blob: dcd1bb829a0ffe8d2bd1f7da23ce4c1ea3d5f7c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Created by Jesse Squires
// Documentation
// GitHub
// License
// Copyright (c) 2014 Jesse Squires
// Released under an MIT license:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
* A constant defining the default height of a `JSQMessagesTypingIndicatorFooterView`.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const CGFloat kJSQMessagesTypingIndicatorFooterViewHeight;
* The `JSQMessagesTypingIndicatorFooterView` class implements a reusable view that can be placed
* at the bottom of a `JSQMessagesCollectionView`. This view represents a typing indicator
* for incoming messages.
@interface JSQMessagesTypingIndicatorFooterView : UICollectionReusableView
#pragma mark - Class methods
* Returns the `UINib` object initialized for the collection reusable view.
* @return The initialized `UINib` object or `nil` if there were errors during
* initialization or the nib file could not be located.
+ (UINib *)nib;
* Returns the default string used to identify the reusable footer view.
* @return The string used to identify the reusable footer view.
+ (NSString *)footerReuseIdentifier;
#pragma mark - Typing indicator
* Configures the receiver with the specified attributes for the given collection view.
* Call this method after dequeuing the footer view.
* @param ellipsisColor The color of the typing indicator ellipsis. This value must not be `nil`.
* @param messageBubbleColor The color of the typing indicator message bubble. This value must not be `nil`.
* @param shouldDisplayOnLeft Specifies whether the typing indicator displays on the left or right side of the collection view when displayed.
* @param collectionView The collection view in which the footer view will appear. This value must not be `nil`.
- (void)configureWithEllipsisColor:(UIColor *)ellipsisColor
messageBubbleColor:(UIColor *)messageBubbleColor
forCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView;