blob: fca9fafd13c50813e4476107ba5ffc8a6b033b5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.test
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt, FiniteDuration}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import common.StreamLogging
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.RouteTestTimeout
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.{FeatureFlags, WhiskConfig}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.ActivationMessage
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.logging.LogStoreProvider
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.{CustomHeaders, RestApiCommons, WhiskServices}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.{ActivationStoreProvider, CacheChangeNotification, DocumentFactory}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.test.DbUtils
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.test.ExecHelpers
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.loadBalancer.LoadBalancer
import org.apache.openwhisk.spi.SpiLoader
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.UserContext
protected trait ControllerTestCommon
extends FlatSpec
with BeforeAndAfterEach
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with ScalatestRouteTest
with Matchers
with DbUtils
with ExecHelpers
with WhiskServices
with StreamLogging
with CustomHeaders {
val activeAckTopicIndex = ControllerInstanceId("0")
implicit val routeTestTimeout = RouteTestTimeout(90 seconds)
override implicit val actorSystem = system // defined in ScalatestRouteTest
override val executionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
override val whiskConfig = new WhiskConfig(RestApiCommons.requiredProperties ++ WhiskConfig.kafkaHosts)
// initialize runtimes manifest
override val loadBalancer = new DegenerateLoadBalancerService(whiskConfig)
override lazy val entitlementProvider: EntitlementProvider =
new LocalEntitlementProvider(whiskConfig, loadBalancer, instance)
override val activationIdFactory = new ActivationId.ActivationIdGenerator() {
// need a static activation id to test activations api
private val fixedId = ActivationId.generate()
override def make = fixedId
implicit val cacheChangeNotification = Some {
new CacheChangeNotification {
override def apply(k: CacheKey): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(())
def systemAnnotations(kind: String, create: Boolean = true): Parameters = {
val base = if (create && FeatureFlags.requireApiKeyAnnotation) {
Parameters(Annotations.ProvideApiKeyAnnotationName, JsFalse)
} else {
base ++ Parameters(WhiskAction.execFieldName, kind)
val entityStore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore()
val authStore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore()
val logStore = SpiLoader.get[LogStoreProvider].instance(actorSystem)
val activationStore = SpiLoader.get[ActivationStoreProvider].instance(actorSystem, materializer, logging)
def deleteAction(doc: DocId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Await.result(WhiskAction.get(entityStore, doc) flatMap { doc =>
logging.debug(this, s"deleting ${doc.docinfo}")
WhiskAction.del(entityStore, doc.docinfo)
}, dbOpTimeout)
def getActivation(activationId: ActivationId, context: UserContext)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
timeout: Duration = 10 seconds): WhiskActivation = {
Await.result(activationStore.get(activationId, context), timeout)
def storeActivation(activation: WhiskActivation, context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId,
timeout: Duration = 10 seconds): DocInfo = {
val docFuture = activationStore.storeAfterCheck(activation, context)
val doc = Await.result(docFuture, timeout)
assert(doc != null)
def deleteActivation(activationId: ActivationId, context: UserContext)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val res = Await.result(activationStore.delete(activationId, context), dbOpTimeout)
assert(res, true)
def waitOnListActivationsInNamespace(namespace: EntityPath, count: Int, context: UserContext)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
timeout: Duration) = {
val success = retry(
() => {
val activations: Future[Either[List[JsObject], List[WhiskActivation]]] =
activationStore.listActivationsInNamespace(namespace, 0, 0, context = context)
val listFuture: Future[List[JsObject]] = activations map (_.fold(
(js) => js,
(wa) =>
listFuture map { l =>
if (l.length != count) {
throw RetryOp()
} else true
assert(success.isSuccess, "wait aborted")
def waitOnListActivationsMatchingName(namespace: EntityPath, name: EntityPath, count: Int, context: UserContext)(
implicit ex: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
timeout: Duration) = {
val success = retry(
() => {
val activations: Future[Either[List[JsObject], List[WhiskActivation]]] =
activationStore.listActivationsMatchingName(namespace, name, 0, 0, context = context)
val listFuture: Future[List[JsObject]] = activations map (_.fold(
(js) => js,
(wa) =>
listFuture map { l =>
if (l.length != count) {
throw RetryOp()
} else true
assert(success.isSuccess, "wait aborted")
def deleteTrigger(doc: DocId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Await.result(WhiskTrigger.get(entityStore, doc) flatMap { doc =>
logging.debug(this, s"deleting ${doc.docinfo}")
WhiskAction.del(entityStore, doc.docinfo)
}, dbOpTimeout)
def deleteRule(doc: DocId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Await.result(WhiskRule.get(entityStore, doc) flatMap { doc =>
logging.debug(this, s"deleting ${doc.docinfo}")
WhiskRule.del(entityStore, doc.docinfo)
}, dbOpTimeout)
def deletePackage(doc: DocId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Await.result(WhiskPackage.get(entityStore, doc) flatMap { doc =>
logging.debug(this, s"deleting ${doc.docinfo}")
WhiskPackage.del(entityStore, doc.docinfo)
}, dbOpTimeout)
def stringToFullyQualifiedName(s: String) =
object MakeName {
@volatile var counter = 1
def next(prefix: String = "test")(): EntityName = {
counter = counter + 1
val ACTIONS = Collection(Collection.ACTIONS)
val TRIGGERS = Collection(Collection.TRIGGERS)
val RULES = Collection(Collection.RULES)
val ACTIVATIONS = Collection(Collection.ACTIVATIONS)
val NAMESPACES = Collection(Collection.NAMESPACES)
val PACKAGES = Collection(Collection.PACKAGES)
override def afterEach() = {
override def afterAll() = {
println("Shutting down db connections");
protected case class BadEntity(namespace: EntityPath,
override val name: EntityName,
version: SemVer = SemVer(),
publish: Boolean = false,
annotations: Parameters = Parameters())
extends WhiskEntity(name, "badEntity") {
override def toJson = BadEntity.serdes.write(this).asJsObject
protected object BadEntity extends DocumentFactory[BadEntity] with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat5(BadEntity.apply)
override val cacheEnabled = true
class DegenerateLoadBalancerService(config: WhiskConfig)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends LoadBalancer {
import scala.concurrent.blocking
// unit tests that need an activation via active ack/fast path should set this to value expected
var whiskActivationStub: Option[(FiniteDuration, Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation])] = None
var activationMessageChecker: Option[ActivationMessage => Unit] = None
override def totalActiveActivations = Future.successful(0)
override def activeActivationsFor(namespace: UUID) = Future.successful(0)
override def publish(action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData, msg: ActivationMessage)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]]] = {
Future.successful {
whiskActivationStub map {
case (timeout, activation) =>
Future {
blocking {
println(s"load balancer active ack stub: waiting for $timeout...")
println(".... done waiting")
} getOrElse Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("Unit test does not need fast path"))
override def invokerHealth() = Future.successful(IndexedSeq.empty)