blob: 0dab4f4ce91c150ad8633a84e8c46f38966fc586 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.scheduler
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.BasicHttpCredentials
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import common.StreamLogging
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.StatusData
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.SchedulerInstanceId
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach, FlatSpec, Matchers}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import scala.concurrent.Future
* Tests SchedulerServer API.
class FPCSchedulerServerTests
extends FlatSpec
with BeforeAndAfterEach
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with ScalatestRouteTest
with Matchers
with StreamLogging
with MockFactory {
def transid() = TransactionId("tid")
val systemUsername = "username"
val systemPassword = "password"
val queues = List((SchedulerInstanceId("0"), 2), (SchedulerInstanceId("1"), 3))
val creationCount = 1
val testQueueSize = 2
val statusDatas = List(
StatusData("testns1", "testaction1", 10, "Running", "RunningData"),
StatusData("testns2", "testaction2", 5, "Running", "RunningData"))
// Create scheduler
val scheduler = new TestScheduler(queues, creationCount, testQueueSize, statusDatas)
val server = new FPCSchedulerServer(scheduler, systemUsername, systemPassword)
override protected def afterEach(): Unit = scheduler.reset()
/** FPCSchedulerServer API tests */
behavior of "FPCSchedulerServer API"
// POST /disable
it should "disable scheduler" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val validCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(systemUsername, systemPassword)
Post(s"/disable") ~> addCredentials(validCredentials) ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
scheduler.shutdownCount shouldBe 1
// GET /state
it should "get scheduler state" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val validCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(systemUsername, systemPassword)
Get(s"/state") ~> addCredentials(validCredentials) ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[JsObject] shouldBe ( => s._1.asString -> s._2.toString).toMap ++ Map(
"creationCount" -> creationCount.toString)).toJson
// GET /queue/total
it should "get total queue" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val validCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(systemUsername, systemPassword)
Get(s"/queue/total") ~> addCredentials(validCredentials) ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[String] shouldBe testQueueSize.toString
// GET /queue/status
it should "get all queue status" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val validCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(systemUsername, systemPassword)
Get(s"/queue/status") ~> addCredentials(validCredentials) ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[List[JsObject]] shouldBe
// POST /disable with invalid credential
it should "not call scheduler api with invalid credential" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val invalidCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials("invaliduser", "invalidpass")
Post(s"/disable") ~> addCredentials(invalidCredentials) ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(Unauthorized)
scheduler.shutdownCount shouldBe 0
// POST /disable with empty credential
it should "not call scheduler api with empty credential" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
Post(s"/disable") ~> Route.seal(server.routes(tid)) ~> check {
status should be(Unauthorized)
scheduler.shutdownCount shouldBe 0
class TestScheduler(schedulerStates: List[(SchedulerInstanceId, Int)],
creationCount: Int,
queueSize: Int,
statusDatas: List[StatusData])
extends SchedulerCore {
var shutdownCount = 0
override def getState: Future[(List[(SchedulerInstanceId, Int)], Int)] =
Future.successful(schedulerStates, creationCount)
override def getQueueSize: Future[Int] = Future.successful(queueSize)
override def getQueueStatusData: Future[List[StatusData]] = Future.successful(statusDatas)
override def disable(): Unit = shutdownCount += 1
def reset(): Unit = {
shutdownCount = 0