blob: 81c0c02332e545629414f7997797458449872202 [file] [log] [blame]
// Created by Jesse Squires
// Documentation
// GitHub
// License
// Copyright (c) 2014 Jesse Squires
// Released under an MIT license:
// Ideas for keyboard controller taken from Daniel Amitay
// DAKeyboardControl
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class JSQMessagesKeyboardController;
* Posted when the system keyboard frame changes.
* The object of the notification is the `JSQMessagesKeyboardController` object.
* The `userInfo` dictionary contains the new keyboard frame for key
* `JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerUserInfoKeyKeyboardDidChangeFrame`.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerNotificationKeyboardDidChangeFrame;
* Contains the new keyboard frame wrapped in an `NSValue` object.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerUserInfoKeyKeyboardDidChangeFrame;
* The `JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerDelegate` protocol defines methods that
* allow you to respond to the frame change events of the system keyboard.
* A `JSQMessagesKeyboardController` object also posts the `JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerNotificationKeyboardDidChangeFrame`
* in response to frame change events of the system keyboard.
@protocol JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerDelegate <NSObject>
* Tells the delegate that the keyboard frame has changed.
* @param keyboardController The keyboard controller that is notifying the delegate.
* @param keyboardFrame The new frame of the keyboard in the coordinate system of the `contextView`.
- (void)keyboardController:(JSQMessagesKeyboardController *)keyboardController keyboardDidChangeFrame:(CGRect)keyboardFrame;
* An instance of `JSQMessagesKeyboardController` manages responding to the hiding and showing
* of the system keyboard for editing its `textView` within its specified `contextView`.
* It also controls user interaction with the system keyboard via its `panGestureRecognizer`,
* allow the user to interactively pan the keyboard up and down in the `contextView`.
* When the system keyboard frame changes, it posts the `JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerNotificationKeyboardDidChangeFrame`.
@interface JSQMessagesKeyboardController : NSObject
* The object that acts as the delegate of the keyboard controller.
@property (weak, nonatomic) id<JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerDelegate> delegate;
* The text view in which the user is editing with the system keyboard.
@property (weak, nonatomic, readonly) UITextView *textView;
* The view in which the keyboard will be shown. This should be the parent or a sibling of `textView`.
@property (weak, nonatomic, readonly) UIView *contextView;
* The pan gesture recognizer responsible for handling user interaction with the system keyboard.
@property (weak, nonatomic, readonly) UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGestureRecognizer;
* Specifies the distance from the keyboard at which the `panGestureRecognizer`
* should trigger user interaction with the keyboard by panning.
* @discussion The x value of the point is not used.
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGPoint keyboardTriggerPoint;
* Returns `YES` if the keyboard is currently visible, `NO` otherwise.
@property (assign, nonatomic, readonly) BOOL keyboardIsVisible;
* Returns the current frame of the keyboard if it is visible, otherwise `CGRectNull`.
@property (assign, nonatomic, readonly) CGRect currentKeyboardFrame;
* Not a valid initializer.
- (id)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Creates a new keyboard controller object with the specified textView, contextView, panGestureRecognizer, and delegate.
* @param textView The text view in which the user is editing with the system keyboard. This value must not be `nil`.
* @param contextView The view in which the keyboard will be shown. This should be the parent or a sibling of `textView`. This value must not be `nil`.
* @param panGestureRecognizer The pan gesture recognizer responsible for handling user interaction with the system keyboard. This value must not be `nil`.
* @param delegate The object that acts as the delegate of the keyboard controller.
* @return An initialized `JSQMessagesKeyboardController` if created successfully, `nil` otherwise.
- (instancetype)initWithTextView:(UITextView *)textView
contextView:(UIView *)contextView
panGestureRecognizer:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)panGestureRecognizer
delegate:(id<JSQMessagesKeyboardControllerDelegate>)delegate NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* Tells the keyboard controller that it should begin listening for system keyboard notifications.
- (void)beginListeningForKeyboard;
* Tells the keyboard controller that it should end listening for system keyboard notifications.
- (void)endListeningForKeyboard;