blob: bee7c950a1730d651cdd5b76d8095d2e899ae3ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* main() will be invoked when you Run This Action.
* @param Whisk actions accept a single parameter,
* which must be a JSON object.
* In this case, the params variable will look like:
* {
* "cloudant_package": "xxxx",
* "github_username": "xxxx",
* "github_access_token": "xxxx",
* }
* @return which must be a JSON object.
* It will be the output of this action.
// require the OpenWhisk npm package
var openwhisk = require("openwhisk");
// global variable for openwhisk object and cloudant package
var wsk;
var packageName;
//global variable for GitHub username and access token
var githubUsername;
var githubAccessToken;
// predetermined threshold for pull requests duration
// pull requests needs attention if they are older than this threshold
var limits = {
"READY": {
amount: 3,
unit: "days"
amount: 4,
unit: "days"
function main(params) {
// instantiate the openwhisk instance before you can use it
wsk = openwhisk();
// read Params
var cloudantPackage = params["cloudant_package"];
githubUsername = params["github_username"];
githubAccessToken = params["github_access_token"];
// validate cloudant package is set in params
if (typeof cloudantPackage === "undefined" || cloudantPackage === null) {
return {
"error": "Cloudant package is not specified. Please set \"cloudant_package\" bound parameter."
// validate github username is set in params
if (typeof githubUsername === "undefined" || githubUsername === null) {
return {
"error": "GitHub username is not specified. Please set \"github_username\" bound parameter."
// validate github access token is set in params
if (typeof githubAccessToken === "undefined" || githubAccessToken === null) {
return {
"error": "GitHub access token is not specified. Please set \"github_access_token\" bound parameter."
// access namespace as environment variables
var namespace = process.env["__OW_NAMESPACE"];
// Cloudant package can be accessed using /namespace/package
packageName = "/" + namespace + "/" + cloudantPackage;
// get list of pull requests from cloudant database
return wsk.actions.invoke({
actionName: packageName + "/list-documents",
params: { "include_docs": true },
blocking: true
.then(activation => {
console.log("Found " + activation.response.result.total_rows + " docs.");
var listOfIDs = (row) {
return listOfIDs;
.then(function (listOfIds) {
return Promise.all(;
.then(function (trackedPrDocs) {
// filter to only PRs that are "too old"
return trackedPrDocs.filter(prIsTooOld);
.then(function (oldPrDocs) {
// filter to only PRs that are still open
// because of the undefined order we receive Github events, it is
// possible that we are still tracking a PR that has since been closed.
var stillOpenPromises =;
return Promise.all(stillOpenPromises)
.then(function (isPrOpenArray) {
var delayedPRs = oldPrDocs.filter(function (prDoc, index) {
return isPrOpenArray[index];
return {
prs: delayedPRs
function isStillOpen(prDoc) {
// fetch updated record from GitHub
return fetchPrFromGithub(prDoc)
.then(function (latest) {
if (latest.state === "closed") {
console.log("PR#" + + " is now closed, but still being tracked - deleting it from Cloudant.");
// delete from Cloudant - don"t bother waiting for result
return false;
} else {
console.log("PR#" + + " is still open.");
return true;
// read document from cloudant data store
// return the doc if it exists
function getExistingDocument(id) {
return wsk.actions.invoke({
actionName: packageName + "/read-document",
params: { "docid": id },
blocking: true,
.then(activation => {
console.log("Found a document in database with ID " + id);
return activation.response.result;
// it could be possible that the doc with this ID doesn"t exist and
// therefore return "undefined" instead of exiting with error
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Error fetching document from database for: " + id);
return undefined;
function stopTracking(pullRequest, ifInState) {
var id = pullRequest["html_url"];
// get the existing doc
// if it matches the ifInState, then delete it and
// stop tracking this pull request
return getExistingDocument(id)
.then(function (existingDoc) {
if (existingDoc) {
if (!ifInState || existingDoc.state === ifInState) {
return wsk.invoke.actions({
actionName: packageName + "/delete-document",
params: {
docid: existingDoc._id,
docrev: existingDoc._rev
.then (function () {
return {
message: "Sucessfully stopped tracking " + id
} else {
return {
message: "Refusing to delete doc because it is not in state " + ifInState + " " + id
} else {
return {
message: "Refusing to delete doc because it does not exist " + id
function fetchPrFromGithub(prDoc) {
var authorizationHeader = "Basic " + new Buffer(githubUsername + ":" + githubAccessToken).toString("base64");
var options = {
method: "GET",
json: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": authorizationHeader,
"User-Agent": githubUsername
var request = require("request");
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
response: response,
error: error,
body: body
} else {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
response: body
function prIsTooOld(prDoc) {
var moment = require("moment");
// read lastUpdate from github
var readyMoment = moment(prDoc.lastUpdate);
// depeneding on the state of pull request, "READY" or "REVIEW"
// read the limit amount and days
var limit = limits[prDoc.state];
// moment.diff() returns difference between today and
// when pull request was last updated (in days as limit.unit is days)
// return true if the pull request was updated certain (limit.amount) days ago
return (moment().diff(readyMoment, limit.unit) >= limit.amount);