blob: 0deddd5e7bec425cd072c75663d11c58ab99e872 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import KituraNet
import Dispatch
import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
// MARK: - Constants
private func getConstants(key: String)->String? {
var constants = [String:String]()
// Conversation
constants["conversation_username"] = <#conversation_username#>
//Does not require Colon seperating username and password
constants["conversation_password"] = <#conversation_password#>
constants["conversation_workspace_id"] = <#conversation_workspace_id#>
// Translation
constants["translation_username"] = <#translation_username#>
constants["translation_password"] = <#translation_password#>
constants["translation_from_language"] = "en"
// Translation supportedLanguages
// - In order to add more languages, check if they are supported (
// - Add the language to the Entity @language, and modify the Dialog to be consistent with the language
constants["translation_language_spanish"] = "es"
constants["translation_language_french"] = "fr"
constants["translation_language_arabic"] = "ar"
constants["translation_language_korean"] = "ko"
// Modify the URL Hooks in order to post to different teams (
// To add more channels, add them in the IBM Watson Conversation Entities, under @slack_channels. Then add a response in Dialog for the different channels.
constants["slack_channel_url_general"] = <#slack_channel_url#>
constants["slack_channel_url_random"] = <#slack_channel_url#>
return constants[key]
// MARK: - Main
func main(args:[String:Any])-> [String:Any]{
var convoResponse: [String:Any]!
print("Input recieved - \(args["input"])")
let invokeGroup = DispatchGroup()
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "PostRequestQueue", qos: DispatchQoS.userInitiated, attributes: .concurrent, autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit, target: nil)
queue.async {
post(params:args){ result in
print("Post response recieved - \(result["output"])")
convoResponse = result
switch invokeGroup.wait( + 15) {
case DispatchTimeoutResult.success:
case DispatchTimeoutResult.timedOut:
convoResponse = ["Error":"Timeout"]
convoResponse = checkForSlackPost(convoResponse: JSON(convoResponse)).dictionaryObject!
convoResponse = checkForTranslation(convoResponse: JSON(convoResponse)).dictionaryObject!
return convoResponse
private func checkForTranslation(convoResponse: JSON) -> JSON{
if convoResponse["output"]["nodes_visited"].arrayObject?.first! as? String == "Language Choice"{
var editedResponse: JSON?
editedResponse = try JSON(data: convoResponse.rawData())
let entities = editedResponse?["entities"].arrayObject!
for entity in entities!{
if let dict = entity as? [String:Any]{
if dict["entity"] as? String == "language" {
let entityValue = dict["value"] as! String
if let language = getConstants(key:"translation_language_\(entityValue.lowercased())") {
editedResponse!["context"]["current_language_translation"].string = language
print("Language detected - \(entityValue)")
print("Language not detected - Put spanish as default language")
editedResponse!["context"]["current_language_translation"].string = "es"
return convoResponse
return editedResponse!
if convoResponse["output"]["nodes_visited"].arrayObject?.first! as? String == "Translate Text", let text = convoResponse["input"]["text"].string, let language = convoResponse["context"]["current_language_translation"].string {
let translation = translateMessage(text: text, language: language)
var editedResponse: JSON?
editedResponse = try JSON(data: convoResponse.rawData())
let currentOutput = editedResponse!["output"]["text"].arrayObject!.first as! String
print("Translation - \(translation) - \(currentOutput)")
editedResponse!["output"]["text"] = ["\(currentOutput) \(translation)"]
return editedResponse!
}catch {
print("Unable to edit JSON")
return convoResponse
return convoResponse
private func translateMessage(text:String, language: String) -> String{
var translatedMessage = ""
print("Translating \(text) into - \(language)")
var initialParams = [String:Any]()
initialParams["payload"] = text
initialParams["translateTo"] = language
if let translateFrom = getConstants(key:"translation_from_language"), let translationUsername = getConstants(key:"translation_username"), let translationPassword = getConstants(key:"translation_password"){
initialParams["translateFrom"] = translateFrom
initialParams["username"] = translationUsername
initialParams["password"] = translationPassword
let translation: JSON = JSON(Whisk.invoke(actionNamed: "TranslatorAction", withParameters: initialParams))
if let translatedText = translation["response"]["result"]["payload"].string {
translatedMessage = translatedText
print("Translated to - \(translatedText)")
print("Some of the required Translation constants were not found")
return translatedMessage
private func checkForSlackPost(convoResponse: JSON) -> JSON{
if convoResponse["output"]["nodes_visited"].arrayObject?.first! as? String == "Slack Channel"{
var editedResponse: JSON?
editedResponse = try JSON(data: convoResponse.rawData())
let entities = editedResponse?["entities"].arrayObject!
for entity in entities!{
if let dict = entity as? [String:Any]{
if dict["entity"] as? String == "slack_channels" {
let slackChannel = dict["value"] as! String
editedResponse!["context"]["current_slack_channel"].string = slackChannel
print("Channel detected - \(slackChannel)")
return convoResponse
return editedResponse!
if convoResponse["output"]["nodes_visited"].arrayObject?.first! as? String == "Slack Post Text", let text = convoResponse["input"]["text"].string, let channel = convoResponse["context"]["current_slack_channel"].string {
postToSlack(text: text, channel: channel)
return convoResponse
private func postToSlack(text: String, channel: String){
print("Posting to Slack, channel - \(channel) - \(text)")
var initialMessageParam = [String:Any]()
initialMessageParam["text"] = text
initialMessageParam["channel"] = channel
initialMessageParam["username"] = "WhiskBot"
if let channelURL = getConstants(key:"slack_channel_url_\(channel.lowercased())"){
initialMessageParam["url"] = channelURL
if text.contains("to Slack"){
initialMessageParam["text"] = text.components(separatedBy: "to Slack").last
Whisk.invoke(actionNamed: "PostToSlack", withParameters: initialMessageParam)
print("Slack Channel URL not found in constants")
private func post(params : [String:Any], callback : @escaping([String:Any]) -> Void) {
if let username = getConstants(key:"conversation_username"), let password = getConstants(key:"conversation_password"), let workspaceId = getConstants(key:"conversation_workspace_id"){
print("Convo url - \("/conversation/api/v1/workspaces/\(workspaceId)/message?version=2017-01-18")")
let authString = "\(username):\(password)"
let authData = String.Encoding.utf8)
let authValue = "Basic \(authData!.base64EncodedString())"
let headers = ["Content-Type" : "application/json",
"Authorization" : authValue]
let requestOptions = [ClientRequest.Options.schema("https://"),
let request = HTTP.request(requestOptions) { response in
if response != nil {
do {
// this is odd, but that's just how KituraNet has you get
// the response as NSData
var jsonData = Data()
try response!.readAllData(into: &jsonData)
//let resp = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: [])
//callback(resp as! [String:Any])
switch WhiskJsonUtils.getJsonType(jsonData: jsonData) {
case .Dictionary:
if let resp = WhiskJsonUtils.jsonDataToDictionary(jsonData: jsonData) {
} else {
callback(["error": "Could not parse a valid JSON response."])
case .Array:
if let resp = WhiskJsonUtils.jsonDataToArray(jsonData: jsonData) {
callback(["error": "Response is an array, expecting dictionary."])
} else {
callback(["error": "Could not parse a valid JSON response."])
case .Undefined:
callback(["error": "Could not parse a valid JSON response."])
} catch {
callback(["error": "Could not parse a valid JSON response."])
} else {
callback(["error": "Did not receive a response."])
// turn params into JSON data
if let jsonData = WhiskJsonUtils.dictionaryToJsonString(jsonDict: params) {
request.write(from: jsonData)
} else {
callback(["error": "Could not parse parameters."])
print("You are missing a required constant to access the Conversation API")