blob: 1fecfbf922c6b77be98854d737b823dbfb82e92a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, Props}
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.MetricEmitter
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{AkkaLogging, LoggingMarkers, TransactionId}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.MessageFeed
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try
sealed trait WorkerState
case object Busy extends WorkerState
case object Free extends WorkerState
case class WorkerData(data: ContainerData, state: WorkerState)
case object EmitMetrics
* A pool managing containers to run actions on.
* This pool fulfills the other half of the ContainerProxy contract. Only
* one job (either Start or Run) is sent to a child-actor at any given
* time. The pool then waits for a response of that container, indicating
* the container is done with the job. Only then will the pool send another
* request to that container.
* Upon actor creation, the pool will start to prewarm containers according
* to the provided prewarmConfig, iff set. Those containers will **not** be
* part of the poolsize calculation, which is capped by the poolSize parameter.
* Prewarm containers are only used, if they have matching arguments
* (kind, memory) and there is space in the pool.
* @param childFactory method to create new container proxy actor
* @param feed actor to request more work from
* @param prewarmConfig optional settings for container prewarming
* @param poolConfig config for the ContainerPool
class ContainerPool(childFactory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef,
feed: ActorRef,
prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig] = List.empty,
poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig)
extends Actor {
import ContainerPool.memoryConsumptionOf
implicit val logging = new AkkaLogging(context.system.log)
implicit val ec = context.dispatcher
var freePool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, ContainerData]
var busyPool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, ContainerData]
var prewarmedPool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, ContainerData]
// If all memory slots are occupied and if there is currently no container to be removed, than the actions will be
// buffered here to keep order of computation.
// Otherwise actions with small memory-limits could block actions with large memory limits.
var runBuffer = immutable.Queue.empty[Run]
val logMessageInterval = 10.seconds
//periodically emit metrics (don't need to do this for each message!)
context.system.scheduler.schedule(30.seconds, 10.seconds, self, EmitMetrics)
prewarmConfig.foreach { config =>, s"pre-warming ${config.count} ${config.exec.kind} ${config.memoryLimit.toString}")(
(1 to config.count).foreach { _ =>
prewarmContainer(config.exec, config.memoryLimit)
def logContainerStart(r: Run, containerState: String, activeActivations: Int, container: Option[Container]): Unit = {
val namespaceName =
val actionName =
val maxConcurrent = r.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent
val activationId = r.msg.activationId.toString
s"containerStart containerState: $containerState container: $container activations: $activeActivations of max $maxConcurrent action: $actionName namespace: $namespaceName activationId: $activationId",
def receive: Receive = {
// A job to run on a container
// Run messages are received either via the feed or from child containers which cannot process
// their requests and send them back to the pool for rescheduling (this may happen if "docker" operations
// fail for example, or a container has aged and was destroying itself when a new request was assigned)
case r: Run =>
// Check if the message is resent from the buffer. Only the first message on the buffer can be resent.
val isResentFromBuffer = runBuffer.nonEmpty && runBuffer.dequeueOption.exists(_._1.msg == r.msg)
// Only process request, if there are no other requests waiting for free slots, or if the current request is the
// next request to process
// It is guaranteed, that only the first message on the buffer is resent.
if (runBuffer.isEmpty || isResentFromBuffer) {
val createdContainer =
// Is there enough space on the invoker for this action to be executed.
if (hasPoolSpaceFor(busyPool, r.action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB)) {
// Schedule a job to a warm container
.schedule(r.action,, freePool)
.map(container => (container, container._2.initingState)) //warmed, warming, and warmingCold always know their state
// There was no warm/warming/warmingCold container. Try to take a prewarm container or a cold container.
// Is there enough space to create a new container or do other containers have to be removed?
if (hasPoolSpaceFor(busyPool ++ freePool, r.action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB)) {
.map(container => (container, "prewarmed"))
.orElse(Some(createContainer(r.action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB), "cold"))
} else None)
// Remove a container and create a new one for the given job
// Only free up the amount, that is really needed to free up
.remove(freePool, Math.min(r.action.limits.memory.megabytes, memoryConsumptionOf(freePool)).MB)
// If the list had at least one entry, enough containers were removed to start the new container. After
// removing the containers, we are not interested anymore in the containers that have been removed.
.map(_ =>
.map(container => (container, "recreatedPrewarm"))
.getOrElse(createContainer(r.action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB), "recreated")))
} else None
createdContainer match {
case Some(((actor, data), containerState)) =>
//increment active count before storing in pool map
val newData = data.nextRun(r)
val container = newData.getContainer
if (newData.activeActivationCount < 1) {
logging.error(this, s"invalid activation count < 1 ${newData}")
//only move to busyPool if max reached
if (!newData.hasCapacity()) {
if (r.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent > 1) {
s"container ${container} is now busy with ${newData.activeActivationCount} activations")
busyPool = busyPool + (actor -> newData)
freePool = freePool - actor
} else {
//update freePool to track counts
freePool = freePool + (actor -> newData)
// Remove the action that get's executed now from the buffer and execute the next one afterwards.
if (isResentFromBuffer) {
// It is guaranteed that the currently executed messages is the head of the queue, if the message comes
// from the buffer
val (_, newBuffer) = runBuffer.dequeue
runBuffer = newBuffer
runBuffer.dequeueOption.foreach { case (run, _) => self ! run }
actor ! r // forwards the run request to the container
logContainerStart(r, containerState, newData.activeActivationCount, container)
case None =>
// this can also happen if createContainer fails to start a new container, or
// if a job is rescheduled but the container it was allocated to has not yet destroyed itself
// (and a new container would over commit the pool)
val isErrorLogged =
val retryLogDeadline = if (isErrorLogged) {
s"Rescheduling Run message, too many message in the pool, " +
s"freePoolSize: ${freePool.size} containers and ${memoryConsumptionOf(freePool)} MB, " +
s"busyPoolSize: ${busyPool.size} containers and ${memoryConsumptionOf(busyPool)} MB, " +
s"maxContainersMemory ${poolConfig.userMemory.toMB} MB, " +
s"userNamespace: ${}, action: ${r.action}, " +
s"needed memory: ${r.action.limits.memory.megabytes} MB, " +
s"waiting messages: ${runBuffer.size}")(r.msg.transid)
} else {
if (!isResentFromBuffer) {
// Add this request to the buffer, as it is not there yet.
runBuffer = runBuffer.enqueue(r)
// As this request is the first one in the buffer, try again to execute it.
self ! Run(r.action, r.msg, retryLogDeadline)
} else {
// There are currently actions waiting to be executed before this action gets executed.
// These waiting actions were not able to free up enough memory.
runBuffer = runBuffer.enqueue(r)
// Container is free to take more work
case NeedWork(warmData: WarmedData) =>
feed ! MessageFeed.Processed
val oldData = freePool.get(sender()).getOrElse(busyPool(sender()))
val newData =
warmData.copy(lastUsed = oldData.lastUsed, activeActivationCount = oldData.activeActivationCount - 1)
if (newData.activeActivationCount < 0) {
logging.error(this, s"invalid activation count after warming < 1 ${newData}")
if (newData.hasCapacity()) {
//remove from busy pool (may already not be there), put back into free pool (to update activation counts)
freePool = freePool + (sender() -> newData)
if (busyPool.contains(sender())) {
busyPool = busyPool - sender()
if (newData.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent > 1) {
s"concurrent container ${newData.container} is no longer busy with ${newData.activeActivationCount} activations")
} else {
busyPool = busyPool + (sender() -> newData)
freePool = freePool - sender()
// Container is prewarmed and ready to take work
case NeedWork(data: PreWarmedData) =>
prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool + (sender() -> data)
// Container got removed
case ContainerRemoved =>
// if container was in free pool, it may have been processing (but under capacity),
// so there is capacity to accept another job request
freePool.get(sender()).foreach { f =>
freePool = freePool - sender()
if (f.activeActivationCount > 0) {
feed ! MessageFeed.Processed
// container was busy (busy indicates at full capacity), so there is capacity to accept another job request
busyPool.get(sender()).foreach { _ =>
busyPool = busyPool - sender()
feed ! MessageFeed.Processed
// This message is received for one of these reasons:
// 1. Container errored while resuming a warm container, could not process the job, and sent the job back
// 2. The container aged, is destroying itself, and was assigned a job which it had to send back
// 3. The container aged and is destroying itself
// Update the free/busy lists but no message is sent to the feed since there is no change in capacity yet
case RescheduleJob =>
freePool = freePool - sender()
busyPool = busyPool - sender()
case EmitMetrics =>
/** Creates a new container and updates state accordingly. */
def createContainer(memoryLimit: ByteSize): (ActorRef, ContainerData) = {
val ref = childFactory(context)
val data = MemoryData(memoryLimit)
freePool = freePool + (ref -> data)
ref -> data
/** Creates a new prewarmed container */
def prewarmContainer(exec: CodeExec[_], memoryLimit: ByteSize): Unit =
childFactory(context) ! Start(exec, memoryLimit)
* Takes a prewarm container out of the prewarmed pool
* iff a container with a matching kind and memory is found.
* @param action the action that holds the kind and the required memory.
* @return the container iff found
def takePrewarmContainer(action: ExecutableWhiskAction): Option[(ActorRef, ContainerData)] = {
val kind = action.exec.kind
val memory = action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB
.find {
case (_, PreWarmedData(_, `kind`, `memory`, _)) => true
case _ => false
.map {
case (ref, data) =>
// Move the container to the usual pool
freePool = freePool + (ref -> data)
prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool - ref
// Create a new prewarm container
// NOTE: prewarming ignores the action code in exec, but this is dangerous as the field is accessible to the
// factory
prewarmContainer(action.exec, memory)
(ref, data)
/** Removes a container and updates state accordingly. */
def removeContainer(toDelete: ActorRef) = {
toDelete ! Remove
freePool = freePool - toDelete
busyPool = busyPool - toDelete
* Calculate if there is enough free memory within a given pool.
* @param pool The pool, that has to be checked, if there is enough free memory.
* @param memory The amount of memory to check.
* @return true, if there is enough space for the given amount of memory.
def hasPoolSpaceFor[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData], memory: ByteSize): Boolean = {
memoryConsumptionOf(pool) + memory.toMB <= poolConfig.userMemory.toMB
* Log metrics about pool state (buffer size, buffer memory requirements, active number, active memory, prewarm number, prewarm memory)
private def emitMetrics() = {
MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_RUNBUFFER_COUNT, runBuffer.size)
val containersInUse = freePool.filter(_._2.activeActivationCount > 0) ++ busyPool
MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_ACTIVE_COUNT, containersInUse.size)
MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_PREWARM_COUNT, prewarmedPool.size)
object ContainerPool {
* Calculate the memory of a given pool.
* @param pool The pool with the containers.
* @return The memory consumption of all containers in the pool in Megabytes.
protected[containerpool] def memoryConsumptionOf[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData]): Long = {
* Finds the best container for a given job to run on.
* Selects an arbitrary warm container from the passed pool of idle containers
* that matches the action and the invocation namespace. The implementation uses
* matching such that structural equality of action and the invocation namespace
* is required.
* Returns None iff no matching container is in the idle pool.
* Does not consider pre-warmed containers.
* @param action the action to run
* @param invocationNamespace the namespace, that wants to run the action
* @param idles a map of idle containers, awaiting work
* @return a container if one found
protected[containerpool] def schedule[A](action: ExecutableWhiskAction,
invocationNamespace: EntityName,
idles: Map[A, ContainerData]): Option[(A, ContainerData)] = {
.find {
case (_, c @ WarmedData(_, `invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true
case _ => false
.orElse {
idles.find {
case (_, c @ WarmingData(_, `invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true
case _ => false
.orElse {
idles.find {
case (_, c @ WarmingColdData(`invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true
case _ => false
* Finds the oldest previously used container to remove to make space for the job passed to run.
* Depending on the space that has to be allocated, several containers might be removed.
* NOTE: This method is never called to remove an action that is in the pool already,
* since this would be picked up earlier in the scheduler and the container reused.
* @param pool a map of all free containers in the pool
* @param memory the amount of memory that has to be freed up
* @return a list of containers to be removed iff found
protected[containerpool] def remove[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData],
memory: ByteSize,
toRemove: List[A] = List.empty): List[A] = {
// Try to find a Free container that does NOT have any active activations AND is initialized with any OTHER action
val freeContainers = pool.collect {
// Only warm containers will be removed. Prewarmed containers will stay always.
case (ref, w: WarmedData) if w.activeActivationCount == 0 =>
ref -> w
if (memory > 0.B && freeContainers.nonEmpty && memoryConsumptionOf(freeContainers) >= memory.toMB) {
// Remove the oldest container if:
// - there is more memory required
// - there are still containers that can be removed
// - there are enough free containers that can be removed
val (ref, data) = freeContainers.minBy(_._2.lastUsed)
// Catch exception if remaining memory will be negative
val remainingMemory = Try(memory - data.memoryLimit).getOrElse(0.B)
remove(freeContainers - ref, remainingMemory, toRemove ++ List(ref))
} else {
// If this is the first call: All containers are in use currently, or there is more memory needed than
// containers can be removed.
// Or, if this is one of the recursions: Enough containers are found to get the memory, that is
// necessary. -> Abort recursion
def props(factory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef,
poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig,
feed: ActorRef,
prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig] = List.empty) =
Props(new ContainerPool(factory, feed, prewarmConfig, poolConfig))
/** Contains settings needed to perform container prewarming. */
case class PrewarmingConfig(count: Int, exec: CodeExec[_], memoryLimit: ByteSize)