blob: 6b69172bc32c97b68868b706e764eac76e1a0cd5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
whisk.spi {
SimpleSpi = org.apache.openwhisk.spi.SimpleSpiImpl
MissingSpi = org.apache.openwhisk.spi.MissingImpl
MissingModule = missing.module
# Blocking requests fall back to non-blocking after ~60s
akka.http.client.idle-timeout = 90 s = 90 s = 90 s
# Avoid system exit for test runs
akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = off
whisk {
feature-flags {
require-api-key-annotation = {{ whisk.feature_flags.require_api_key_annotation | default(true) }}
require-response-payload = {{ whisk.feature_flags.require_response_payload | default(true) }}
# kafka related configuration
kafka {
replication-factor = 1
topics {
KafkaConnectorTestTopic {
segment-bytes = 536870912
retention-bytes = 1073741824
retention-ms = 3600000
prefix = "{{ kafka.topicsPrefix }}"
user-event {
prefix = "{{ kafka.topicsUserEventPrefix }}"
common {
security-protocol: {{ kafka.protocol }}
ssl-truststore-location: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/roles/kafka/files/{{ }}"
ssl-truststore-password: "{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}"
ssl-keystore-location: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/roles/kafka/files/{{ }}"
ssl-keystore-password: "{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}"
consumer {
max-poll-interval-ms: 10000
couchdb {
protocol = "{{ db.protocol }}"
host = "{{ }}"
port = "{{ db.port }}"
username = "{{ db.credentials.admin.user }}"
password = "{{ db.credentials.admin.pass }}"
provider = "{{ db.provider }}"
databases {
WhiskAuth = "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
WhiskEntity = "{{ db.whisk.actions }}"
WhiskActivation = "{{ db.whisk.activations }}"
cosmosdb {
endpoint = ${?COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT}
key = ${?COSMOSDB_KEY}
throughput = 400
mongodb {
database = ${?MONGODB_DATABASE}
controller {
protocol = {{ controller.protocol }}
https {
keystore-flavor = "{{ controller.ssl.storeFlavor }}"
keystore-path = "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/roles/controller/files/{{ }}"
keystore-password = "{{ controller.ssl.keystore.password }}"
client-auth = "{{ controller.ssl.clientAuth }}"
invoker {
protocol = {{ invoker.protocol }}
https {
keystore-flavor = "{{ invoker.ssl.storeFlavor }}"
keystore-path = "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/roles/invoker/files/{{ }}"
keystore-password = "{{ invoker.ssl.keystore.password }}"
client-auth = "{{ invoker.ssl.clientAuth }}"
user-events {
enabled = {{ user_events }}
container-factory {
runtimes-registry {
url = "{{ runtimes_registry | default('') }}"
user-images-registry {
url = "{{ user_images_registry | default('') }}"
parameter-storage {
current = "off"
elasticsearch {
docker-image = "{{ elasticsearch.docker_image | default('' ~ elasticsearch.version ) }}"
helm.release = "release"
runtime.delete.timeout = "30 seconds"
duration-checker {
time-window = "{{ durationChecker.timeWindow }}"
activation-store {
elasticsearch {
protocol = "{{ db.elasticsearch.protocol }}"
hosts = "{{ elasticsearch_connect_string }}"
index-pattern = "{{ db.elasticsearch.index_pattern }}"
username = "{{ db.elasticsearch.auth.admin.username }}"
password = "{{ db.elasticsearch.auth.admin.password }}"
etcd {
hosts = "{{ etcd_connect_string }}"
lease {
timeout = "{{ }}"
pool {
threads = "{{ etcd.pool_threads }}"
scheduler {
protocol = "{{ scheduler.protocol }}"
queue-manager {
max-scheduling-time = "{{ scheduler.queueManager.maxSchedulingTime }}"
max-retries-to-get-queue = "{{ scheduler.queueManager.maxRetriesToGetQueue }}"
max-peek = "{{ scheduler.maxPeek }}"
#test-only overrides so that tests can override defaults in application.conf (todo: move all defaults to reference.conf)
test {
whisk {
concurrency-limit {
max = 200