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// Created by Jesse Squires
// Documentation
// GitHub
// License
// Copyright (c) 2014 Jesse Squires
// Released under an MIT license:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class JSQMessagesCollectionView;
@protocol JSQMessageData;
@protocol JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource;
@protocol JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource;
* An object that adopts the `JSQMessagesCollectionViewDataSource` protocol is responsible for providing the data and views
* required by a `JSQMessagesCollectionView`. The data source object represents your app’s messaging data model
* and vends information to the collection view as needed.
@protocol JSQMessagesCollectionViewDataSource <UICollectionViewDataSource>
* Asks the data source for the current sender's display name, that is, the current user who is sending messages.
* @return An initialized string describing the current sender to display in a `JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell`.
* @warning You must not return `nil` from this method. This value does not need to be unique.
- (NSString *)senderDisplayName;
* Asks the data source for the current sender's unique identifier, that is, the current user who is sending messages.
* @return An initialized string identifier that uniquely identifies the current sender.
* @warning You must not return `nil` from this method. This value must be unique.
- (NSString *)senderId;
* Asks the data source for the message data that corresponds to the specified item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return An initialized object that conforms to the `JSQMessageData` protocol. You must not return `nil` from this method.
- (id<JSQMessageData>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView messageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Notifies the data source that the item at indexPath has been deleted.
* Implementations of this method should remove the item from the data source.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
- (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView didDeleteMessageAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Asks the data source for the message bubble image data that corresponds to the specified message data item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return An initialized object that conforms to the `JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource` protocol. You may return `nil` from this method if you do not
* want the specified item to display a message bubble image.
* @discussion It is recommended that you utilize `JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory` to return valid `JSQMessagesBubbleImage` objects.
* However, you may provide your own data source object as long as it conforms to the `JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource` protocol.
* @warning Note that providing your own bubble image data source objects may require additional
* configuration of the collectionView layout object, specifically regarding its `messageBubbleTextViewFrameInsets` and `messageBubbleTextViewTextContainerInsets`.
* @see JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory.
* @see JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout.
- (id<JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Asks the data source for the avatar image data that corresponds to the specified message data item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return A initialized object that conforms to the `JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource` protocol. You may return `nil` from this method if you do not want
* the specified item to display an avatar.
* @discussion It is recommended that you utilize `JSQMessagesAvatarImageFactory` to return valid `JSQMessagesAvatarImage` objects.
* However, you may provide your own data source object as long as it conforms to the `JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource` protocol.
* @see JSQMessagesAvatarImageFactory.
* @see JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout.
- (id<JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView avatarImageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Asks the data source for the text to display in the `cellTopLabel` for the specified
* message data item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return A configured attributed string or `nil` if you do not want text displayed for the item at indexPath.
* Return an attributed string with `nil` attributes to use the default attributes.
* @see JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell.
- (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForCellTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Asks the data source for the text to display in the `messageBubbleTopLabel` for the specified
* message data item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return A configured attributed string or `nil` if you do not want text displayed for the item at indexPath.
* Return an attributed string with `nil` attributes to use the default attributes.
* @see JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell.
- (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForMessageBubbleTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
* Asks the data source for the text to display in the `cellBottomLabel` for the the specified
* message data item at indexPath in the collectionView.
* @param collectionView The collection view requesting this information.
* @param indexPath The index path that specifies the location of the item.
* @return A configured attributed string or `nil` if you do not want text displayed for the item at indexPath.
* Return an attributed string with `nil` attributes to use the default attributes.
* @see JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell.
- (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForCellBottomLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;