Update README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index af3ce70..7f4a91b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,31 @@
 ### wsktool  
 A CLI tool that allows developers to install OpenWhisk "projects" into the OpenWhisk backend.  A project contains sets of actions (JS and Swift), triggers, and rules which can be installed with a single command `wsktool install`.  You can do the opposite with `wsktool uninstall`.  You can see an [example of an OpenWhisk project here](https://github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-package-jira/tree/master/src).
-Documentation on the structure of an OpenWhisk project is coming soon.  
+#### wsktool Project Structure
+wsktool looks installs code based on the following project structure.  
+_ Ignored files
+- src
+   |_ root-manifest.json
+   |_ source_code.js                  // JS action in default package and namespace
+   |_ action_source_code.swift        // Swift action in default package and namespace
+   |_ mypackage1                      // package
+          |_mypackage1-manifest.json  // Package specific settings
+          |_source_code.js
+   |_ mypackage2
+          |_source_code.swift
+wsktool looks for a `src` directory in the project home. It will walk this directory and install/delete OpenWhisk actions, triggers, and rules using the following conventions:
+* Actions will be installed for each source code file under src using the filename as the action name.  The file extension indicate the desired runtime.
+* Source code directly underneath src are installed without specifying a namespace or package
+* Directories underneath src indicate packages.  The package name is the directory name
+* Source code inside package directories are installed as members of the package
+* The `root-manifest.json` contains definitions for triggers, rules, sequences, and action parameters. You can also declare depedencies on other OpenWhisk packages installed in GitHub.
+* The `<package-name>-manifest.json` contains package specific settings for actions
 `wsktool` supports referencing dependencies on OpenWhisk projects in Github.  It will automatically download, bind, and install these with the main project.