blob: 03ce402123782084683fea81249c8f9c0fe5b865 [file] [log] [blame]
// Created by Jesse Squires
// Documentation
// GitHub
// License
// Copyright (c) 2014 Jesse Squires
// Released under an MIT license:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
An instance of `JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes` specifies the appearance configuration of a `JSQAudioMediaItem`.
Use this class to customize the appearance of `JSQAudioMediaItem`.
@interface JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes : NSObject
* The image for the play button. The default is a play icon.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *playButtonImage;
* The image for the pause button. The default is a pause icon.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *pauseButtonImage;
* The font for the elapsed time label. The default is a system font.
@property (strong, nonatomic) UIFont *labelFont;
* Specifies whether to show fractions of a second for audio files with a duration of less than 1 minute.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showFractionalSeconds;
* The background color for the player.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *backgroundColor;
* The tint color for the player.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *tintColor;
* Insets that sepcify the padding around the play/pause button and time label.
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets controlInsets;
* Specifies the padding between the button, progress bar, and label.
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat controlPadding;
* Specifies the audio category set prior to playback.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *audioCategory;
* Specifies the audio category options set prior to playback.
@property (nonatomic) AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions audioCategoryOptions;
Initializes and returns a `JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes` instance having the specified attributes.
@param playButtonImage The image for the play button.
@param pauseButtonImage The image for the pause button.
@param labelFont The font for the elapsed time label.
@param showFractionalSeconds Specifies whether to show fractions of a second for audio files with a duration of less than 1 minute.
@param backgroundColor The background color for the player.
@param tintColor The tint color for the player.
@param controlInsets Insets that sepcify the padding around the play/pause button and time label.
@param controlPadding Specifies the padding between the button, progress bar, and label.
@param audioCategory Specifies the audio category set prior to playback.
@param audioCategoryOptions Specifies the audio category options set prior to playback.
@return A new `JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes` instance
- (instancetype)initWithPlayButtonImage:(UIImage *)playButtonImage
pauseButtonImage:(UIImage *)pauseButtonImage
labelFont:(UIFont *)labelFont
backgroundColor:(UIColor *)backgroundColor
tintColor:(UIColor *)tintColor
audioCategory:(NSString *)audioCategory
audioCategoryOptions:(AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions)audioCategoryOptions NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
Initializes and returns a default `JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes` instance.
@return A new `JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes` instance
- (instancetype)init;