update README
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b05a4f6..2c4eac9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,4 +5,49 @@
 Backend is implemented as a serverless action with api gateway route
+## Installing
+### Deploy action
+Configure the `wsk` CLI with authentication and host
+Create the action using `wsk` CLI and set default parameters
+wsk create slackinvite action.js -p org "myslackteam" -p slacktoken "xop-12345..."
+The org is the Slack team name, usually the hostname from your .slack.com.
+The slacktoken is a token for a user with admin access. You can get one from https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens
+Recommend creating a bot user with admin to use for invites.
+Verify the action by invoking with the `wsk` CLI
+wsk action invoke slackinvite -p email "user@example.com"
+The action should do a http call to the slack API using the team host and token, then Slack will send the invite to the email provided.
+### Expose action
+Create a public url to invoke the action using `wsk` CLI
+wsk api-experimental create /openwhisk-team /slackinvite GET slackinvite
+The command will print the new url created
+ok: created api /slackinvite GET for action slackinvite
+Verify the exposed url by invoking using the `curl` CLI or a web browser
+curl -X GET https://21ef035.api-gw.mybluemix.net/openwhisk-team/slackinvite?email=user@example.com
+## Update index.html
+Edit the line `var actionUrl = "https://...";` and replace the value with your new url that expose your new action.
+## Deploy to github-pages
+Create a new github repo, then go to settings, and set master branch as github page.
+Push the modified `index.html` to the new repo, then your webpage would be accesible from https://$username.github.io/$reponame
 License: Apache-2.0
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 194e5c3..4aa162f 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@
   var btn = $("button");
   var res = $("#result");
   var email = $('#inputEmail');
+  var actionUrl = "https://545303d4-dd03-4cfc-a553-4253f7929dfd-gws.api-gw.mybluemix.net/openwhisk-team/slackinvite";
   function handler() {
     var email = $("input")[0].value;
-    $.get("https://545303d4-dd03-4cfc-a553-4253f7929dfd-gws.api-gw.mybluemix.net/openwhisk-team/slackinvite", { email: email })
+    $.get(actionUrl, { email: email })
       .done(function (data) {
         btn.html("WOOT. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!");