blob: 83651507b8609f8266bfc71c949ada9073ce831b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database
import java.time.Instant
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest
import spray.json.JsObject
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, TransactionId}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.spi.Spi
import pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow
import scala.concurrent.Future
case class UserContext(user: Identity, request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest())
trait ActivationStore {
protected val disableStoreResultConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[Boolean](ConfigKeys.disableStoreResult)
protected val unstoredLogsEnabledConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[Boolean](ConfigKeys.unstoredLogsEnabled)
* Checks if an activation should be stored in database and stores it.
* @param activation activation to store
* @param isBlockingActivation is activation blocking
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @param notifier cache change notifier
* @return Future containing DocInfo related to stored activation
def storeAfterCheck(activation: WhiskActivation,
isBlockingActivation: Boolean,
disableStore: Option[Boolean],
context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification],
logging: Logging): Future[DocInfo] = {
if (context.user.limits.storeActivations.getOrElse(true) &&
disableStore.getOrElse(disableStoreResultConfig))) {
store(activation, context)
} else {
if (unstoredLogsEnabledConfig) {
s"Explicitly NOT storing activation ${activation.activationId.asString} for action ${} from namespace ${activation.namespace.asString} with response_size=${activation.response.size
* Stores an activation in the database.
* @param activation activation to store
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @param notifier cache change notifier
* @return Future containing DocInfo related to stored activation
def store(activation: WhiskActivation, context: UserContext)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[DocInfo]
* Retrieves an activation corresponding to the specified activation ID.
* @param activationId ID of activation to retrieve
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @return Future containing the retrieved WhiskActivation
def get(activationId: ActivationId, context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[WhiskActivation]
* Deletes an activation corresponding to the provided activation ID.
* @param activationId ID of activation to delete
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for the request
* @param notifier cache change notifier
* @return Future containing a Boolean value indication whether the activation was deleted
def delete(activationId: ActivationId, context: UserContext)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[Boolean]
* Counts the number of activations in a namespace.
* @param namespace namespace to query
* @param name entity name to query
* @param skip number of activations to skip
* @param since timestamp to retrieve activations after
* @param upto timestamp to retrieve activations before
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @return Future containing number of activations returned from query in JSON format
def countActivationsInNamespace(namespace: EntityPath,
name: Option[EntityPath] = None,
skip: Int,
since: Option[Instant] = None,
upto: Option[Instant] = None,
context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[JsObject]
* Returns activations corresponding to provided entity name.
* @param namespace namespace to query
* @param name entity name to query
* @param skip number of activations to skip
* @param limit maximum number of activations to list
* @param includeDocs return document with each activation
* @param since timestamp to retrieve activations after
* @param upto timestamp to retrieve activations before
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @return When docs are not included, a Future containing a List of activations in JSON format is returned. When docs
* are included, a List of WhiskActivation is returned.
def listActivationsMatchingName(
namespace: EntityPath,
name: EntityPath,
skip: Int,
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean = false,
since: Option[Instant] = None,
upto: Option[Instant] = None,
context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[List[JsObject], List[WhiskActivation]]]
* List all activations in a specified namespace.
* @param namespace namespace to query
* @param skip number of activations to skip
* @param limit maximum number of activations to list
* @param includeDocs return document with each activation
* @param since timestamp to retrieve activations after
* @param upto timestamp to retrieve activations before
* @param context user and request context
* @param transid transaction ID for request
* @return When docs are not included, a Future containing a List of activations in JSON format is returned. When docs
* are included, a List of WhiskActivation is returned.
def listActivationsInNamespace(
namespace: EntityPath,
skip: Int,
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean = false,
since: Option[Instant] = None,
upto: Option[Instant] = None,
context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[List[JsObject], List[WhiskActivation]]]
* Checks if the system is configured to not store the activation in the database.
* Only stores activations if one of these is true:
* - result is an error,
* - a non-blocking activation
* - an activation in debug mode
* - activation stores is not disabled via a configuration parameter
* @param isSuccess is successful activation
* @param isBlocking is blocking activation
* @param debugMode is logging header set to "on" for the invocation
* @param disableStore is disable store configured
* @return Should the activation be stored to the database
private def shouldStoreActivation(isSuccess: Boolean,
isBlocking: Boolean,
debugMode: Boolean,
disableStore: Boolean): Boolean = {
!isSuccess || !isBlocking || debugMode || !disableStore
trait ActivationStoreProvider extends Spi {
def instance(actorSystem: ActorSystem, logging: Logging): ActivationStore