blob: 0c8bf488c678f6cf153bacdc56dae031a53dbf9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.logging
import java.time.Instant
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.util.ByteString
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.Container
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.UserContext
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import spray.json._
* Represents a single log line as read from a docker log
protected[core] case class LogLine(time: String, stream: String, log: String) {
def toFormattedString = f"$time%-30s $stream: ${log.stripLineEnd}"
protected[core] object LogLine extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat3(LogLine.apply)
object DockerToActivationLogStore {
/** Transforms chunked JsObjects into formatted strings */
val toFormattedString: Flow[ByteString, String, NotUsed] =
* Docker based implementation of a LogStore.
* Relies on docker's implementation details with regards to the JSON log-driver. When using the JSON log-driver
* docker writes stdout/stderr to a JSON formatted file which is read by this store. Logs are written in the
* activation record itself.
class DockerToActivationLogStore(system: ActorSystem) extends LogStore {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = system
/* "json-file" is the log-driver that writes out to file */
override val containerParameters = Map("--log-driver" -> Set("json-file"))
/* As logs are already part of the activation record, just return that bit of it */
override def fetchLogs(namespace: String,
activationId: ActivationId,
start: Option[Instant],
end: Option[Instant],
activationLogs: Option[ActivationLogs],
context: UserContext): Future[ActivationLogs] =
activationLogs match {
case Some(logs) => Future.successful(logs)
case None => Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"Activation logs not available for activation ${activationId}"))
* Obtains the container's stdout and stderr output.
* Managed action runtimes are expected to produce sentinels on developer errors during
* init and run. For certain developer errors like process abortion due to unhandled errors
* or memory limit exhaustion, the action runtime will likely not be able to produce sentinels.
* In addition, there are situations where user actions (un)intentionally cause a developer error
* in a managed action runtime and prevent the production of sentinels. In that case, log file
* reading may continue endlessly.
* For these reasons, do not wait for sentinels to appear in log output when activations end up
* in a developer error. It is expected that sentinels are filtered in container.logs() even
* if they are not waited for.
* In case of a developer error, append a warning message to the logs that data might be missing.
* TODO: instead of just appending a warning message when a developer error occurs, we should
* have an out-of-band error handling that injects such messages later on.
* @param transid transaction id
* @param container container to obtain the log from
* @param action action that defines the log limit
* @param isTimedoutActivation is activation timed out
* @return a vector of Strings with log lines in our own JSON format
protected def logStream(transid: TransactionId,
container: Container,
logLimit: LogLimit,
sentinelledLogs: Boolean,
isDeveloperError: Boolean): Source[ByteString, Any] = {
// Wait for a sentinel only if no container (developer) error occurred to avoid
// that log collection continues if the action code still logs after developer error.
val waitForSentinel = sentinelledLogs && !isDeveloperError
val logs = container.logs(logLimit.asMegaBytes, waitForSentinel)(transid)
val logsWithPossibleError = if (isDeveloperError) {
ByteString(LogLine(, "stderr", Messages.logWarningDeveloperError).toJson.compactPrint)))
} else logs
* Determine whether the passed activation log had a log collecting error or not.
* It is expected that the log collecting stream appends a message from a well known
* set of error messages if log collecting failed.
* If the activation failed due to a developer error, an additional error message is appended.
* In that case, the second last message indicates whether there was a log collecting error AND
* the last message MUST be the additional error message mentioned above.
* TODO: this function needs to deal with different combinations of error / warning messages that
* were appended to / injected into the log collecting stream.
* Instead, we should have an out-of-band error handling that does not use log messages to
* detect error conditions but detects errors and appends error / warning messages in
* a different way.
* @param actLogs the activation logs to check
* @param logLimit the log limit applying to the activation
* @param isDeveloperError did activation fail due to developer error?
* @return true if log collecting failed, false otherwise
protected def isLogCollectingError(actLogs: ActivationLogs,
logLimit: LogLimit,
isDeveloperError: Boolean): Boolean = {
val logs = actLogs.logs
val logCollectingErrorMessages = Set(Messages.logFailure, Messages.truncateLogs(logLimit.asMegaBytes))
val lastLine: Option[String] = logs.lastOption
val secondLastLine: Option[String] = logs.takeRight(2).dropRight(1).lastOption
if (isDeveloperError) {
// Developer error: the second last line indicates whether there was a log collecting error.
val secondLastLineContainsLogCollectingError =
secondLastLine.exists(line => logCollectingErrorMessages.exists(line.contains))
// If a developer error occurred when initializing or running an action,
// the last message in logs must be Messages.logWarningDeveloperError.
// If not, this is a log collecting error.
val lastLineContainsDeveloperError = lastLine.exists(line => line.contains(Messages.logWarningDeveloperError))
secondLastLineContainsLogCollectingError || !lastLineContainsDeveloperError
} else {
// The last line indicates whether there was a log collecting error.
lastLine.exists(line => logCollectingErrorMessages.exists(line.contains))
override def collectLogs(transid: TransactionId,
user: Identity,
activation: WhiskActivation,
container: Container,
action: ExecutableWhiskAction): Future[ActivationLogs] = {
val logLimit = action.limits.logs
val isDeveloperError = activation.response.isContainerError // container error means developer error
val logs = logStream(transid, container, logLimit, action.exec.sentinelledLogs, isDeveloperError)
.flatMap { seq =>
val logs = ActivationLogs(seq.toVector)
if (!isLogCollectingError(logs, logLimit, isDeveloperError)) {
} else {
object DockerToActivationLogStoreProvider extends LogStoreProvider {
override def instance(actorSystem: ActorSystem): LogStore = new DockerToActivationLogStore(actorSystem)