blob: 2fc7e2907b7895ef994705c3aa3a1cc998353ebd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.logging.test
import java.time.Instant
import{Flow, Sink, Source}
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
import akka.util.ByteString
import common.{StreamLogging, WskActorSystem}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.logging.{DockerToActivationFileLogStore, LogCollectingException, LogLine}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
* Includes the tests for the DockerToActivationLogStore since the behavior towards the activation storage should
* remain exactly the same.
class DockerToActivationFileLogStoreTests
extends DockerToActivationLogStoreTests
with Matchers
with WskActorSystem
with StreamLogging {
override def createStore() = new TestLogStoreTo(Sink.ignore)
def toLoggedEvent(line: LogLine,
namespace: Namespace,
activationId: ActivationId,
actionName: FullyQualifiedEntityName): String = {
val event = line.toJson.compactPrint
val concatenated =
event.dropRight(1) ++ concatenated ++ "}\n"
def toLoggedActivation(activation: WhiskActivation): String = {
JsObject(activation.toJson.fields ++ Map("namespaceId" -> user.namespace.uuid.asString.toJson)).compactPrint + "\n"
behavior of "DockerToActivationFileLogStore"
it should "read logs returned by the container,in mem and enrich + write them to the provided sink" in {
val logs = List(LogLine(, "stdout", "this is just a test"))
val testSource: Source[ByteString, _] = Source( => ByteString(line.toJson.compactPrint)))
val testActor = TestProbe()
val container = new TestContainer(testSource)
val store =
new TestLogStoreTo(Flow[ByteString].map(_.utf8String).to(Sink.actorRef(testActor.ref, (), (_: Throwable) => _)))
val collected = store.collectLogs(TransactionId.testing, user, successfulActivation, container, action)
await(collected) shouldBe ActivationLogs(
logs.foreach { line =>
toLoggedEvent(line, user.namespace, successfulActivation.activationId, action.fullyQualifiedName(false)))
// Last message should be the full activation
it should "read logs with log collecting error with developer error" in {
val logs = List(
LogLine(, "stdout", "this is a log"),
LogLine(, "stderr", Messages.logFailure))
val testActor = TestProbe()
val container = new TestContainer(Source(toByteString(logs)))
val store =
new TestLogStoreTo(Flow[ByteString].map(_.utf8String).to(Sink.actorRef(testActor.ref, (), (_: Throwable) => _)))
val ex = the[LogCollectingException] thrownBy await(
store.collectLogs(TransactionId.testing, user, developerErrorActivation, container, action))
val collectedLogs = ex.partialLogs.logs
withClue("Collected logs should match provided logs:") {
collectedLogs.dropRight(1) shouldBe
withClue("Last line should end with developer error warning:") {
val lastLogLine = collectedLogs.last
lastLogLine should endWith(Messages.logWarningDeveloperError)
withClue("Provided logs should be received by log store:") {
logs.foreach { line =>
toLoggedEvent(line, user.namespace, developerErrorActivation.activationId, action.fullyQualifiedName(false)))
withClue("Last line received by log store should contain developer error warning:") {
testActor.expectMsgPF() {
case s: String =>
val ll = s.parseJson.convertTo[LogLine]
ll.log shouldBe Messages.logWarningDeveloperError
case _ => fail()
withClue("Last message received by log store should be the activation record:") {
class TestLogStoreTo(override val writeToFile: Sink[ByteString, _])
extends DockerToActivationFileLogStore(actorSystem)