blob: 8a120ec5a5668724fa25f2b0bc70cbe4734fa92a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package actionContainers
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.exceptions.TestPendingException
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
trait BasicActionRunnerTests extends ActionProxyContainerTestUtils {
* Must be defined by the runtime test suites. A typical implementation looks like this:
* withContainer("container-image-name", env)(code)
* See [[ActionContainer.withContainer]] for details.
* @param env the environment to pass to the container
* @param code the code to initialize with
def withActionContainer(env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)(code: ActionContainer => Unit): (String, String)
* Runs tests for actions which receive an empty initializer (no source or exec).
* @param stub true if the proxy provides a stub
def testNoSourceOrExec: TestConfig
* Runs tests for actions which receive an empty code initializer (exec with code equal to the empty string).
* @param stub true if the proxy provides a stub
def testNoSource = testNoSourceOrExec
* Runs tests for actions which do not return a dictionary and confirms expected error messages.
* @param code code to execute, should not return a JSON object
* @param main the main function
* @param checkResultInLogs should be true iff the result of the action is expected to appear in stdout or stderr
def testNotReturningJson: TestConfig
* Tests that an action will not allow more than one initialization and confirms expected error messages.
* @param code the code to execute, the identity/echo function is sufficient.
* @param main the main function
def testInitCannotBeCalledMoreThanOnce: TestConfig
* Tests the echo action for an entry point other than "main".
* @param code the code to execute, must be the identity/echo function.
* @param main the main function to run, must not be "main"
def testEntryPointOtherThanMain: TestConfig
* Tests the echo action for different input parameters.
* The test actions must also print hello [stdout, stderr] to the respective streams.
* @param code the code to execute, must be the identity/echo function.
* @param main the main function
def testEcho: TestConfig
* Tests a unicode action. The action must properly handle unicode characters in the executable,
* receive a unicode character, and construct a response with a unicode character. It must also
* emit unicode characters correctly to stdout.
* @param code a function { delimiter } => { winter: "❄ " + delimiter + " ❄"}
* @param main the main function
def testUnicode: TestConfig
* Tests the action constructs the activation context correctly.
* @param code a function returning the activation context consisting of the following dictionary
* { "api_host": process.env.__OW_API_HOST,
* "api_key": process.env__OW_API_KEY,
* "namespace": process.env.__OW_NAMESPACE,
* "action_name": process.env.__OW_ACTION_NAME,
* "activation_id": process.env.__OW_ACTIVATION_ID,
* "deadline": process.env.__OW_DEADLINE
* }
* @param main the main function
* @param enforceEmptyOutputStream true to check empty stdout stream
* @param enforceEmptyErrorStream true to check empty stderr stream
def testEnv: TestConfig
* Tests that action parameters at initialization time are available before an action
* is initialized. The value of a parameter is always a String (and may include the empty string).
* @param code a function returning a dictionary consisting of the following properties
* { "SOME_VAR" : process.env.SOME_VAR,
* "ANOTHER_VAR": process.env.ANOTHER_VAR
* }
* @param main the main function
def testEnvParameters: TestConfig = TestConfig("", skipTest = true) // so as not to break downstream dependencies
* Tests the action to confirm it can handle a large parameter (larger than 128K) when using STDIN.
* @param code the identity/echo function.
* @param main the main function
def testLargeInput: TestConfig
behavior of "runtime proxy"
it should "handle initialization with no code" in {
val config = testNoSource
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, out) = c.init(initPayload("", ""))
if (config.hasCodeStub) {
initCode should be(200)
} else {
initCode should not be (200)
it should "handle initialization with no content" in {
val config = testNoSourceOrExec
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, out) = c.init(JsObject.empty)
if (!config.hasCodeStub) {
initCode should not be (200)
out should {
be(Some(JsObject("error" -> JsString("Missing main/no code to execute.")))) or
JsObject("error" -> JsString("The action failed to generate or locate a binary. See logs for details."))))
} else {
initCode should be(200)
it should "run and report an error for function not returning a json object" in {
val config = testNotReturningJson
if (!config.skipTest) { // this may not be possible in types languages
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, out) =
runCode should not be (200)
out should be(Some(JsObject("error" -> JsString("The action did not return a dictionary."))))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
// some runtimes may emita an error message,
// or for native runtimes emit the result to stdout
if (config.enforceEmptyOutputStream) o shouldBe empty
if (config.enforceEmptyErrorStream) e shouldBe empty
it should "fail to initialize a second time" in {
val config = testInitCannotBeCalledMoreThanOnce
val errorMessage = "Cannot initialize the action more than once."
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode1, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode1 should be(200)
val (initCode2, error2) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode2 should not be (200)
error2 should be(Some(JsObject("error" -> JsString(errorMessage))))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
(o + e) should include(errorMessage)
}, sentinelCount = 0)
it should s"invoke non-standard entry point" in {
val config = testEntryPointOtherThanMain
config.main should not be ("main")
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
val arg = JsObject("string" -> JsString("hello"))
val (runCode, out) =
runCode should be(200)
out should be(Some(arg))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
// some native runtimes will emit the result to stdout
if (config.enforceEmptyOutputStream) o shouldBe empty
e shouldBe empty
it should s"echo arguments and print message to stdout/stderr" in {
val config = testEcho
val argss = List(
JsObject("string" -> JsString("hello")),
JsObject("string" -> JsString("❄ ☃ ❄")),
JsObject("numbers" -> JsArray(JsNumber(42), JsNumber(1))),
// JsObject("boolean" -> JsTrue), // fails with swift3 returning boolean: 1
JsObject("object" -> JsObject("a" -> JsString("A"))))
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
for (args <- argss) {
val (runCode, out) =
runCode should be(200)
out should be(Some(args))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o should include("hello stdout")
// some languages may not support printing to stderr
if (!config.skipTest) e should include("hello stderr")
}, argss.length)
it should s"handle unicode in source, input params, logs, and result" in {
val config = testUnicode
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) ="delimiter" -> JsString("❄"))))
runRes.get.fields.get("winter") shouldBe Some(JsString("❄ ☃ ❄"))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, _) =>
o.toLowerCase should include("❄ ☃ ❄")
it should s"export environment variables before initialization" in {
val config = testEnvParameters
if (config.skipTest) {
throw new TestPendingException
} else {
val env = Map("SOME_VAR" -> JsString("xyz"), "ANOTHER_VAR" -> JsString.empty)
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main, Some(env)))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, out) =
runCode should be(200)
out shouldBe defined
val fields = out.get.fields
fields("SOME_VAR") shouldBe JsString("xyz")
fields("ANOTHER_VAR") shouldBe JsString("")
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
if (config.enforceEmptyOutputStream) o shouldBe empty
if (config.enforceEmptyErrorStream) e shouldBe empty
it should s"confirm expected environment variables" in {
val config = testEnv
val props = Seq(
"api_host" -> "xyz",
"api_key" -> "abc",
"namespace" -> "zzz",
"action_name" -> "xxx",
"activation_id" -> "iii",
"deadline" -> "123")
val env = { case (k, v) => s"__OW_${k.toUpperCase()}" -> v }
val (out, err) = withActionContainer(env.take(1).toMap) { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, out) =, Some(props.toMap.toJson.asJsObject)))
runCode should be(200)
out shouldBe defined {
case (k, v) =>
withClue(k) {
out.get.fields(k) shouldBe JsString(v)
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
if (config.enforceEmptyOutputStream) o shouldBe empty
if (config.enforceEmptyErrorStream) e shouldBe empty
it should s"echo a large input" in {
val config = testLargeInput
if (config.skipTest) {
throw new TestPendingException
} else {
var passed = true
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(config.code, config.main))
initCode should be(200)
val arg = JsObject("arg" -> JsString(("a" * 1048561)))
val (_, runRes) =
if (runRes.get != arg) {
println(s"result did not match: ${runRes.get}")
passed = false
if (!passed) {
case class TestConfig(code: String,
main: String = "main",
enforceEmptyOutputStream: Boolean = true,
enforceEmptyErrorStream: Boolean = true,
hasCodeStub: Boolean = false,
skipTest: Boolean = false)