blob: 88f4f11b4f59288924c004c1504c817364a13a9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector
import scala.util.Try
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse.{statusForCode, ERROR_FIELD}
import org.apache.openwhisk.utils.JsHelpers
/** Basic trait for messages that are sent on a message bus connector. */
trait Message {
* A transaction id to attach to the message.
val transid = TransactionId.unknown
* Serializes message to string. Must be idempotent.
def serialize: String
* String representation of the message. Delegates to serialize.
override def toString = serialize
case class ActivationMessage(override val transid: TransactionId,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
revision: DocRevision,
user: Identity,
activationId: ActivationId,
rootControllerIndex: ControllerInstanceId,
blocking: Boolean,
content: Option[JsObject],
initArgs: Set[String] = Set.empty,
lockedArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
cause: Option[ActivationId] = None,
traceContext: Option[Map[String, String]] = None)
extends Message {
override def serialize = ActivationMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
override def toString = {
val value = (content getOrElse JsObject.empty).compactPrint
def causedBySequence: Boolean = cause.isDefined
* Message that is sent from the invoker to the controller after action is completed or after slot is free again for
* new actions.
abstract class AcknowledegmentMessage(private val tid: TransactionId) extends Message {
override val transid: TransactionId = tid
override def serialize: String = AcknowledegmentMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
/** Pithy descriptor for logging. */
def messageType: String
/** Does message indicate slot is free? */
def isSlotFree: Option[InstanceId]
/** Does message contain a result? */
def result: Option[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]]
* Is the acknowledgement for an activation that failed internally?
* For some message, this is not relevant and the result is None.
def isSystemError: Option[Boolean]
def activationId: ActivationId
/** Serializes the message to JSON. */
def toJson: JsValue
* Converts the message to a more compact form if it cannot cross the message bus as is or some of its details are not necessary.
def shrink: AcknowledegmentMessage
* This message is sent from an invoker to the controller in situations when the resource slot and the action
* result are available at the same time, and so the split-phase notification is not necessary. Instead the message
* combines the `CompletionMessage` and `ResultMessage`. The `response` may be an `ActivationId` to allow for failures
* to send the activation result because of event-bus size limitations.
* The constructor is private so that callers must use the more restrictive constructors which ensure the respose is always
* Right when this message is created.
case class CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId,
response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation],
override val isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId)
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "combined"
override def result = Some(response)
override def isSlotFree = Some(instance)
override def activationId = response.fold(identity, _.activationId)
override def toJson = CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = copy(response = response.flatMap(a => Left(a.activationId)))
override def toString = activationId.asString
* This message is sent from an invoker to the controller, once the resource slot in the invoker (used by the
* corresponding activation) free again (i.e., after log collection). The `CompletionMessage` is part of a split
* phase notification to the load balancer where an invoker first sends a `ResultMessage` and later sends the
* `CompletionMessage`.
case class CompletionMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId,
override val activationId: ActivationId,
override val isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId)
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "completion"
override def result = None
override def isSlotFree = Some(instance)
override def toJson = CompletionMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = this
override def toString = activationId.asString
* This message is sent from an invoker to the load balancer once an action result is available for blocking actions.
* This is part of a split phase notification, and does not indicate that the slot is available, which is indicated with
* a `CompletionMessage`. Note that activation record will not contain any logs from the action execution, only the result.
* The constructor is private so that callers must use the more restrictive constructors which ensure the respose is always
* Right when this message is created.
case class ResultMessage private (override val transid: TransactionId, response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation])
extends AcknowledegmentMessage(transid) {
override def messageType = "result"
override def result = Some(response)
override def isSlotFree = None
override def isSystemError = response.fold(_ => None, a => Some(a.response.isWhiskError))
override def activationId = response.fold(identity, _.activationId)
override def toJson = ResultMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def shrink = copy(response = response.flatMap(a => Left(a.activationId)))
override def toString = activationId.asString
object ActivationMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat12(ActivationMessage.apply)
object CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation],
isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId): CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage =
new CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage(transid, activation, isSystemError, instance)
def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: WhiskActivation,
instance: InstanceId): CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage =
new CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage(transid, Right(activation), Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
implicit private val eitherSerdes = AcknowledegmentMessage.eitherResponse
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat4(
.apply(_: TransactionId, _: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation], _: Option[Boolean], _: InstanceId))
object CompletionMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId,
activation: WhiskActivation,
isSystemError: Option[Boolean],
instance: InstanceId): CompletionMessage =
new CompletionMessage(transid, activation.activationId, Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
def apply(transid: TransactionId, activation: WhiskActivation, instance: InstanceId): CompletionMessage = {
new CompletionMessage(transid, activation.activationId, Some(activation.response.isWhiskError), instance)
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat4(
CompletionMessage.apply(_: TransactionId, _: ActivationId, _: Option[Boolean], _: InstanceId))
object ResultMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// this constructor is restricted to ensure the message is always created with certain invariants
private def apply(transid: TransactionId, response: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]): ResultMessage =
new ResultMessage(transid, response)
def apply(transid: TransactionId, activation: WhiskActivation): ResultMessage =
new ResultMessage(transid, Right(activation))
implicit private val eitherSerdes = AcknowledegmentMessage.eitherResponse
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat2(ResultMessage.apply(_: TransactionId, _: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]))
object AcknowledegmentMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[AcknowledegmentMessage] = Try(
protected[connector] val eitherResponse = new JsonFormat[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] {
def write(either: Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]) = either.fold(_.toJson, _.toJson)
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
case _: JsString =>
// per the ActivationId serializer, an activation id is a String even if it only consists of digits
case _: JsObject => Right(value.convertTo[WhiskActivation])
case _ => deserializationError("could not read ResultMessage")
implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[AcknowledegmentMessage] {
override def write(m: AcknowledegmentMessage): JsValue = m.toJson
// The field invoker is only part of CombinedCompletionAndResultMessage and CompletionMessage.
// If this field is part of the JSON, we try to deserialize into one of these two types,
// and otherwise to a ResultMessage. If all conversions fail, an error will be thrown that needs to be handled.
override def read(json: JsValue): AcknowledegmentMessage = {
val JsObject(fields) = json
val completion = fields.contains("instance")
val result = fields.contains("response")
if (completion && result) {
} else if (completion) {
} else {
case class PingMessage(instance: InvokerInstanceId) extends Message {
override def serialize = PingMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
object PingMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat(PingMessage.apply _, "name")
trait EventMessageBody extends Message {
def typeName: String
object EventMessageBody extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val format = new JsonFormat[EventMessageBody] {
def write(eventMessageBody: EventMessageBody) = eventMessageBody match {
case m: Metric => m.toJson
case a: Activation => a.toJson
def read(value: JsValue) =
if (value.asJsObject.fields.contains("metricName")) {
} else {
case class Activation(name: String,
activationId: String,
statusCode: Int,
duration: Duration,
waitTime: Duration,
initTime: Duration,
kind: String,
conductor: Boolean,
memory: Int,
causedBy: Option[String],
size: Option[Int] = None,
userDefinedStatusCode: Option[Int] = None)
extends EventMessageBody {
val typeName = Activation.typeName
override def serialize = toJson.compactPrint
def entityPath: FullyQualifiedEntityName = EntityPath(name).toFullyQualifiedEntityName
def toJson = Activation.activationFormat.write(this)
def status: String = statusForCode(statusCode)
def isColdStart: Boolean = initTime != Duration.Zero
def namespace: String =
def action: String = entityPath.fullPath.relativePath.get.namespace
object Activation extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
val typeName = "Activation"
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
private implicit val durationFormat = new RootJsonFormat[Duration] {
override def write(obj: Duration): JsValue = obj match {
case o if o.isFinite => JsNumber(o.toMillis)
case _ =>
override def read(json: JsValue): Duration = json match {
case JsNumber(n) if n <= 0 => Duration.Zero
case JsNumber(n) => toDuration(n.longValue)
implicit val activationFormat =
Activation.apply _,
/** Get "StatusCode" from result response set by action developer **/
def userDefinedStatusCode(result: Option[JsValue]): Option[Int] = {
val statusCode = JsHelpers
.getFieldPath(result.get.asJsObject, ERROR_FIELD, "statusCode")
.orElse(JsHelpers.getFieldPath(result.get.asJsObject, "statusCode")) {
case value => Try(value.convertTo[BigInt].intValue).toOption.getOrElse(BadRequest.intValue)
/** Constructs an "Activation" event from a WhiskActivation */
def from(a: WhiskActivation): Try[Activation] = {
for {
// There are no sensible defaults for these fields, so they are required. They should always be there but there is
// no static analysis to proof that so we're defensive here.
fqn <- a.annotations.getAs[String](WhiskActivation.pathAnnotation)
kind <- a.annotations.getAs[String](WhiskActivation.kindAnnotation)
} yield {
def toDuration(milliseconds: Long) = new FiniteDuration(milliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case class Metric(metricName: String, metricValue: Long) extends EventMessageBody {
val typeName = "Metric"
override def serialize = toJson.compactPrint
def toJson = Metric.metricFormat.write(this).asJsObject
object Metric extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
val typeName = "Metric"
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
implicit val metricFormat = jsonFormat(Metric.apply _, "metricName", "metricValue")
case class EventMessage(source: String,
body: EventMessageBody,
subject: Subject,
namespace: String,
userId: UUID,
eventType: String,
timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis())
extends Message {
override def serialize = EventMessage.format.write(this).compactPrint
object EventMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val format =
jsonFormat(EventMessage.apply _, "source", "body", "subject", "namespace", "userId", "eventType", "timestamp")
def from(a: WhiskActivation, source: String, userId: UUID): Try[EventMessage] = {
Activation.from(a).map { body =>
EventMessage(source, body, a.subject, a.namespace.toString, userId, body.typeName)
def parse(msg: String) = Try(
case class InvokerResourceMessage(status: String,
freeMemory: Long,
busyMemory: Long,
inProgressMemory: Long,
tags: Seq[String],
dedicatedNamespaces: Seq[String])
extends Message {
* Serializes message to string. Must be idempotent.
override def serialize: String = InvokerResourceMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
object InvokerResourceMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[InvokerResourceMessage] = Try(
implicit val serdes =
InvokerResourceMessage.apply _,
* This case class is used when retrieving the snapshot of the queue status from the scheduler at a certain moment.
* This is useful to figure out the internal status when any issue happens.
* The following would be an example result.
* [
* ...
* {
* "data": "RunningData",
* "fqn": "whisk.system/elasticsearch/status-alarm@0.0.2",
* "invocationNamespace": "style95",
* "status": "Running",
* "waitingActivation": 1
* },
* ...
* ]
object StatusQuery
case class StatusData(invocationNamespace: String, fqn: String, waitingActivation: Int, status: String, data: String)
extends Message {
override def serialize: String = StatusData.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
object StatusData extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val serdes =
jsonFormat(StatusData.apply _, "invocationNamespace", "fqn", "waitingActivation", "status", "data")
case class ContainerCreationMessage(override val transid: TransactionId,
invocationNamespace: String,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
revision: DocRevision,
whiskActionMetaData: WhiskActionMetaData,
rootSchedulerIndex: SchedulerInstanceId,
schedulerHost: String,
rpcPort: Int,
retryCount: Int = 0,
creationId: CreationId = CreationId.generate())
extends ContainerMessage(transid) {
override def toJson: JsValue = ContainerCreationMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def serialize: String = toJson.compactPrint
object ContainerCreationMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[ContainerCreationMessage] = Try(
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
private implicit val instanceIdSerdes = SchedulerInstanceId.serdes
private implicit val byteSizeSerdes = size.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat10(
_: TransactionId,
_: String,
_: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
_: DocRevision,
_: WhiskActionMetaData,
_: SchedulerInstanceId,
_: String,
_: Int,
_: Int,
_: CreationId))
case class ContainerDeletionMessage(override val transid: TransactionId,
invocationNamespace: String,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
revision: DocRevision,
whiskActionMetaData: WhiskActionMetaData)
extends ContainerMessage(transid) {
override def toJson: JsValue = ContainerDeletionMessage.serdes.write(this)
override def serialize: String = toJson.compactPrint
object ContainerDeletionMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[ContainerDeletionMessage] = Try(
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
private implicit val instanceIdSerdes = SchedulerInstanceId.serdes
private implicit val byteSizeSerdes = size.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat5(
.apply(_: TransactionId, _: String, _: FullyQualifiedEntityName, _: DocRevision, _: WhiskActionMetaData))
abstract class ContainerMessage(private val tid: TransactionId) extends Message {
override val transid: TransactionId = tid
override def serialize: String = ContainerMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
/** Serializes the message to JSON. */
def toJson: JsValue
object ContainerMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[ContainerMessage] = Try(
implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[ContainerMessage] {
override def write(m: ContainerMessage): JsValue = m.toJson
override def read(json: JsValue): ContainerMessage = {
val JsObject(fields) = json
val creation = fields.contains("creationId")
if (creation) {
} else {
sealed trait ContainerCreationError
object ContainerCreationError extends Enumeration {
case object NoAvailableInvokersError extends ContainerCreationError
case object NoAvailableResourceInvokersError extends ContainerCreationError
case object ResourceNotEnoughError extends ContainerCreationError
case object WhiskError extends ContainerCreationError
case object UnknownError extends ContainerCreationError
case object TimeoutError extends ContainerCreationError
case object ShuttingDownError extends ContainerCreationError
case object NonExecutableActionError extends ContainerCreationError
case object DBFetchError extends ContainerCreationError
case object BlackBoxError extends ContainerCreationError
case object ZeroNamespaceLimit extends ContainerCreationError
case object TooManyConcurrentRequests extends ContainerCreationError
val whiskErrors: Set[ContainerCreationError] =
def fromName(name: String) = name.toUpperCase match {
case "NOAVAILABLEINVOKERSERROR" => NoAvailableInvokersError
case "NOAVAILABLERESOURCEINVOKERSERROR" => NoAvailableResourceInvokersError
case "RESOURCENOTENOUGHERROR" => ResourceNotEnoughError
case "NONEXECUTBLEACTIONERROR" => NonExecutableActionError
case "DBFETCHERROR" => DBFetchError
case "WHISKERROR" => WhiskError
case "BLACKBOXERROR" => BlackBoxError
case "TIMEOUTERROR" => TimeoutError
case "ZERONAMESPACELIMIT" => ZeroNamespaceLimit
case "TOOMANYCONCURRENTREQUESTS" => TooManyConcurrentRequests
case "UNKNOWNERROR" => UnknownError
implicit val serds = new RootJsonFormat[ContainerCreationError] {
override def write(error: ContainerCreationError): JsValue = JsString(error.toString)
override def read(json: JsValue): ContainerCreationError =
Try {
val JsString(str) = json
} getOrElse {
throw deserializationError("ContainerCreationError must be a valid string")
case class ContainerCreationAckMessage(override val transid: TransactionId,
creationId: CreationId,
invocationNamespace: String,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
revision: DocRevision,
actionMetaData: WhiskActionMetaData,
rootInvokerIndex: InvokerInstanceId,
schedulerHost: String,
rpcPort: Int,
retryCount: Int = 0,
error: Option[ContainerCreationError] = None,
reason: Option[String] = None)
extends Message {
* Serializes message to string. Must be idempotent.
override def serialize: String = ContainerCreationAckMessage.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
object ContainerCreationAckMessage extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
def parse(msg: String): Try[ContainerCreationAckMessage] = Try(
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
private implicit val byteSizeSerdes = size.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat12(ContainerCreationAckMessage.apply)