blob: bc044f4212e57b17a64f26d03615eb4a3cba0e7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.RouteResult
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling._
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.{FeatureFlags, WhiskConfig}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.RestApiCommons.{ListLimit, ListSkip}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.actions.PostActionActivation
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.{ActivationStore, CacheChangeNotification, NoDocumentException}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.types.EntityStore
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.ErrorResponse.terminate
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Resource
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Collection
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.loadBalancer.LoadBalancerException
* A singleton object which defines the properties that must be present in a configuration
* in order to implement the actions API.
object WhiskActionsApi {
def requiredProperties = Map(WhiskConfig.actionSequenceMaxLimit -> null)
* Amends annotations on an action create/update with system defined values.
* This method currently adds the following annotations:
* 1. [[Annotations.ProvideApiKeyAnnotationName]] with the value false iff the annotation is not already defined in the action annotations
* 2. An [[execAnnotation]] consistent with the action kind; this annotation is always added and overrides a pre-existing value
protected[core] def amendAnnotations(annotations: Parameters, exec: Exec, create: Boolean = true): Parameters = {
val newAnnotations = if (create && FeatureFlags.requireApiKeyAnnotation) {
// these annotations are only added on newly created actions
// since they can break existing actions created before the
// annotation was created
.map(_ => annotations)
.getOrElse {
annotations ++ Parameters(Annotations.ProvideApiKeyAnnotationName, JsFalse)
} else annotations
newAnnotations ++ execAnnotation(exec)
* Constructs an "exec" annotation. This is redundant with the exec kind
* information available in WhiskAction but necessary for some clients which
* fetch action lists but cannot determine action kinds without fetching them.
* An alternative is to include the exec in the action list "view" but this
* will require an API change. So using an annotation instead.
private def execAnnotation(exec: Exec): Parameters = {
Parameters(WhiskAction.execFieldName, exec.kind)
/** A trait implementing the actions API. */
trait WhiskActionsApi extends WhiskCollectionAPI with PostActionActivation with ReferencedEntities {
services: WhiskServices =>
protected override val collection = Collection(Collection.ACTIONS)
/** An actor system for timed based futures. */
protected implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem
/** Database service to CRUD actions. */
protected val entityStore: EntityStore
/** Notification service for cache invalidation. */
protected implicit val cacheChangeNotification: Some[CacheChangeNotification]
/** Database service to get activations. */
protected val activationStore: ActivationStore
/** Entity normalizer to JSON object. */
import RestApiCommons.emptyEntityToJsObject
/** JSON response formatter. */
import RestApiCommons.jsonDefaultResponsePrinter
* Handles operations on action resources, which encompass these cases:
* 1. ns/foo -> subject must be authorized for one of { action(ns, *), action(ns, foo) },
* resource resolves to { action(ns, foo) }
* 2. ns/bar/foo -> where bar is a package
* subject must be authorized for one of { package(ns, *), package(ns, bar), action(, foo) }
* resource resolves to { action(, foo) }
* 3. ns/baz/foo -> where baz is a binding to ns'.bar
* subject must be authorized for one of { package(ns, *), package(ns, baz) }
* *and* one of { package(ns', *), package(ns', bar), action(ns'.bar, foo) }
* resource resolves to { action(ns'.bar, foo) }
* Note that package(ns, xyz) == action(, *) and if subject has rights to package(ns, xyz)
* then they also have rights to action(, *) since sharing is done at the package level and
* is not more granular; hence a check on action(, abc) is eschewed.
* Only list is supported for these resources:
* 4. ns/bar/ -> where bar is a package
* subject must be authorized for one of { package(ns, *), package(ns, bar) }
* resource resolves to { action(, *) }
* 5. ns/baz/ -> where baz is a binding to ns'.bar
* subject must be authorized for one of { package(ns, *), package(ns, baz) }
* *and* one of { package(ns', *), package(ns', bar) }
* resource resolves to { action(, *) }
protected override def innerRoutes(user: Identity, ns: EntityPath)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
(entityPrefix & entityOps & requestMethod) { (segment, m) =>
entityname(segment) { outername =>
pathEnd {
// matched /namespace/collection/name
// this is an action in default package, authorize and dispatch
authorizeAndDispatch(m, user, Resource(ns, collection, Some(outername)))
} ~ (get & pathSingleSlash) {
// matched GET /namespace/collection/package-name/
// list all actions in package iff subject is entitled to READ package
val resource = Resource(ns, Collection(Collection.PACKAGES), Some(outername))
onComplete(entitlementProvider.check(user, Privilege.READ, resource)) {
case Success(_) => listPackageActions(user, FullyQualifiedEntityName(ns, EntityName(outername)))
case Failure(f) => super.handleEntitlementFailure(f)
} ~ (entityPrefix & pathEnd) { segment =>
entityname(segment) { innername =>
// matched /namespace/collection/package-name/action-name
// this is an action in a named package
val packageDocId = FullyQualifiedEntityName(ns, EntityName(outername)).toDocId
val packageResource = Resource(ns.addPath(EntityName(outername)), collection, Some(innername))
val right = collection.determineRight(m, Some(innername))
onComplete(entitlementProvider.check(user, right, packageResource)) {
case Success(_) =>
getEntity(WhiskPackage.get(entityStore, packageDocId), Some {
if (right == Privilege.READ || right == Privilege.ACTIVATE) { wp: WhiskPackage =>
val actionResource = Resource(wp.fullPath, collection, Some(innername))
dispatchOp(user, right, actionResource)
} else {
// these packaged action operations do not need merging with the package,
// but may not be permitted if this is a binding, or if the subject does
// not have PUT and DELETE rights to the package itself
(wp: WhiskPackage) =>
wp.binding map { _ =>
terminate(BadRequest, Messages.notAllowedOnBinding)
} getOrElse {
val actionResource = Resource(wp.fullPath, collection, Some(innername))
dispatchOp(user, right, actionResource)
case Failure(f) => super.handleEntitlementFailure(f)
* Creates or updates action if it already exists. The PUT content is deserialized into a WhiskActionPut
* which is a subset of WhiskAction (it eschews the namespace and entity name since the former is derived
* from the authenticated user and the latter is derived from the URI). The WhiskActionPut is merged with
* the existing WhiskAction in the datastore, overriding old values with new values that are defined.
* Any values not defined in the PUT content are replaced with old values.
* Responses are one of (Code, Message)
* - 200 WhiskAction as JSON
* - 400 Bad Request
* - 409 Conflict
* - 500 Internal Server Error
override def create(user: Identity, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
parameter('overwrite ? false) { overwrite =>
entity(as[WhiskActionPut]) { content =>
val request = content.resolve(user.namespace)
val checkAdditionalPrivileges = entitleReferencedEntities(user, Privilege.READ, request.exec).flatMap {
case _ => entitlementProvider.check(user, content.exec)
onComplete(checkAdditionalPrivileges) {
case Success(_) =>
putEntity(WhiskAction, entityStore, entityName.toDocId, overwrite, update(user, request) _, () => {
make(user, entityName, request)
case Failure(f) =>
* Invokes action if it exists. The POST content is deserialized into a Payload and posted
* to the loadbalancer.
* Responses are one of (Code, Message)
* - 200 Activation as JSON if blocking or just the result JSON iff '&result=true'
* - 202 ActivationId as JSON (this is issued on non-blocking activation or blocking activation that times out)
* - 404 Not Found
* - 502 Bad Gateway
* - 500 Internal Server Error
override def activate(user: Identity, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName, env: Option[Parameters])(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
'blocking ? false,
'result ? false,
'[FiniteDuration] ? controllerActivationConfig.maxWaitForBlockingActivation) {
(blocking, result, waitOverride) =>
entity(as[Option[JsObject]]) { payload =>
getEntity(WhiskActionMetaData.resolveActionAndMergeParameters(entityStore, entityName), Some {
act: WhiskActionMetaData =>
// resolve the action --- special case for sequences that may contain components with '_' as default package
val action = act.resolve(user.namespace)
onComplete(entitleReferencedEntitiesMetaData(user, Privilege.ACTIVATE, Some(action.exec))) {
case Success(_) =>
val actionWithMergedParams = getOrElse action
// incoming parameters may not override final parameters (i.e., parameters with already defined values)
// on an action once its parameters are resolved across package and binding
val allowInvoke = payload
.map(_.fields.keySet.forall(key => !actionWithMergedParams.immutableParameters.contains(key)))
if (allowInvoke) {
doInvoke(user, actionWithMergedParams, payload, blocking, waitOverride, result)
} else {
terminate(BadRequest, Messages.parametersNotAllowed)
case Failure(f) =>
private def doInvoke(user: Identity,
actionWithMergedParams: WhiskActionMetaData,
payload: Option[JsObject],
blocking: Boolean,
waitOverride: FiniteDuration,
result: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): RequestContext => Future[RouteResult] = {
val waitForResponse = if (blocking) Some(waitOverride) else None
onComplete(invokeAction(user, actionWithMergedParams, payload, waitForResponse, cause = None)) {
case Success(Left(activationId)) =>
// non-blocking invoke or blocking invoke which got queued instead
respondWithActivationIdHeader(activationId) {
complete(Accepted, activationId.toJsObject)
case Success(Right(activation)) =>
val response = if (result) activation.resultAsJson else activation.toExtendedJson()
respondWithActivationIdHeader(activation.activationId) {
if (activation.response.isSuccess) {
complete(OK, response)
} else if (activation.response.isApplicationError) {
// actions that result is ApplicationError status are considered a 'success'
// and will have an 'error' property in the result - the HTTP status is OK
// and clients must check the response status if it exists
// NOTE: response status will not exist in the JSON object if ?result == true
// and instead clients must check if 'error' is in the JSON
// PRESERVING OLD BEHAVIOR and will address defect in separate change
complete(BadGateway, response)
} else if (activation.response.isContainerError) {
complete(BadGateway, response)
} else {
complete(InternalServerError, response)
case Failure(t: RecordTooLargeException) =>
logging.debug(this, s"[POST] action payload was too large")
case Failure(RejectRequest(code, message)) =>
logging.debug(this, s"[POST] action rejected with code $code: $message")
terminate(code, message)
case Failure(t: LoadBalancerException) =>
logging.error(this, s"[POST] failed in loadbalancer: ${t.getMessage}")
case Failure(t: Throwable) =>
logging.error(this, s"[POST] action activation failed: ${t.getMessage}")
* Deletes action.
* Responses are one of (Code, Message)
* - 200 WhiskAction as JSON
* - 404 Not Found
* - 409 Conflict
* - 500 Internal Server Error
override def remove(user: Identity, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
deleteEntity(WhiskAction, entityStore, entityName.toDocId, (a: WhiskAction) => Future.successful({}))
* Gets action. The action name is prefixed with the namespace to create the primary index key.
* Responses are one of (Code, Message)
* - 200 WhiskAction has JSON
* - 404 Not Found
* - 500 Internal Server Error
override def fetch(user: Identity, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName, env: Option[Parameters])(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
parameter('code ? true) { code =>
code match {
case true =>
getEntity(WhiskAction.resolveActionAndMergeParameters(entityStore, entityName), Some { action: WhiskAction =>
val mergedAction = env map {
action inherit _
} getOrElse action
complete(OK, mergedAction)
case false =>
getEntity(WhiskActionMetaData.resolveActionAndMergeParameters(entityStore, entityName), Some {
action: WhiskActionMetaData =>
val mergedAction = env map {
action inherit _
} getOrElse action
complete(OK, mergedAction)
* Gets all actions in a path.
* Responses are one of (Code, Message)
* - 200 [] or [WhiskAction as JSON]
* - 500 Internal Server Error
override def list(user: Identity, namespace: EntityPath)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
'[ListSkip] ? ListSkip(collection.defaultListSkip),
'[ListLimit] ? ListLimit(collection.defaultListLimit),
'count ? false) { (skip, limit, count) =>
if (!count) {
listEntities {
WhiskAction.listCollectionInNamespace(entityStore, namespace, skip.n, limit.n, includeDocs = false) map {
list =>
list.fold((js) => js, (as) =>
} else {
countEntities {
WhiskAction.countCollectionInNamespace(entityStore, namespace, skip.n)
/** Replaces default namespaces in a vector of components from a sequence with appropriate namespace. */
private def resolveDefaultNamespace(components: Vector[FullyQualifiedEntityName],
user: Identity): Vector[FullyQualifiedEntityName] = {
// if components are part of the default namespace, they contain `_`; replace it!
val resolvedComponents = components map { c =>
/** Replaces default namespaces in an action sequence with appropriate namespace. */
private def resolveDefaultNamespace(seq: SequenceExec, user: Identity): SequenceExec = {
// if components are part of the default namespace, they contain `_`; replace it!
val resolvedComponents = resolveDefaultNamespace(seq.components, user)
new SequenceExec(resolvedComponents)
* Creates a WhiskAction instance from the PUT request.
private def makeWhiskAction(content: WhiskActionPut, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val exec = content.exec.get
val limits = content.limits map { l =>
l.timeout getOrElse TimeLimit(),
l.memory getOrElse MemoryLimit(),
l.logs getOrElse LogLimit(),
l.concurrency getOrElse ConcurrencyLimit())
} getOrElse ActionLimits()
// This is temporary while we are making sequencing directly supported in the controller.
// The parameter override allows this to work with Pipecode.code. Any parameters other
// than the action sequence itself are discarded and have no effect.
// Note: While changing the implementation of sequences, components now store the fully qualified entity names
// (which loses the leading "/"). Adding it back while both versions of the code are in place.
val parameters = exec match {
case seq: SequenceExec =>
Parameters("_actions", JsArray(seq.components map { _.qualifiedNameWithLeadingSlash.toJson }))
case _ => content.parameters getOrElse Parameters()
content.version getOrElse SemVer(),
content.publish getOrElse false,
WhiskActionsApi.amendAnnotations(content.annotations getOrElse Parameters(), exec))
/** For a sequence action, gather referenced entities and authorize access. */
private def entitleReferencedEntities(user: Identity, right: Privilege, exec: Option[Exec])(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
exec match {
case Some(seq: SequenceExec) =>
logging.debug(this, "checking if sequence components are accessible")
entitlementProvider.check(user, right, referencedEntities(seq), noThrottle = true)
case _ => Future.successful(true)
private def entitleReferencedEntitiesMetaData(user: Identity, right: Privilege, exec: Option[ExecMetaDataBase])(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
exec match {
case Some(seq: SequenceExecMetaData) =>, "checking if sequence components are accessible")
entitlementProvider.check(user, right, referencedEntities(seq), noThrottle = true)
case _ => Future.successful(true)
/** Creates a WhiskAction from PUT content, generating default values where necessary. */
private def make(user: Identity, entityName: FullyQualifiedEntityName, content: WhiskActionPut)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
content.exec map {
case seq: SequenceExec =>
// check that the sequence conforms to max length and no recursion rules
checkSequenceActionLimits(entityName, seq.components) map { _ =>
makeWhiskAction(content.replace(seq), entityName)
case supportedExec if !supportedExec.deprecated =>
Future successful makeWhiskAction(content, entityName)
case deprecatedExec =>
Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, runtimeDeprecated(deprecatedExec))
} getOrElse Future.failed(RejectRequest(BadRequest, "exec undefined"))
/** Updates a WhiskAction from PUT content, merging old action where necessary. */
private def update(user: Identity, content: WhiskActionPut)(action: WhiskAction)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
content.exec map {
case seq: SequenceExec =>
// check that the sequence conforms to max length and no recursion rules
checkSequenceActionLimits(FullyQualifiedEntityName(action.namespace,, seq.components) map { _ =>
updateWhiskAction(content.replace(seq), action)
case supportedExec if !supportedExec.deprecated =>
Future successful updateWhiskAction(content, action)
case deprecatedExec =>
Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, runtimeDeprecated(deprecatedExec))
} getOrElse {
if (!action.exec.deprecated) {
Future successful updateWhiskAction(content, action)
} else {
Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, runtimeDeprecated(action.exec))
* Updates a WhiskAction instance from the PUT request.
private def updateWhiskAction(content: WhiskActionPut, action: WhiskAction)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val limits = content.limits map { l =>
l.timeout getOrElse action.limits.timeout,
l.memory getOrElse action.limits.memory,
l.logs getOrElse action.limits.logs,
l.concurrency getOrElse action.limits.concurrency)
} getOrElse action.limits
// This is temporary while we are making sequencing directly supported in the controller.
// Actions that are updated with a sequence will have their parameter property overridden.
// Actions that are updated with non-sequence actions will either set the parameter property according to
// the content provided, or if that is not defined, and iff the previous version of the action was not a
// sequence, inherit previous parameters. This is because sequence parameters are special and should not
// leak to non-sequence actions.
// If updating an action but not specifying a new exec type, then preserve the previous parameters if the
// existing type of the action is a sequence (regardless of what parameters may be defined in the content)
// otherwise, parameters are inferred from the content or previous values.
// Note: While changing the implementation of sequences, components now store the fully qualified entity names
// (which loses the leading "/"). Adding it back while both versions of the code are in place. This will disappear completely
// once the version of sequences with "pipe.js" is removed.
val parameters = content.exec map {
case seq: SequenceExec =>
Parameters("_actions", JsArray(seq.components map { c =>
JsString("/" + c.toString)
case _ =>
content.parameters getOrElse {
action.exec match {
case seq: SequenceExec => Parameters()
case _ => action.parameters
} getOrElse {
action.exec match {
case seq: SequenceExec => action.parameters // discard content.parameters
case _ => content.parameters getOrElse action.parameters
val exec = content.exec getOrElse action.exec
content.version getOrElse action.version.upPatch,
content.publish getOrElse action.publish,
WhiskActionsApi.amendAnnotations(content.annotations getOrElse action.annotations, exec, create = false))
* Lists actions in package or binding. The router authorized the subject for the package
* (if binding, then authorized subject for both the binding and the references package)
* and iff authorized, this method is reached to lists actions.
* Note that when listing actions in a binding, the namespace on the actions will be that
* of the referenced packaged, not the binding.
private def listPackageActions(user: Identity, pkgName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
// get the package to determine if it is a package or reference
// (this will set the appropriate namespace), and then list actions
// NOTE: these fetches are redundant with those from the authorization
// and should hit the cache to ameliorate the cost; this can be improved
// but requires communicating back from the authorization service the
// resolved namespace
getEntity(WhiskPackage.get(entityStore, pkgName.toDocId), Some { (wp: WhiskPackage) =>
val pkgns = wp.binding map { b =>
logging.debug(this, s"list actions in package binding '${}' -> '$b'")
} getOrElse {
logging.debug(this, s"list actions in package '${}'")
// list actions in resolved namespace
list(user, pkgns)
* Checks that the sequence is not cyclic and that the number of atomic actions in the "inlined" sequence is lower than max allowed.
* @param sequenceAction is the action sequence to check
* @param components the components of the sequence
private def checkSequenceActionLimits(
sequenceAction: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
components: Vector[FullyQualifiedEntityName])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
// first checks that current sequence length is allowed
// then traverses all actions in the sequence, inlining any that are sequences
val future = if (components.size > actionSequenceLimit) {
} else if (components.size == 0) {
} else {
// resolve the action document id (if it's in a package/binding);
// this assumes that entityStore is the same for actions and packages
WhiskAction.resolveAction(entityStore, sequenceAction) flatMap { resolvedSeq =>
val atomicActionCnt = countAtomicActionsAndCheckCycle(resolvedSeq, components)
atomicActionCnt map { count =>
logging.debug(this, s"sequence '$sequenceAction' atomic action count $count")
if (count > actionSequenceLimit) {
throw TooManyActionsInSequence()
future recoverWith {
case _: TooManyActionsInSequence => Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, sequenceIsTooLong)
case _: NoComponentInSequence => Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, sequenceNoComponent)
case _: SequenceWithCycle => Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, sequenceIsCyclic)
case _: NoDocumentException => Future failed RejectRequest(BadRequest, sequenceComponentNotFound)
* Counts the number of atomic actions in a sequence and checks for potential cycles. The latter is done
* by inlining any sequence components that are themselves sequences and checking if there if a reference to
* the given original sequence.
* @param origSequence the original sequence that is updated/created which generated the checks
* @param components the components of the a sequence to check if they reference the original sequence
* @return Future with the number of atomic actions in the current sequence or an appropriate error if there is a cycle or a non-existent action reference
private def countAtomicActionsAndCheckCycle(
origSequence: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
components: Vector[FullyQualifiedEntityName])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Int] = {
if (components.size > actionSequenceLimit) {
} else {
// resolve components wrt any package bindings
val resolvedComponentsFutures = components map { c =>
WhiskAction.resolveAction(entityStore, c)
// traverse the sequence structure by checking each of its components and do the following:
// 1. check whether any action (sequence or not) referred by the sequence (directly or indirectly)
// is the same as the original sequence (aka origSequence)
// 2. count the atomic actions each component has (by "inlining" all sequences)
val actionCountsFutures = resolvedComponentsFutures map {
_ flatMap { resolvedComponent =>
// check whether this component is the same as origSequence
// this can happen when updating an atomic action to become a sequence
if (origSequence == resolvedComponent) {
Future failed SequenceWithCycle()
} else {
// check whether component is a sequence or an atomic action
// if the component does not exist, the future will fail with appropriate error
WhiskAction.get(entityStore, resolvedComponent.toDocId) flatMap { wskComponent =>
wskComponent.exec match {
case SequenceExec(seqComponents) =>
// sequence action, count the number of atomic actions in this sequence
countAtomicActionsAndCheckCycle(origSequence, seqComponents)
case _ => Future successful 1 // atomic action count is one
// collapse the futures in one future
val actionCountsFuture = Future.sequence(actionCountsFutures)
// sum up all individual action counts per component
val totalActionCount = actionCountsFuture map { actionCounts =>
actionCounts.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
/** Max atomic action count allowed for sequences. */
private lazy val actionSequenceLimit = whiskConfig.actionSequenceLimit.toInt
implicit val stringToFiniteDuration: Unmarshaller[String, FiniteDuration] = {
Unmarshaller.strict[String, FiniteDuration] { value =>
val max = controllerActivationConfig.maxWaitForBlockingActivation.toMillis
Try { value.toInt } match {
case Success(i) if i > 0 && i <= max => i.milliseconds
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
/** Custom unmarshaller for query parameters "limit" for "list" operations. */
private implicit val stringToListLimit: Unmarshaller[String, ListLimit] = RestApiCommons.stringToListLimit(collection)
/** Custom unmarshaller for query parameters "skip" for "list" operations. */
private implicit val stringToListSkip: Unmarshaller[String, ListSkip] = RestApiCommons.stringToListSkip(collection)
private case class TooManyActionsInSequence() extends IllegalArgumentException
private case class NoComponentInSequence() extends IllegalArgumentException
private case class SequenceWithCycle() extends IllegalArgumentException