blob: b8720ee126817d5fb4a15a1245d105d72f7f98a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentMap, TimeUnit}
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, LoggingMarkers, TransactionId}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.CacheKey
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* A cache that allows multiple readers, but only a single writer, at
* a time. It will make a best effort attempt to coalesce reads, but
* does not guarantee that all overlapping reads will be coalesced.
* The cache operates by bracketing all reads and writes. A read
* imposes a lightweight read lock, by inserting an entry into the
* cache with State.ReadInProgress. A write does the same, with
* State.WriteInProgress.
* On read or write completion, the value transitions to State.Cached.
* State.Initial is represented implicitly by absence from the cache.
* The handshake for cache entry state transition is:
* 1. if entry is in an agreeable state, proceed
* where agreeable for reads is Initial, ReadInProgress, or Cached
* and the read proceeds by ensuring the entry is State.ReadInProgress
* and agreeable for writes is Initial or Cached
* and the write proceeds by ensuring the entry is State.WriteInProgress
* and agreeable for deletes is Cached
* 2. if entry is not in an agreeable state, then read- or write-around the cache;
* for deletions, we allow the delete to proceed, and mark the entry as InvalidateWhenDone
* the owning reader or writer is then responsible for ensuring that the entry is invalid
* when that read or write completes
* 3. to swap in the new state to an existing entry, we use an AtomicReference.compareAndSet
* 4. only if the db operation completes with success, atomically set the state to Cached.
* 5. lastly, for cache invalidations that race with, we mark the entry as
private object MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache {
/** Each entry has a state, as explained in the class comment above. */
object State extends Enumeration {
type State = Value
val ReadInProgress, WriteInProgress, InvalidateInProgress, InvalidateWhenDone, Cached = Value
import State._
/** Failure modes, which will only occur if there is a bug in this implementation */
case class ConcurrentOperationUnderRead(actualState: State)
extends Exception(s"Cache read started, but completion raced with a concurrent operation: $actualState.")
case class ConcurrentOperationUnderUpdate(actualState: State)
extends Exception(s"Cache update started, but completion raced with a concurrent operation: $actualState.")
case class StaleRead(actualState: State) extends Exception(s"Attempted read of invalid entry due to $actualState.")
trait CacheChangeNotification extends (CacheKey => Future[Unit])
sealed trait EvictionPolicy
case object AccessTime extends EvictionPolicy
case object WriteTime extends EvictionPolicy
trait MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache[W, Winfo] {
import MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache.State._
import MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache._
/** Subclasses: Toggle this to enable/disable caching for your entity type. */
protected val cacheEnabled = true
protected val evictionPolicy: EvictionPolicy = AccessTime
protected val cacheExpirationTime: Long = 5
protected val cacheExpirationTimeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
protected val fixedCacheSize = 0
private object Entry {
def apply(transid: TransactionId, state: State, value: Option[Future[W]]): Entry = {
new Entry(transid, new AtomicReference(state), value)
* The entries in the cache will be a triple of (transid, State, Future[W]?).
* We need the transid in order to detect whether we have won the race to add an entry to the cache.
private class Entry(@volatile private var transid: TransactionId,
val state: AtomicReference[State],
@volatile private var value: Option[Future[W]]) {
def invalidate(): Unit = {
def unpack(): Future[W] = {
value getOrElse Future.failed(StaleRead(state.get))
def writeDone()(implicit logger: Logging): Boolean = {
logger.debug(this, "write finished")(transid)
trySet(WriteInProgress, Cached)
def readDone()(implicit logger: Logging): Boolean = {
logger.debug(this, "read finished")(transid)
trySet(ReadInProgress, Cached)
def trySet(expectedState: State, desiredState: State): Boolean = {
state.compareAndSet(expectedState, desiredState)
def grabWriteLock(newTransid: TransactionId, expectedState: State, newValue: Future[W]): Boolean = synchronized {
val swapped = trySet(expectedState, WriteInProgress)
if (swapped) {
value = Option(newValue)
transid = newTransid
def grabInvalidationLock() = state.set(InvalidateInProgress)
override def toString = s"tid ${}, state ${state.get}"
* This method posts a delete to the backing store, and either directly invalidates the cache entry
* or informs any outstanding transaction that it must invalidate the cache on completion.
protected def cacheInvalidate[R](key: CacheKey, invalidator: => Future[R])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[R] = {
if (cacheEnabled) {, s"invalidating $key on delete")
// try inserting our desired entry...
val desiredEntry = Entry(transid, InvalidateInProgress, None)
cache(key)(desiredEntry) flatMap { actualEntry =>
// ... and see what we get back
val currentState = actualEntry.state.get
currentState match {
case Cached =>
// nobody owns the entry, forcefully grab ownership
// note: if a new cache lookup is received while
// the invalidator has not yet completed (and hence the actual entry
// removed from the cache), such lookup operations will still be able
// to return the value that is cached, and this is acceptable (under
// the eventual consistency model) as long as such lookups do not
// mutate the state of the cache to violate the invalidation that is
// about to occur (this is eventually consistent and NOT sequentially
// consistent since the cache lookup and the setting of the
// InvalidateInProgress bit are not atomic
invalidateEntryAfter(invalidator, key, actualEntry)
case ReadInProgress | WriteInProgress =>
if (actualEntry.trySet(currentState, InvalidateWhenDone)) {
// then the pre-existing owner will take care of the invalidation
} else {
// the pre-existing reader or writer finished and so must
// explicitly invalidate here
invalidateEntryAfter(invalidator, key, actualEntry)
case InvalidateInProgress =>
if (actualEntry == desiredEntry) {
// we own the entry, so we are responsible for cleaning it up
invalidateEntryAfter(invalidator, key, actualEntry)
} else {
// someone else requested an invalidation already
case InvalidateWhenDone =>
// a pre-existing owner will take care of the invalidation
} andThen {
case _ => notifier.foreach(_(key))
} else invalidator // not caching
* This method may initiate a read from the backing store, and potentially stores the result in the cache.
protected def cacheLookup[Wsuper >: W](key: CacheKey, generator: => Future[W], fromCache: Boolean = cacheEnabled)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging): Future[W] = {
if (fromCache) {
val promise = Promise[W] // this promise completes with the generator value
// try inserting our desired entry...
val desiredEntry = Entry(transid, ReadInProgress, Some(promise.future))
cache(key)(desiredEntry) flatMap { actualEntry =>
// ... and see what we get back
actualEntry.state.get match {
case Cached =>
logger.debug(this, "cached read")
case ReadInProgress =>
if (actualEntry == desiredEntry) {
logger.debug(this, "read initiated");
// updating the cache with the new value is done in the listener
// and will complete unless an invalidation request or an intervening
// write occur in the meantime
listenForReadDone(key, actualEntry, generator, promise)
} else {
logger.debug(this, "coalesced read")
case WriteInProgress | InvalidateInProgress =>
logger.debug(this, "reading around an update in progress")
} else generator // not caching
protected def cacheUpdate(doc: W, key: CacheKey, generator: => Future[Winfo])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[Winfo] = {
cacheUpdate(Future.successful(doc), key, generator)
* This method posts an update to the backing store, and potentially stores the result in the cache.
protected def cacheUpdate(f: Future[W], key: CacheKey, generator: => Future[Winfo])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[Winfo] = {
if (cacheEnabled) {
// try inserting our desired entry...
val desiredEntry = Entry(transid, WriteInProgress, Some(f))
cache(key)(desiredEntry) flatMap { actualEntry =>
// ... and see what we get back
if (actualEntry == desiredEntry) {
// then this transaction won the race to insert a new entry in the cache
// and it is responsible for updating the cache entry..., s"write initiated on new cache entry")
listenForWriteDone(key, actualEntry, generator)
} else {
// ... otherwise, some existing entry is in the way, so try to grab a write lock
val currentState = actualEntry.state.get
val allowedToAssumeCompletion = currentState == Cached || currentState == ReadInProgress
if (allowedToAssumeCompletion && actualEntry.grabWriteLock(transid, currentState, desiredEntry.unpack)) {
// this transaction is now responsible for updating the cache entry, s"write initiated on existing cache entry, invalidating $key, $actualEntry")
listenForWriteDone(key, actualEntry, generator)
} else {
// there is a conflicting operation in progress on this key, s"write-around (i.e., not cached) under $currentState")
invalidateEntryAfter(generator, key, actualEntry)
} andThen {
case _ => notifier.foreach(_(key))
} else generator // not caching
def cacheSize: Int = cache.size
* This method removes an entry from the cache immediately. You can use this method
* if you do not need to perform any updates on the backing store but only to the cache.
protected[database] def removeId(key: CacheKey)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = cache.remove(key)
* Log a cache hit
private def makeNoteOfCacheHit(key: CacheKey)(implicit transid: TransactionId, logger: Logging) = {
transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_CACHE_HIT, s"[GET] serving from cache: $key")(logger)
* Log a cache miss
private def makeNoteOfCacheMiss(key: CacheKey)(implicit transid: TransactionId, logger: Logging) = {
transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_CACHE_MISS, s"[GET] serving from datastore: $key")(logger)
* We have initiated a read (in cacheLookup), now handle its completion:
* 1. either cache the result if there is no intervening delete or update, or
* 2. invalidate the cache because there was an intervening delete or update.
private def listenForReadDone(key: CacheKey, entry: Entry, generator: => Future[W], promise: Promise[W])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging): Unit = {
generator onComplete {
case Success(value) =>
// if the datastore read was successful, then try to transition to the Cached state
logger.debug(this, "read backend part done, now marking cache entry as done")
// always complete the promise for the generator since the read listener is
// only created when reading directly from the database (hence, must complete
// promise with the generated value)
promise success value
// now update the cache line
if (entry.readDone()) {
// cache entry is still in ReadInProgress and successful transitioned to Cached
// hence the new value is cached; nothing left to do
} else {
val cachedLineState = entry.state.get
cachedLineState match {
case WriteInProgress | Cached =>
// do nothing: if there was a write in progress, the write has not yet
// finished, but that operation has assumed ownership of the cache line
// and will update it; otherwise the write has completed and the value
// is now cached
case _ =>
// some transaction requested an invalidation so remove the key from the cache,
// or there is an error in which case invalidate anyway, defensively, but log a message
invalidateEntry(key, entry)
if (cachedLineState != InvalidateWhenDone) {
// this should not happen, but could if the callback on the generator
// is delayed - invalidate the cache entry as a result
val error = ConcurrentOperationUnderRead(cachedLineState)
logger.warn(this, error.toString)
case Failure(t) =>
// oops, the datastore read failed. invalidate the cache entry
// note: that this might be a perfectly legitimate failure,
// e.g. a lookup for a non-existent key; we need to pass the particular t through
invalidateEntry(key, entry)
* We have initiated a write, now handle its completion:
* 1. either cache the result if there is no intervening delete or update, or
* 2. invalidate the cache cache because there was an intervening delete or update
private def listenForWriteDone(key: CacheKey, entry: Entry, generator: => Future[Winfo])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging): Future[Winfo] = {
generator andThen {
case Success(_) =>
// if the datastore write was successful, then transition to the Cached state
logger.debug(this, "write backend part done, now marking cache entry as done")
if (entry.writeDone()) {
// entry transitioned from WriteInProgress to Cached state, s"write all done, caching $key ${entry.state.get}")
} else {
// state transition from WriteInProgress to Cached fails so invalidate
// the entry in the cache
val prevState = entry.state.get
if (prevState != InvalidateWhenDone) {
// this should not happen but could for example during a document
// update where the "read" that would fetch a previous instance of
// the document fails because the document does not exist, but the
// future callback to invalidate the cache entry is delayed; so it
// is possible the state here is InvalidateInProgress as a result.
// the end result is to invalidate the entry, which may be unnecessary;
// so this is a performance hit, not a correctness concern.
val error = ConcurrentOperationUnderUpdate(prevState)
logger.warn(this, error.toString)
} else {, s"write done, but invalidating cache entry as requested")
invalidateEntry(key, entry)
case Failure(_) => invalidateEntry(key, entry) // datastore write failed, invalidate cache entry
/** Immediately invalidates the given entry. */
private def invalidateEntry(key: CacheKey, entry: Entry)(implicit transid: TransactionId, logger: Logging): Unit = {, s"invalidating $key")
cache remove key
/** Invalidates the given entry after a given invalidator completes. */
private def invalidateEntryAfter[R](invalidator: => Future[R], key: CacheKey, entry: Entry)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
transid: TransactionId,
logger: Logging): Future[R] = {
invalidator andThen {
case _ => invalidateEntry(key, entry)
/** This is the backing store. */
private lazy val cache: ConcurrentMapBackedCache[Entry] = createCache()
private def createCache() = {
val b = Caffeine
evictionPolicy match {
case AccessTime => b.expireAfterAccess(cacheExpirationTime, cacheExpirationTimeUnit)
case _ => b.expireAfterWrite(cacheExpirationTime, cacheExpirationTimeUnit)
if (fixedCacheSize > 0) b.maximumSize(fixedCacheSize)
new ConcurrentMapBackedCache([ConcurrentMap[Any, Future[Entry]]])