blob: 425832679134ab8099a3a0599007892c58777995 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.service
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.util.Timeout
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.Logging
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.etcd.{EtcdClient, EtcdFollower, EtcdLeader}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.service.DataManagementService.retryInterval
import pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, Queue}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Success
// messages received by the actor
// it is required to specify a recipient directly for the retryable message processing
case class ElectLeader(key: String, value: String, recipient: ActorRef, watchEnabled: Boolean = true)
case class RegisterInitialData(key: String,
value: String,
failoverEnabled: Boolean = true,
recipient: Option[ActorRef] = None)
case class RegisterData(key: String, value: String, failoverEnabled: Boolean = true)
case class UnregisterData(key: String)
case class UpdateDataOnChange(key: String, value: String)
// messages sent by the actor
case class ElectionResult(leadership: Either[EtcdFollower, EtcdLeader])
case class FinishWork(key: String)
case class InitialDataStorageResults(key: String, result: Either[AlreadyExist, Done])
case class Done()
case class AlreadyExist()
* This service is in charge of storing given data to ETCD.
* In the event any issue occurs while storing data, the actor keeps trying until the data is stored guaranteeing delivery to ETCD.
* So it guarantees the data is eventually stored.
class DataManagementService(watcherService: ActorRef, workerFactory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef)(
implicit logging: Logging,
actorSystem: ActorSystem)
extends Actor {
private implicit val ec = context.dispatcher
implicit val requestTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
private[service] val dataCache = TrieMap[String, String]()
private val operations = Map.empty[String, Queue[Any]]
private var inProgressKeys = Set.empty[String]
private val watcherName = "data-management-service"
private val worker = workerFactory(context)
override def receive: Receive = {
case FinishWork(key) =>
// send waiting operation to worker if there is any, else update the inProgressKeys
val ops = operations.get(key)
if (ops.nonEmpty && ops.get.nonEmpty) {
val operation = ops.get.dequeue()
worker ! operation
} else {
inProgressKeys = inProgressKeys - key
operations.remove(key) // remove empty queue from the map to free memory
// normally these messages will be sent when queues are created.
case request: ElectLeader =>
if (inProgressKeys.contains(request.key)) {, s"save a request $request into a buffer")
operations.getOrElseUpdate(request.key, Queue.empty[Any]).enqueue(request)
} else {
worker ! request
inProgressKeys = inProgressKeys + request.key
case request: RegisterInitialData =>
// send WatchEndpoint first as the put operation will be retried until success if failed
if (request.failoverEnabled)
watcherService ! WatchEndpoint(request.key, request.value, isPrefix = false, watcherName, Set(DeleteEvent))
if (inProgressKeys.contains(request.key)) {, s"save request $request into a buffer")
operations.getOrElseUpdate(request.key, Queue.empty[Any]).enqueue(request)
} else {
worker ! request
inProgressKeys = inProgressKeys + request.key
case request: RegisterData =>
// send WatchEndpoint first as the put operation will be retried until success if failed
if (request.failoverEnabled)
watcherService ! WatchEndpoint(request.key, request.value, isPrefix = false, watcherName, Set(DeleteEvent))
if (inProgressKeys.contains(request.key)) {
// the new put|delete operation will erase influences made by older operations like put&delete
// so we can remove these old operations, s"save request $request into a buffer")
val queue = operations.getOrElseUpdate(request.key, Queue.empty[Any]).filter { value =>
value match {
case _: RegisterData | _: WatcherClosed | _: RegisterInitialData => false
case _ => true
operations.update(request.key, queue)
} else {
worker ! request
inProgressKeys = inProgressKeys + request.key
case request: WatcherClosed =>
if (inProgressKeys.contains(request.key)) {
// The put|delete operations against the same key will overwrite the previous results.
// For example, if we put a value, delete it and put a new value again, the final result will be the new value.
// So we can remove these old operations, s"save request $request into a buffer")
val queue = operations.getOrElseUpdate(request.key, Queue.empty[Any]).filter { value =>
value match {
case _: RegisterData | _: WatcherClosed | _: RegisterInitialData => false
case _ => true
operations.update(request.key, queue)
} else {
worker ! request
inProgressKeys = inProgressKeys + request.key
// It is required to close the watcher first before deleting etcd data
// It is supposed to receive the WatcherClosed message after the watcher is stopped.
case msg: UnregisterData =>
watcherService ! UnwatchEndpoint(msg.key, isPrefix = false, watcherName, needFeedback = true)
case WatchEndpointRemoved(_, key, value, false) =>
self ! RegisterInitialData(key, value, failoverEnabled = false) // the watcher is already setup
// It should not receive "prefixed" data
case WatchEndpointRemoved(_, key, value, true) =>
logging.error(this, s"unexpected data received: ${WatchEndpoint(key, value, isPrefix = true, watcherName)}")
case msg: UpdateDataOnChange =>
dataCache.get(msg.key) match {
case Some(cached) if cached == msg.value =>
logging.debug(this, s"skip publishing data ${msg.key} because the data is not changed.")
case Some(cached) if cached != msg.value =>
dataCache.update(msg.key, msg.value)
self ! RegisterData(msg.key, msg.value, failoverEnabled = false) // the watcher is already setup
case None =>
dataCache.put(msg.key, msg.value)
self ! RegisterData(msg.key, msg.value)
object DataManagementService {
val retryInterval: FiniteDuration = loadConfigOrThrow[FiniteDuration](ConfigKeys.dataManagementServiceRetryInterval)
def props(watcherService: ActorRef, workerFactory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef)(implicit logging: Logging,
actorSystem: ActorSystem): Props = {
Props(new DataManagementService(watcherService, workerFactory))
private[service] class EtcdWorker(etcdClient: EtcdClient, leaseService: ActorRef)(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging)
extends Actor {
private val dataManagementService = context.parent
private var lease: Option[Lease] = None
leaseService ! GetLease
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg: Lease =>
lease = Some(msg)
// leader election + endpoint management
case request: ElectLeader =>
lease match {
case Some(l) =>
.electLeader(request.key, request.value, l)
.andThen {
case Success(msg) =>
request.recipient ! ElectionResult(msg)
dataManagementService ! FinishWork(request.key)
.recover {
// if there is no lease, reissue it and retry immediately
case t: StatusRuntimeException =>
logging.warn(this, s"a lease is expired while leader election, reissue it: $t")
lease = None
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
// it should retry forever until the data is stored
case t: Throwable =>
logging.warn(this, s"unexpected error happened: $t, retry storing data")
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
case None =>
logging.warn(this, s"lease not found, retry storing data")
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
// only endpoint management
case request: RegisterData =>
lease match {
case Some(l) =>
.put(request.key, request.value,
.andThen {
case Success(_) =>
dataManagementService ! FinishWork(request.key)
.recover {
// if there is no lease, reissue it and retry immediately
case t: StatusRuntimeException =>
logging.warn(this, s"a lease is expired while registering data ${request.key}, reissue it: $t")
lease = None
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
// it should retry forever until the data is stored
case t: Throwable =>
logging.warn(this, s"unexpected error happened: $t, retry storing data ${request.key}")
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
case None =>
logging.warn(this, s"lease not found, retry storing data ${request.key}")
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
// it stores the data iif there is no such one
case request: RegisterInitialData =>
lease match {
case Some(l) =>
.putTxn(request.key, request.value, 0,
.map { res =>
dataManagementService ! FinishWork(request.key)
if (res.getSucceeded) {, s"initial data storing succeeds for ${request.key}") ! InitialDataStorageResults(request.key, Right(Done())))
} else {, s"data is already stored for: $request, cancel the initial data storing") ! InitialDataStorageResults(request.key, Left(AlreadyExist())))
.recover {
// if there is no lease, reissue it and retry immediately
case t: StatusRuntimeException =>
s"a lease is expired while registering an initial data ${request.key}, reissue it: $t")
lease = None
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
// it should retry forever until the data is stored
case t: Throwable =>
logging.warn(this, s"unexpected error happened: $t, retry storing data for ${request.key}")
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
case None =>
logging.warn(this, s"lease not found, retry storing data for ${request.key}")
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(request, retryInterval)
case msg: WatcherClosed =>
.andThen {
case Success(_) =>
dataManagementService ! FinishWork(msg.key)
.recover {
// if there is no lease, reissue it and retry immediately
case t: StatusRuntimeException =>
logging.warn(this, s"a lease is expired while deleting data ${msg.key}, reissue it: $t")
lease = None
leaseService ! GetLease
sendMessageToSelfAfter(msg, retryInterval)
// it should retry forever until the data is stored
case t: Throwable =>
logging.warn(this, s"unexpected error happened: $t, retry storing data for ${msg.key}")
sendMessageToSelfAfter(msg, retryInterval)
private def sendMessageToSelfAfter(msg: Any, retryInterval: FiniteDuration) = {
actorSystem.scheduler.scheduleOnce(retryInterval, self, msg)
object EtcdWorker {
def props(etcdClient: EtcdClient, leaseService: ActorRef)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging): Props = {
Props(new EtcdWorker(etcdClient, leaseService))