blob: 6a7e929bcf5db04c7d94630d35c982e752f97eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import spray.json.DeserializationException
import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsString
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import spray.json.deserializationError
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.DocumentFactory
* WhiskRulePut is a restricted WhiskRule view that eschews properties
* that are auto-assigned or derived from URI: namespace, name, status.
case class WhiskRulePut(trigger: Option[FullyQualifiedEntityName] = None,
action: Option[FullyQualifiedEntityName] = None,
version: Option[SemVer] = None,
publish: Option[Boolean] = None,
annotations: Option[Parameters] = None) {
* Resolves the trigger and action name if they contains the default namespace.
protected[core] def resolve(namespace: EntityName): WhiskRulePut = {
val t = trigger map { _.resolve(namespace) }
val a = action map { _.resolve(namespace) }
WhiskRulePut(t, a, version, publish, annotations)
* A WhiskRule provides an abstraction of the meta-data for a whisk rule.
* A rule encodes a trigger to action mapping, such that when a trigger
* event occurs, the corresponding action is invoked. Both trigger and
* action are entities in the same namespace as the rule.
* The WhiskRule object is used as a helper to adapt objects between
* the schema used by the database and the WhiskRule abstraction.
* @param namespace the namespace for the rule
* @param name the name of the rule
* @param trigger the trigger name to subscribe to
* @param action the action name to invoke invoke when trigger is fired
* @param version the semantic version
* @param publish true to share the action or false otherwise
* @param annotation the set of annotations to attribute to the rule
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is undefined
case class WhiskRule(namespace: EntityPath,
override val name: EntityName,
trigger: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
version: SemVer = SemVer(),
publish: Boolean = false,
annotations: Parameters = Parameters())
extends WhiskEntity(name, "rule") {
def withStatus(s: Status) = WhiskRuleResponse(namespace, name, s, trigger, action, version, publish, annotations)
def toJson = WhiskRule.serdes.write(this).asJsObject
* Rule as it is returned by the controller. Basically the same as WhiskRule,
* but including the Status which is gotten from the WhiskTrigger the rule
* refers to.
* @param namespace the namespace for the rule
* @param name the name of the rule
* @param status the status of the rule (one of active, inactive, changing)
* @param trigger the trigger name to subscribe to
* @param action the action name to invoke invoke when trigger is fired
* @param version the semantic version
* @param publish true to share the action or false otherwise
* @param annotation the set of annotations to attribute to the rule
case class WhiskRuleResponse(namespace: EntityPath,
name: EntityName,
status: Status,
trigger: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
action: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
version: SemVer = SemVer(),
publish: Boolean = false,
annotations: Parameters = Parameters()) {
def toWhiskRule = WhiskRule(namespace, name, trigger, action, version, publish, annotations)
* Status of a rule, recorded in the datastore. It is one of these states:
* 1) active when the rule is active and ready to respond to triggers
* 2) inactive when the rule is not active and does not respond to trigger
* 3) activating when the rule is between status change from inactive to active
* 4) deactivating when the rule is between status change from active to inactive
* The "[de]activating" status are used as a mutex in the datastore to exclude
* other state changes on a rule, and to facilitate synchronous activations
* and deactivations of a rule.
* It is a value type (hence == is .equals, immutable and cannot be assigned null).
* The constructor is private so that argument requirements are checked and normalized
* before creating a new instance.
* @param status, one of allowed status strings
class Status private (private val status: String) extends AnyVal {
override def toString = status
protected[core] object Status extends ArgNormalizer[Status] {
val ACTIVE = new Status("active")
val INACTIVE = new Status("inactive")
protected[core] def next(status: Status): Status = {
status match {
* Creates a rule Status from a string.
* @param str the rule status as string
* @return Status instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException is argument is undefined or not a valid status
override protected[entity] def factory(str: String): Status = {
val status = new Status(str)
require(status == ACTIVE || status == INACTIVE, s"$str is not a recognized rule state")
override protected[core] implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[Status] {
def write(s: Status) = JsString(s.status)
def read(value: JsValue) =
Try {
val JsString(v) = value
} match {
case Success(s) => s
case Failure(t) => deserializationError(t.getMessage)
* A serializer for status POST entities. This is a restricted
* Status view with only ACTIVE and INACTIVE values allowed.
protected[core] val serdesRestricted = new RootJsonFormat[Status] {
def write(s: Status) = JsObject("status" -> JsString(s.status))
def read(value: JsValue) =
Try {
val JsObject(fields) = value
val JsString(s) = fields("status")
} match {
case Success(status) =>
if (status == ACTIVE || status == INACTIVE) {
} else {
val msg =
s"""'$status' is not a recognized rule state, must be one of ['${Status.ACTIVE}', '${Status.INACTIVE}']"""
case Failure(t) => deserializationError(t.getMessage)
object WhiskRule extends DocumentFactory[WhiskRule] with WhiskEntityQueries[WhiskRule] with DefaultJsonProtocol {
override val collectionName = "rules"
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
private val caseClassSerdes = jsonFormat7(WhiskRule.apply)
override implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[WhiskRule] {
def write(r: WhiskRule) = caseClassSerdes.write(r)
def read(value: JsValue) =
Try {
} recover {
case DeserializationException(_, _, List("trigger")) | DeserializationException(_, _, List("action")) =>
val namespace = value.asJsObject.fields("namespace").convertTo[EntityPath]
val actionName = value.asJsObject.fields("action")
val triggerName = value.asJsObject.fields("trigger")
val refs = Seq(actionName, triggerName).map { name =>
Try {
} match {
case Success(n) => n
case Failure(t) => deserializationError(t.getMessage)
val fields = value.asJsObject.fields + ("action" -> refs(0).toDocId.toJson) + ("trigger" -> refs(1).toDocId.toJson)
} match {
case Success(r) => r
case Failure(t) => deserializationError(t.getMessage)
override val cacheEnabled = false
object WhiskRuleResponse extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat8(WhiskRuleResponse.apply)
object WhiskRulePut extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
implicit val serdes = jsonFormat5(WhiskRulePut.apply)