.convertTo[WhiskActivation])
case _ => deserializationError("could not read ResultMessage")
implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[AcknowledegmentMessage] {
override def write(m: AcknowledegmentMessage): JsValue = m.toJson
// The field invoker is only part of CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage and CompletionMessage.
// If this field is part of the JSON, we try to deserialize into one of these two types,
// and otherwise to a ResultMessage. If all conversions fail, an error will be thrown that needs to be handled.
override def read(json: JsValue): AcknowledegmentMessage = {
val JsObject(fields) = json
val completion = fields.contains("instance")
val result = fields.contains("response")
if (completion && result) {
} else if (completion) {
} else {
case class PingMessage(instance: InvokerInstanceId) extends Message {
override def serialize = PingMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
object PingMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat(PingMessage.apply _, "name")
trait EventMessageBody extends Message {
def typeName: String
object EventMessageBody extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val format = new JsonFormat[EventMessageBody] {
def write(eventMessageBody: EventMessageBody) = eventMessageBody match {
case m: Metric => m.toJson
case a: Activation => a.toJson
def read(value: JsValue) =
if (value.asJsObject.fields.contains("metricName")) {
} else {
case class Activation(name: String,
activationId: String,
statusCode: Int,
duration: Duration,
waitTime: Duration,
initTime: Duration,
kind: String,
conductor: Boolean,
memory: Int,
causedBy: Option[String],
size: Option[Int] = None,
userDefinedStatusCode: Option[Int] = None)
extends EventMessageBody {
val typeName = Activation.typeName
override def serialize = toJson.compactPrint
def entityPath: FullyQualifiedEntityName = EntityPath(name).toFullyQualifiedEntityName
def toJson = Activation.activationFormat.write(this)
def status: String = statusForCode(statusCode)
def isColdStart: Boolean = initTime != Duration.Zero
def namespace: String =
def action: String = entityPath.fullPath.relativePath.get.namespace
object Activation extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
val typeName = "Activation"
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
private implicit val durationFormat = new RootJsonFormat[Duration] {
override def write(obj: Duration): JsValue = obj match {
case o if o.isFinite => JsNumber(o.toMillis)
case _ =>
override def read(json: JsValue): Duration = json match {
case JsNumber(n) if n <= 0 => Duration.Zero
case JsNumber(n) => toDuration(n.longValue)
implicit val activationFormat =
Activation.apply _,
/** Get "StatusCode" from result response set by action developer **/
def userDefinedStatusCode(result: Option[JsValue]): Option[Int] = {
val statusCode = JsHelpers
.getFieldPath(result.get.asJsObject, ERROR_FIELD, "statusCode")
.orElse(JsHelpers.getFieldPath(result.get.asJsObject, "statusCode")) {
case value => Try(value.convertTo[BigInt].intValue).toOption.getOrElse(BadRequest.intValue)
/** Constructs an "Activation" event from a WhiskActivation */
def from(a: WhiskActivation): Try[Activation] = {
for {
// There are no sensible defaults for these fields, so they are required. They should always be there but there is
// no static analysis to proof that so we're defensive here.
fqn <- a.annotations.getAs[String](WhiskActivation.pathAnnotation)
kind <- a.annotations.getAs[String](WhiskActivation.kindAnnotation)
} yield {
def toDuration(milliseconds: Long) = new FiniteDuration(milliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case class Metric(metricName: String, metricValue: Long) extends EventMessageBody {
val typeName = "Metric"
override def serialize = toJson.compactPrint
def toJson = Metric.metricFormat.write(this).asJsObject
object Metric extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
val typeName = "Metric"
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
implicit val metricFormat = jsonFormat(Metric.apply _, "metricName", "metricValue")
case class EventMessage(source: String,
body: EventMessageBody,
subject: Subject,
namespace: String,
userId: UUID,
eventType: String,
timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis())
extends Message {
override def serialize = EventMessage.format.write(this).compactPrint
object EventMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val format =
jsonFormat(EventMessage.apply _, "source", "body", "subject", "namespace", "userId", "eventType", "timestamp")
def from(a: WhiskActivation, source: String, userId: UUID): Try[EventMessage] = {
Activation.from(a).map { body =>
EventMessage(source, body, a.subject, a.namespace.toString, userId, body.typeName)
def parse(msg: String) = Try(