blob: 6707e343724a5250d0437ba7c3e0e6fdf0d9dee9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.cosmosdb
import java.util.Collections
import{Number, String}
import{PartitionKeyDefinition, SqlParameter, SqlParameterCollection, SqlQuerySpec}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.ActivationHandler.NS_PATH
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.WhisksHandler.ROOT_NS
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.cosmosdb.CosmosDBConstants.{alias, computed, deleted}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.{
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.WhiskQueries.TOP
private[cosmosdb] trait CosmosDBViewMapper {
protected val NOTHING = ""
protected val ALL_FIELDS = "*"
protected val notDeleted = s"(NOT(IS_DEFINED(r.$deleted)) OR r.$deleted = false)"
protected def handler: DocumentHandler
def prepareQuery(ddoc: String,
viewName: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean,
descending: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec
def prepareCountQuery(ddoc: String, viewName: String, startKey: List[Any], endKey: List[Any]): SqlQuerySpec
def indexingPolicy: IndexingPolicy
val partitionKeyDefn: PartitionKeyDefinition = {
val defn = new PartitionKeyDefinition
protected def checkKeys(startKey: List[Any], endKey: List[Any]): Unit = {
require(startKey.head == endKey.head, s"First key should be same => ($startKey) - ($endKey)")
protected def prepareSpec(query: String, params: List[(String, Any)]): SqlQuerySpec = {
val paramColl = new SqlParameterCollection
params.foreach { case (k, v) => paramColl.add(new SqlParameter(k, v)) }
new SqlQuerySpec(query, paramColl)
private[cosmosdb] abstract class SimpleMapper extends CosmosDBViewMapper {
def prepareQuery(ddoc: String,
viewName: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean,
descending: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec = {
checkKeys(startKey, endKey)
val selectClause = select(ddoc, viewName, limit, includeDocs)
val whereClause = where(ddoc, viewName, startKey, endKey)
val orderField = orderByField(ddoc, viewName)
val order = if (descending) "DESC" else NOTHING
val query = s"SELECT $selectClause FROM root r WHERE $notDeleted AND ${whereClause._1} ORDER BY $orderField $order"
prepareSpec(query, whereClause._2)
def prepareCountQuery(ddoc: String, viewName: String, startKey: List[Any], endKey: List[Any]): SqlQuerySpec = {
checkKeys(startKey, endKey)
val whereClause = where(ddoc, viewName, startKey, endKey)
val query = s"SELECT TOP 1 VALUE COUNT(r) FROM root r WHERE ${whereClause._1}"
prepareSpec(query, whereClause._2)
private def select(ddoc: String, viewName: String, limit: Int, includeDocs: Boolean): String = {
val fieldClause = if (includeDocs) ALL_FIELDS else prepareFieldClause(ddoc, viewName)
s"${top(limit)} $fieldClause"
private def top(limit: Int): String = {
if (limit > 0) s"TOP $limit" else NOTHING
private def prepareFieldClause(ddoc: String, viewName: String) =
CosmosDBUtil.prepareFieldClause(handler.fieldsRequiredForView(ddoc, viewName))
protected def where(ddoc: String,
viewName: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any]): (String, List[(String, Any)])
protected def orderByField(ddoc: String, viewName: String): String
private[cosmosdb] object WhisksViewMapper extends SimpleMapper {
private val NS = "namespace"
private val ROOT_NS_C = s"$computed.$ROOT_NS"
private val TYPE = "entityType"
private val UPDATED = "updated"
private val PUBLISH = "publish"
private val BINDING = "binding"
val handler = WhisksHandler
override def indexingPolicy: IndexingPolicy =
includedPaths = Set(
IncludedPath(s"/$TYPE/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$NS/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$computed/$ROOT_NS/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$UPDATED/?", Index(Range, Number, -1))))
override protected def where(ddoc: String,
view: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any]): (String, List[(String, Any)]) = {
val entityType = WhisksHandler.getEntityTypeForDesignDoc(ddoc, view)
val namespace = startKey.head
val (vc, vcParams) =
viewConditions(ddoc, view).map(q => (s"${q._1} AND", q._2)).getOrElse((NOTHING, Nil))
val params = ("@entityType", entityType) :: ("@namespace", namespace) :: vcParams
val baseCondition = s"$vc r.$TYPE = @entityType AND (r.$NS = @namespace OR r.$ROOT_NS_C = @namespace)"
(startKey, endKey) match {
case (_ :: Nil, _ :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(baseCondition, params)
case (_ :: (since: Number) :: Nil, _ :: `TOP` :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(s"$baseCondition AND r.$UPDATED >= @since", ("@since", since) :: params)
case (_ :: (since: Number) :: Nil, _ :: (upto: Number) :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(s"$baseCondition AND (r.$UPDATED BETWEEN @since AND @upto)", ("@upto", upto) :: ("@since", since) :: params)
case _ => throw UnsupportedQueryKeys(s"$ddoc/$view -> ($startKey, $endKey)")
private def viewConditions(ddoc: String, view: String): Option[(String, List[(String, Any)])] = {
view match {
case "packages-public" if ddoc.startsWith("whisks") =>
Some(s"r.$PUBLISH = true AND (NOT IS_OBJECT(r.$BINDING) OR r.$BINDING = {})", Nil)
case _ => None
override protected def orderByField(ddoc: String, view: String): String = view match {
case "actions" | "rules" | "triggers" | "packages" | "packages-public" if ddoc.startsWith("whisks") =>
case _ => throw UnsupportedView(s"$ddoc/$view")
private[cosmosdb] object ActivationViewMapper extends SimpleMapper {
private val NS = "namespace"
private val NS_WITH_PATH = s"$computed.$NS_PATH"
private val START = "start"
val handler = ActivationHandler
override def indexingPolicy: IndexingPolicy =
includedPaths = Set(
IncludedPath(s"/$NS/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$computed/$NS_PATH/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$START/?", Index(Range, Number, -1))))
override protected def where(ddoc: String,
view: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any]): (String, List[(String, Any)]) = {
val nsValue = startKey.head.asInstanceOf[String]
view match {
//whisks-filters ddoc uses namespace + invoking action path as first key
case "activations" if ddoc.startsWith("whisks-filters") =>
filterActivation(NS_WITH_PATH, nsValue, startKey, endKey)
//whisks ddoc uses namespace as first key
case "activations" if ddoc.startsWith("whisks") => filterActivation(NS, nsValue, startKey, endKey)
case _ => throw UnsupportedView(s"$ddoc/$view")
private def filterActivation(nsKey: String,
nsValue: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any]): (String, List[(String, Any)]) = {
val params = ("@nsvalue", nsValue) :: Nil
val filter = (startKey, endKey) match {
case (_ :: Nil, _ :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(s"r.$nsKey = @nsvalue", params)
case (_ :: (since: Number) :: Nil, _ :: `TOP` :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(s"r.$nsKey = @nsvalue AND r.$START >= @start", ("@start", since) :: params)
case (_ :: (since: Number) :: Nil, _ :: (upto: Number) :: `TOP` :: Nil) =>
(s"r.$nsKey = @nsvalue AND (r.$START BETWEEN @start AND @upto)", ("@upto", upto) :: ("@start", since) :: params)
case _ => throw UnsupportedQueryKeys(s"$startKey, $endKey")
override protected def orderByField(ddoc: String, view: String): String = view match {
case "activations" if ddoc.startsWith("whisks") => s"r.$START"
case _ => throw UnsupportedView(s"$ddoc/$view")
private[cosmosdb] object SubjectViewMapper extends CosmosDBViewMapper {
private val UUID = "uuid"
private val KEY = "key"
private val NSS = "namespaces"
private val CONCURRENT_INVOCATIONS = "concurrentInvocations"
private val INVOCATIONS_PER_MIN = "invocationsPerMinute"
private val BLOCKED = "blocked"
private val SUBJECT = "subject"
private val NAME = "name"
private val notBlocked = s"(NOT(IS_DEFINED(r.$BLOCKED)) OR r.$BLOCKED = false)"
val handler = SubjectHandler
override def indexingPolicy: IndexingPolicy =
//Booleans are indexed by default
//Specifying less precision for key as match on uuid should be sufficient
//and keys are bigger
includedPaths = Set(
IncludedPath(s"/$UUID/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$NSS/[]/$NAME/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$SUBJECT/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$NSS/[]/$UUID/?", Index(Range, String, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$CONCURRENT_INVOCATIONS/?", Index(Range, Number, -1)),
IncludedPath(s"/$INVOCATIONS_PER_MIN/?", Index(Range, Number, -1))))
override def prepareQuery(ddoc: String,
view: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean,
descending: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec =
prepareQuery(ddoc, view, startKey, endKey, count = false)
override def prepareCountQuery(ddoc: String, view: String, startKey: List[Any], endKey: List[Any]): SqlQuerySpec =
prepareQuery(ddoc, view, startKey, endKey, count = true)
private def prepareQuery(ddoc: String,
view: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
count: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec = {
require(startKey == endKey, s"startKey: $startKey and endKey: $endKey must be same for $ddoc/$view")
(ddoc, view) match {
case ("subjects", "identities") =>
queryForMatchingSubjectOrNamespace(ddoc, view, startKey, endKey, count)
case ("namespaceThrottlings", "blockedNamespaces") =>
case _ =>
throw UnsupportedView(s"$ddoc/$view")
private def queryForMatchingSubjectOrNamespace(ddoc: String,
view: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
count: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec = {
val (where, params) = startKey match {
case (ns: String) :: Nil =>
s"$notDeleted AND $notBlocked AND ((r.$SUBJECT = @name AND IS_DEFINED(r.$KEY)) OR n.$NAME = @name)",
("@name", ns) :: Nil)
case (uuid: String) :: (key: String) :: Nil =>
s"$notDeleted AND $notBlocked AND ((r.$UUID = @uuid AND r.$KEY = @key) OR (n.$UUID = @uuid AND n.$KEY = @key))",
("@uuid", uuid) :: ("@key", key) :: Nil)
case _ => throw UnsupportedQueryKeys(s"$ddoc/$view -> ($startKey, $endKey)")
prepareSpec(s"SELECT ${selectClause(count)} AS $alias FROM root r JOIN n in r.namespaces WHERE $where", params)
private def queryForBlacklistedNamespace(count: Boolean): SqlQuerySpec =
s"""SELECT ${selectClause(count)} AS $alias
FROM root r
WHERE (r.$BLOCKED = true
OR r.$INVOCATIONS_PER_MIN = 0) AND $notDeleted """,
private def selectClause(count: Boolean) = if (count) "TOP 1 VALUE COUNT(r)" else "r"