blob: e88d75e96b47569a3f652f433b4e39715263b0f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* main() will be invoked when you Run This Action.
* @param Whisk actions accept a single parameter,
* which must be a JSON object.
* In this case, the params variable will look like:
* {
* "prs": "xxxx",
* "slack_package": "xxxx",
* }
* @return which must be a JSON object.
* It will be the output of this action.
function main(params) {
// require the OpenWhisk npm package
var openwhisk = require("openwhisk");
// instantiate the openwhisk instance before you can use it
wsk = openwhisk();
//read Params
var prs = params.prs;
var slackPackage = params.slack_package;
if (prs.length === 0) {
return {
message: "Yeay! No old PRs!"
var messages = ["Hello Whisk Devs! It looks like we have some Pull Requests that may require a little love:\n"];
for (var i = 0; i < prs.length; i++) {
// read pr from a document
var doc = prs[i];
var pr =;
console.log("PR:" + doc._id);
// find out how many days old a pull request is.
var age = getPrAge(doc, "days");
var ageString = age + " " + (age === 1 ? "day" : "days");
var message;
if(doc.state === "READY") {
message = "has been marked \"ready\" for more than " + ageString
} else {
message = "has been under \"review\" without comments for more than " + ageString
messages.push("<" + pr["html_url"] + "|[" + pr.base.repo["full_name"] + "] PR #" + pr.number + "> " + message);
// access namespace as environment variables
var namespace = process.env["__OW_NAMESPACE"];
// Slack package can be accessed using /namespace/package
packageName = "/" + namespace + "/" + slackPackage;
return wsk.actions.invoke({
actionName: packageName + "/post",
params: {
"text": messages.join("\n"),
blocking: true
.then(activation => {
console.log("Posted messages to slack");
return {
message: activation
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Error posting messages to slack")
return {
error: err
function byDescendingAge(pr1, pr2) {
var age1 = getPrAge(pr1, "hours");
var age2 = getPrAge(pr2, "hours");
// sort descending
return age2 - age1;
function getPrAge(pr, unit) {
var moment = require("moment");
// instantiate moment with last update of a pull request
var readyMoment = moment(pr.lastUpdate);
// difference between now and last update in "hours" or "days"
return moment().diff(readyMoment, unit);