blob: 454d04cbe5d8287087b51cc422ad1705929119ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.standalone
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.openwhisk.standalone.StandaloneDockerSupport.isPortFree
import pureconfig._
import scala.sys.process._
import scala.util.Try
case class PreFlightChecks(conf: Conf) extends AnsiColor {
import ColorOutput.clr
private val noopLogger = ProcessLogger(_ => ())
private val clrEnabled = conf.colorEnabled
private val separator = "=" * 80
private val pass = st("OK")
private val failed = st("FAILURE")
private val warn = st("WARN")
private val cliDownloadUrl = ""
private val dockerUrl = ""
//Support for host.docker.internal is from 18.03
private val supportedDockerVersion = DockerVersion("18.03")
def run(): Unit = {
println("Running pre flight checks ...")
println(s"Local Host Name: ${StandaloneDockerSupport.getLocalHostName()}")
println(s"Local Internal Name: ${StandaloneDockerSupport.getLocalHostInternalName()}")
def checkForDocker() = {
val dockerExistsResult = Try("docker --version".!(noopLogger)).getOrElse(-1)
if (dockerExistsResult != 0) {
println(s"$failed 'docker' cli not found.")
println(s"\t Install docker from $dockerUrl")
} else {
val versionCmdOutput = dockerVersion
println(s"$pass 'docker' cli found. $versionCmdOutput")
//Wrap in try to discard any issue related to version parsing
Try(checkDockerVersion(versionCmdOutput)).failed.foreach(t =>
println(s"Error occurred while parsing version - ${t.getMessage}"))
//Other things we can possibly check for
//1. add check for minimal supported docker version
//2. should we also run `docker run hello-world` to see if we can execute docker run command
//This command takes 2-4 secs. So running it by default for every run should be avoided
private def checkDockerVersion(versionCmdOutput: String)(implicit ordering: Ordering[DockerVersion]): Unit = {
val dv = DockerVersion.fromVersionCommand(versionCmdOutput)
if (dv < supportedDockerVersion) {
println(s"$failed 'docker' version $dv older than minimum supported $supportedDockerVersion")
} else {
println(s"$pass 'docker' version $dv is newer than minimum supported $supportedDockerVersion")
private def dockerVersion = version("docker --version '{{.Client.Version}}'")
private def version(cmd: String) = Try(cmd !! (noopLogger)).map(v => s"(${v.trim})").getOrElse("")
private def checkDockerIsRunning(): Unit = {
val dockerInfoResult = Try("docker info".!(noopLogger)).getOrElse(-1)
if (dockerInfoResult != 0) {
println(s"$failed 'docker' not found to be running. Failed to run 'docker info'")
} else {
println(s"$pass 'docker' is running.")
def checkForWsk(): Unit = {
val wskExistsResult = Try("wsk property get --cliversion".!(noopLogger)).getOrElse(-1)
if (wskExistsResult != 0) {
println(s"$failed 'wsk' cli not found.")
println(s"\tDownload the cli from $cliDownloadUrl")
} else {
println(s"$pass 'wsk' cli found. $wskCliVersion")
def checkWskProps(): Unit = {
val users = loadConfigOrThrow[Map[String, String]](loadConfig(), StandaloneConfigKeys.usersConfigKey)
val configuredAuth = "wsk property get --auth".!!.trim
val apihost = "wsk property get --apihost".!!.trim
val requiredHostValue = s"http://${StandaloneDockerSupport.getLocalHostName()}:${conf.port()}"
val externalHostValue = s"http://${StandaloneDockerSupport.getExternalHostName()}:${conf.port()}"
//We can use -o option to get raw value. However as its a recent addition
//using a lazy approach where we check if output ends with one of the configured auth keys or
val matchedAuth = users.find { case (_, auth) => configuredAuth.endsWith(auth) }
val hostMatched = apihost.endsWith(requiredHostValue)
if (matchedAuth.isDefined && hostMatched) {
println(s"$pass 'wsk' configured for namespace [${matchedAuth.get._1}].")
println(s"$pass 'wsk' configured to connect to $requiredHostValue.")
} else {
val guestUser = users.find { case (ns, _) => ns == "guest" }
//Only if guest user is found suggest wsk command to use that. Otherwise user is using a non default setup
//which may not be used for wsk based access like for tests
guestUser match {
case Some((ns, guestAuth)) =>
println(s"$warn Configure wsk via below command to connect to this server as [$ns]")
println(clr(s"wsk property set --apihost '$externalHostValue' --auth '$guestAuth'", MAGENTA, clrEnabled))
case None =>
def checkForPorts(): Unit = {
if (isPortFree(conf.port())) {
println(s"$pass Server port [${conf.port()}] is free")
} else {
println(s"$failed Server port [${conf.port()}] is not free. Standalone server cannot start")
if (conf.apiGw()) {
val port = conf.apiGwPort()
if (isPortFree(conf.apiGwPort())) {
println(s"$pass Api gateway port [$port] is free")
} else {
println(s"$warn Api gateway port [$port] is not free. Api gateway cannot start")
private def wskCliVersion = version("wsk property get --cliversion -o raw")
private def loadConfig(): Config = {
conf.configFile.toOption match {
case Some(f) =>
require(f.exists(), s"Config file $f does not exist")
case None =>
private def st(level: String) = {
val maxLength = "FAILURE".length
val (msg, code) = level match {
case "OK" => ("OK", maxLength), GREEN)
case "WARN" => ("WARN", maxLength), MAGENTA)
case _ => ("FAILURE", RED)
s"[${clr(msg, code, clrEnabled)}]"