blob: d1033b00828d95f6be9df57a6abef8bf0c4e3772 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.test
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.WhiskActionsApi
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Resource
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Privilege._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.ErrorResponse
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
* Tests Packages API.
* Unit tests of the controller service as a standalone component.
* These tests exercise a fresh instance of the service object in memory -- these
* tests do NOT communication with a whisk deployment.
* @Idioglossia
* "using Specification DSL to write unit tests, as in should, must, not, be"
* "using Specs2RouteTest DSL to chain HTTP requests for unit testing, as in ~>"
class PackageActionsApiTests extends ControllerTestCommon with WhiskActionsApi {
/** Package Actions API tests */
behavior of "Package Actions API"
val creds = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val namespace = EntityPath(creds.subject.asString)
val collectionPath = s"/${EntityPath.DEFAULT}/${collection.path}"
def aname() ="package_action_tests")
//// GET /actions/package/
it should "list all actions in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val actions = (1 to 2).map { _ =>
WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
actions foreach { put(entityStore, _) }
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[List[JsObject]]
actions.length should be(response.length)
actions forall { a =>
response contains a.summaryAsJson
} should be(true)
it should "list all actions in package binding" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val reference = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), provider.bind)
val actions = (1 to 2).map { _ =>
WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, reference)
actions foreach { put(entityStore, _) }
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[List[JsObject]]
actions.length should be(response.length)
actions forall { a =>
response contains a.summaryAsJson
} should be(true)
it should "include action in package when listing all actions" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None)
val action1 = WhiskAction(namespace, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters(), ActionLimits())
val action2 = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action1)
put(entityStore, action2)
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[List[JsObject]]
response.length should be(2)
response contains action1.summaryAsJson should be(true)
response contains action2.summaryAsJson should be(true)
it should "reject ambiguous list actions in package without trailing slash" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None)
put(entityStore, provider)
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(Conflict)
it should "reject invalid verb on get package actions" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None)
put(entityStore, provider)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
//// PUT /actions/package/name
it should "put action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(action.exec))
put(entityStore, provider)
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(
action.annotations ++ systemAnnotations(NODEJS10)))
it should "reject put action in package that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(action.exec))
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject put action in package binding where package doesn't exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), provider.bind)
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(jsDefault("??")))
put(entityStore, binding)
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${aname()}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
it should "reject put action in package binding" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), provider.bind)
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(jsDefault("??")))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${aname()}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
it should "reject put action in package owned by different subject" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(Subject().asString), aname(), publish = true)
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(jsDefault("??")))
put(entityStore, provider)
Put(s"/${provider.namespace}/${collection.path}/${}/${aname()}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
//// DEL /actions/package/name
it should "delete action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
// it should "reject delete action in package owned by different subject" in {
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
Delete(s"/${provider.namespace}/${collection.path}/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(action)
it should "reject delete action in package that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, action)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject delete non-existent action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject delete action in package binding where package doesn't exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), provider.bind)
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(jsDefault("??")))
put(entityStore, binding)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${aname()}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
it should "reject delete action in package binding" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), provider.bind)
val content = WhiskActionPut(Some(jsDefault("??")))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${aname()}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
it should "reject delete action in package owned by different subject" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(Subject().asString), aname(), publish = true)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
Delete(s"/${provider.namespace}/${collection.path}/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
//// GET /actions/package/name
it should "get action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = true)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(action inherit provider.parameters)
it should "get action in package binding with public package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
put(entityStore, action)
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(action inherit (provider.parameters ++ binding.parameters))
it should "get action in package binding with public package with overriding parameters" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A") ++ Parameters("b", "b"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
put(entityStore, action)
org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry {
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(action inherit (provider.parameters ++ binding.parameters))
// NOTE: does not work because entitlement model does not allow for an explicit
// check on either one or both of the binding and package
ignore should "get action in package binding with explicit entitlement grant" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = false)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
put(entityStore, action)
val pkgaccess = Resource(provider.namespace, PACKAGES, Some(
Await.result(entitlementProvider.grant(auser, READ, pkgaccess), 1 second)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[WhiskAction]
response should be(action inherit (provider.parameters ++ binding.parameters))
it should "reject get action in package that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, action)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject get non-existent action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
put(entityStore, provider)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject get action in package binding that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val name = aname()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject get action in package binding with package that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val name = aname()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, binding)
put(entityStore, action)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden) // do not leak that package does not exist
it should "reject get non-existing action in package binding" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val name = aname()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = true)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject get action in package binding with private package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), None, Parameters("p", "P"), publish = false)
val binding = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind, Parameters("b", "B"))
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"), Parameters("a", "A"))
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, binding)
put(entityStore, action)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
//// POST /actions/name
it should "allow owner to invoke an action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("xxx" -> "yyy".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(Accepted)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response.fields("activationId") should not be None
it should "allow non-owner to invoke an action in public package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = true)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("xxx" -> "yyy".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"/$namespace/${collection.path}/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Accepted)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response.fields("activationId") should not be None
it should "invoke action in package binding with public package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = true)
val reference = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("x" -> "x".toJson, "z" -> "Z".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, reference)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Accepted)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response.fields("activationId") should not be None
// NOTE: does not work because entitlement model does not allow for an explicit
// check on either one or both of the binding and package
ignore should "invoke action in package binding with explicit entitlement grant even if package is not public" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = false)
val reference = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("x" -> "x".toJson, "z" -> "Z".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, reference)
put(entityStore, action)
val pkgaccess = Resource(provider.namespace, PACKAGES, Some(
Await.result(entitlementProvider.grant(auser, ACTIVATE, pkgaccess), 1 second)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Accepted)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response.fields("activationId") should not be None
it should "reject non-owner invoking an action in private package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = false)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("xxx" -> "yyy".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"/$namespace/${collection.path}/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
it should "reject invoking an action in package that does not exist" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = false)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("xxx" -> "yyy".toJson)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject invoking a non-existent action in package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = false)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("xxx" -> "yyy".toJson)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
it should "reject invoke action in package binding with private package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname(), publish = false)
val reference = WhiskPackage(EntityPath(auser.subject.asString), aname(), provider.bind)
val action = WhiskAction(provider.fullPath, aname(), jsDefault("??"))
val content = JsObject("x" -> "x".toJson, "z" -> "Z".toJson)
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, reference)
put(entityStore, action)
Post(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
it should "report proper error when provider record is corrupted on delete" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = BadEntity(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.namespace.addPath(, aname())
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, entity)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity
it should "report proper error when record is corrupted on delete" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.fullPath, aname())
put(entityStore, provider, false)
val entityToDelete = put(entityStore, entity, false)
Delete(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
delete(entityStore, entityToDelete)
status should be(InternalServerError)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity
it should "report proper error when provider record is corrupted on get" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = BadEntity(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.namespace.addPath(, aname())
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, entity)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity
val auser = WhiskAuthHelpers.newIdentity()
Get(s"/${provider.namespace}/${collection.path}/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(auser)) ~> check {
status should be(Forbidden)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.notAuthorizedtoAccessResource(s"$namespace/${}")
it should "report proper error when record is corrupted on get" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.fullPath, aname())
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, entity)
Get(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}") ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity
it should "report proper error when provider record is corrupted on put" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = BadEntity(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.namespace.addPath(, aname())
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, entity)
val content = WhiskActionPut()
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity
it should "report proper error when record is corrupted on put" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val provider = WhiskPackage(namespace, aname())
val entity = BadEntity(provider.fullPath, aname())
put(entityStore, provider)
put(entityStore, entity)
val content = WhiskActionPut()
Put(s"$collectionPath/${}/${}", content) ~> Route.seal(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.corruptedEntity