blob: 6cb23adba410f235351005cf964df92e52fe2e4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Foundation
public struct ActionToken {
var actionName: String
var actionCode: String
public struct TriggerToken {
var triggerName: String
public struct RuleToken {
var ruleName: String
var triggerName: String
var actionName: String
public struct SequenceToken {
var sequenceName: String
var actionNames: [String]
enum TokenState {
case inStarComment
case inSlashComment
case initial
case inClass
case inClassName
case inClassQualifier
case skippingBlock
case parseAction
open class WhiskTokenizer {
let OpenWhiskActionTarget = "OpenWhiskActions"
var atPath: String!
var toPath: String!
var projectFileName: NSString!
public init(from: String, to: String, projectFile: NSString) {
atPath = from
toPath = to
self.projectFileName = projectFile
func readTargetSourceFiles() -> [String] {
let pbxProject = PBXProject(file: projectFileName as String, targetName: OpenWhiskActionTarget)
var filesForTarget = pbxProject.filesForTarget
for (target, files) in filesForTarget {
print("target:\(target), files:\(files)")
return filesForTarget[OpenWhiskActionTarget]!
open func readXCodeProjectDirectory() throws -> (actions: [Action],triggers: [Trigger], rules: [Rule], sequences: [Sequence]) {
let dir: FileManager = FileManager.default
var whiskActionArray = [Action]()
var whiskTriggerArray = [Trigger]()
var whiskRuleArray = [Rule]()
var whiskSequenceArray = [Sequence]()
let fileList = readTargetSourceFiles()
if let enumerator: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator = dir.enumerator(atPath: atPath) {
while let item = enumerator.nextObject() as? NSString {
var isDir = ObjCBool(false)
let fullPath = atPath+"/\(item)"
print("===== inspecting \(item.lastPathComponent)")
if dir.fileExists(atPath: fullPath, isDirectory: &isDir) == true {
if isDir.boolValue == true {
} else if item.hasSuffix(".swift") {
if fileList.contains(item.lastPathComponent as String) {
print("****Processing \(item.lastPathComponent)")
do {
let fileStr = try String(contentsOfFile: fullPath)
if let entityTuple = getWhiskEntities(str: fileStr) {
for action in entityTuple.actions {
do {
let actionDirPath = toPath+"/\(OpenWhiskActionTarget)"
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: actionDirPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
let actionPath = actionDirPath+"/\(action.actionName).swift"
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: actionPath)
try action.actionCode.write(to: fileUrl, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
let whiskAction = Action(name: action.actionName as NSString, path: actionPath as NSString, runtime: Runtime.swift, parameters: nil)
} catch {
print("Error writing actions from Xcode \(error)")
for trigger in entityTuple.triggers {
let whiskTrigger = Trigger(name: trigger.triggerName as NSString, feed: nil, parameters: nil)
for rule in entityTuple.rules {
let rule = Rule(name: rule.ruleName as NSString, trigger: rule.triggerName as NSString, action: rule.actionName as NSString)
for sequence in entityTuple.sequences {
let seq = Sequence(name: sequence.sequenceName as NSString, actions: sequence.actionNames)
} catch {
print("Error \(error)")
return (whiskActionArray, whiskTriggerArray, whiskRuleArray, whiskSequenceArray)
func getWhiskEntities(str: String) -> (actions: [ActionToken], triggers: [TriggerToken], rules: [RuleToken], sequences: [SequenceToken])? {
let scanner = Scanner(string: str)
var line: NSString?
var state = TokenState.initial
var actionArray = [ActionToken]()
var triggerArray = [TriggerToken]()
var ruleArray = [RuleToken]()
var sequenceArray = [SequenceToken]()
var actionName = ""
var actionCode = ""
var leftBracketCount = 0
var rightBracketCount = 0
while scanner.scanUpToCharacters(from: CharacterSet.newlines, into: &line) {
// print("Scan location is \(scanner.scanLocation)")
guard let line = line else {
print("Xcode To Whisk: Error, line from tokenizer is nil, aborting.")
return nil
var trimmedLine = line.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespaces)
if trimmedLine.hasPrefix("//") {
//print("Skipping comment")
} else if trimmedLine.hasPrefix("/*") {
state = TokenState.inStarComment
} else {
switch state {
case .initial:
if trimmedLine.range(of: "let") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "WhiskTrigger()") != nil {
let classStr = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "=")
// get actionName
let letStr = classStr[0].components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)
let triggerName = letStr[1]
let triggerToken = TriggerToken(triggerName: triggerName)
} else if trimmedLine.range(of: "let") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "WhiskRule(") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "trigger:") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "action:") != nil{
var classStr = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "=")
let letStr = classStr[0].components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)
let ruleName = letStr[1].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let paramStr = classStr[1].replacingOccurrences(of: "WhiskRule", with: "").components(separatedBy: ",")
let triggerStr = paramStr[0].components(separatedBy: ":")
let triggerName = triggerStr[1].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
var actionStr = paramStr[1].components(separatedBy: ":")
let actionName = actionStr[1].replacingOccurrences(of: "(", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: ")", with: "").trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
print("Got trigger:\(triggerName), action:\(actionName)")
let rule = RuleToken(ruleName: ruleName, triggerName: triggerName, actionName: actionName)
} else if trimmedLine.range(of: "let") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "WhiskSequence(") != nil {
var classStr = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "=")
let letStr = classStr[0].components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)
let sequenceName = letStr[1]
let paramStr = classStr[1].replacingOccurrences(of: "WhiskSequence", with: "").components(separatedBy: ":")
let actionNames = paramStr[1].replacingOccurrences(of: "[", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: "]", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: "(", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: ")", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
print("Got sequence \(actionNames)")
let names = actionNames.components(separatedBy: ",")
var sequenceActions = [String]()
for name in names {
let sequence = SequenceToken(sequenceName: sequenceName, actionNames: sequenceActions)
} else if trimmedLine.range(of: "OpenWhiskAction") == nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "class") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: ":") != nil && trimmedLine.range(of: "WhiskAction") != nil {
let classStr = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: ":")
// get actionName
let classIndex = classStr[0].characters.index(classStr[0].startIndex, offsetBy: 6)
actionName = classStr[0].substring(from: classIndex).trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespaces)
state = TokenState.parseAction
var tok = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "{")
leftBracketCount = tok.count - 1
tok = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "}")
rightBracketCount = tok.count - 1
case .parseAction:
var lookingForLeftBracket = false
if leftBracketCount == 0 {
lookingForLeftBracket = true
var tok = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "{")
leftBracketCount = leftBracketCount + (tok.count - 1)
tok = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: "}")
rightBracketCount = rightBracketCount + (tok.count - 1)
if leftBracketCount == rightBracketCount {
// drop extra bracket
let lastLine = String(trimmedLine.characters.dropLast())
if lookingForLeftBracket == false {
actionCode = actionCode + "\n" + lastLine
let newAction = ActionToken(actionName: actionName, actionCode: actionCode)
state = TokenState.initial
actionName = ""
actionCode = ""
leftBracketCount = 0
rightBracketCount = 0
state = TokenState.initial
} else {
let range = trimmedLine.range(of: "func run(")
if range != nil {
trimmedLine.replaceSubrange(range!, with: "func main(")
if lookingForLeftBracket == false {
actionCode = actionCode + "\n"+trimmedLine
case .inStarComment:
if trimmedLine.hasSuffix("*/") {
state = TokenState.initial
//print("Don't care")
if state == .parseAction {
let code = String(actionCode.characters.dropLast())
let newAction = ActionToken(actionName: actionName, actionCode: code)
return (actions: actionArray, triggers: triggerArray, rules: ruleArray, sequences: sequenceArray)