blob: 75f2d70a2a4a9ae5959a45cf06916c00ea806858 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ContentType
import spray.json.JsObject
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.Attachments.Attached
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.CacheKey
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.DocId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.DocInfo
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.DocRevision
* An interface for modifying the revision number on a document. Hides the details of
* the revision to some extent while providing a marker interface for operations that
* need to update the revision on a document.
protected[core] trait DocumentRevisionProvider {
/** Gets the document id and revision as an instance of DocInfo. */
protected[database] def docinfo: DocInfo
* Sets the revision number when a document is deserialized from datastore. The
* _rev is an opaque value, needed to update the record in the datastore. It is
* not part of the core properties of this class. It is not required when saving
* a new instance of this type to the datastore.
protected[core] final def revision[W](r: DocRevision): W = {
_rev = r
protected[core] def rev = _rev
private var _rev: DocRevision = DocRevision.empty
* A common trait for all records that are serialized into raw documents for
* the datastore, where the document id is a generated unique identifier.
trait DocumentSerializer {
* A JSON view including the document metadata, for writing to the datastore.
* @return JsObject
def toDocumentRecord: JsObject
* A common trait for all records that are deserialized from raw documents in the datastore
* The type parameter W represents the "whisk" type, the document abstraction to
* use in core components. The trait is invariant in W
* but the get permits a datastore of its super type so that a single datastore client
* may be used for multiple types (because the types are stored in the same database for example).
trait DocumentFactory[W <: DocumentRevisionProvider] extends MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache[W, DocInfo] {
* Puts a record of type W in the datastore.
* The type parameters for the database are bounded from below to allow gets from a database that
* contains several different but related types (for example entities are stored in the same database
* and share common super types EntityRecord and WhiskEntity.
* @param db the datastore client to fetch entity from
* @param doc the entity to store
* @param transid the transaction id for logging
* @param notifier an optional callback when cache changes
* @param old an optional old document in case of update
* @return Future[DocInfo] with completion to DocInfo containing the save document id and revision
def put[Wsuper >: W](db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper], doc: W, old: Option[W])(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[DocInfo] = {
implicit val logger = db.logging
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
cacheUpdate(doc, CacheKey(doc), db.put(doc) map { newDocInfo =>
def putAndAttach[Wsuper >: W](db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper],
doc: W,
update: (W, Attached) => W,
contentType: ContentType,
bytes: InputStream,
oldAttachment: Option[Attached],
postProcess: Option[W => W] = None)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[DocInfo] = {
implicit val logger = db.logging
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
val key = CacheKey(doc)
val src = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => bytes)
val p = Promise[W]
cacheUpdate(p.future, key, db.putAndAttach[W](doc, update, contentType, src, oldAttachment) map {
case (newDocInfo, attached) =>
val newDoc = update(doc, attached)
val cacheDoc = postProcess map { _(newDoc) } getOrElse newDoc
def del[Wsuper >: W](db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper], doc: DocInfo)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification]): Future[Boolean] = {
implicit val logger = db.logging
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
val key = CacheKey(
cacheInvalidate(key, db.del(doc))
* Fetches a raw record of type R from the datastore by its id (and revision if given)
* and converts it to Success(W) or Failure(Throwable) if there is an error fetching
* the record or deserializing it.
* The type parameters for the database are bounded from below to allow gets from a database that
* contains several different but related types (for example entities are stored in the same database
* and share common super types EntityRecord and WhiskEntity.
* @param db the datastore client to fetch entity from
* @param doc the entity document information (must contain a valid id)
* @param rev the document revision (optional)
* @param fromCache will only query cache if true (defaults to collection settings)
* @param transid the transaction id for logging
* @param mw a manifest for W (hint to compiler to preserve type R for runtime)
* @return Future[W] with completion to Success(W), or Failure(Throwable) if the raw record cannot be converted into W
def get[Wsuper >: W](
db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper],
doc: DocId,
rev: DocRevision = DocRevision.empty,
fromCache: Boolean = cacheEnabled)(implicit transid: TransactionId, mw: Manifest[W]): Future[W] = {
implicit val logger = db.logging
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
val key = doc.asDocInfo(rev)
cacheLookup(CacheKey(key), db.get[W](key, None), fromCache)
* Fetches document along with attachment. `postProcess` would be used to process the fetched document
* before adding it to cache. This ensures that for documents having attachment the cache is updated only
* post fetch of the attachment
protected def getWithAttachment[Wsuper >: W](
db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper],
doc: DocId,
rev: DocRevision = DocRevision.empty,
fromCache: Boolean,
attachmentHandler: (W, Attached) => W,
postProcess: W => Future[W])(implicit transid: TransactionId, mw: Manifest[W]): Future[W] = {
implicit val logger = db.logging
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
val key = doc.asDocInfo(rev)
cacheLookup(CacheKey(key), db.get[W](key, Some(attachmentHandler)).flatMap(postProcess), fromCache)
protected def getAttachment[Wsuper >: W](
db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper],
doc: W,
attached: Attached,
outputStream: OutputStream,
postProcess: Option[W => W] = None)(implicit transid: TransactionId, mw: Manifest[W]): Future[W] = {
implicit val ec = db.executionContext
implicit val notifier: Option[CacheChangeNotification] = None
implicit val logger = db.logging
val docInfo = doc.docinfo
val key = CacheKey(docInfo)
val sink = StreamConverters.fromOutputStream(() => outputStream)
db.readAttachment[IOResult](docInfo, attached, sink).map { _ =>
val cacheDoc =
cacheUpdate(cacheDoc, key, Future.successful(docInfo)) map { newDocInfo =>
def deleteAttachments[Wsuper >: W](db: ArtifactStore[Wsuper], doc: DocInfo)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean] = {
implicit val ec = db.executionContext