Apache OpenWhisk Runtime Ruby supports Apache OpenWhisk functions written in Ruby

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  1. 7c10e5a Update .asf.yaml - fix spelling (#86) by John Bampton · 4 months ago master
  2. da6484e update scalafmt plugin version to fix build break (#85) by David Grove · 5 months ago
  3. d4a4787 update go proxy to 1.22@1.24.0 (#84) by David Grove · 11 months ago
  4. 8f899fc update versions of github actions (#83) by David Grove · 11 months ago
  5. b605d2b Allow manual triggering of github action. (#82) by Luke Roy · 12 months ago

Apache OpenWhisk runtimes for Ruby

License Continuous Integration

Give it a try today

A very simple hello world function would be:

def main(args)
  name = args["name"] || "stranger"
  greeting = "Hello #{name}!"
  puts greeting
  { "greeting" => greeting }

For the return result, not only support dictionary but also support array

So a very simple hello array function would be:

def main(args)
  nums = Array["a","b"]

And support array result for sequence action as well, the first action‘s array result can be used as next action’s input parameter.

So the function can be

def main(args)

To use as a docker action

wsk action update myAction my_action.rb --docker openwhisk/action-ruby-v2.5

This works on any deployment of Apache OpenWhisk

To use on deployment that contains the runtime as a kind

To use as a kind action

wsk action update myAction my_action.rb --kind ruby:2.5

Local development

./gradlew core:ruby2.5Action:distDocker

This will produce the image whisk/action-ruby-v2.5

Build and Push image

docker login
./gradlew core:ruby2.5Action:distDocker -PdockerImagePrefix=$prefix-user -PdockerRegistry=docker.io

Deploy OpenWhisk using ansible environment that contains the kind ruby:2.5 Assuming you have OpenWhisk already deploy locally and OPENWHISK_HOME pointing to root directory of OpenWhisk core repository.

Set ROOTDIR to the root directory of this repository.

Redeploy OpenWhisk

cd $OPENWHISK_HOME/ansible
ANSIBLE_CMD="ansible-playbook -i ${ROOTDIR}/ansible/environments/local"
$ANSIBLE_CMD setup.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD couchdb.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD initdb.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD wipe.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD openwhisk.yml

Or you can use wskdev and create a soft link to the target ansible environment, for example:

ln -s ${ROOTDIR}/ansible/environments/local ${OPENWHISK_HOME}/ansible/environments/local-ruby
wskdev fresh -t local-ruby

To use as docker action push to your own dockerhub account

docker tag whisk/ruby2.5Action $user_prefix/action-ruby-v2.5
docker push $user_prefix/action-ruby-v2.5

Then create the action using your image from Docker Hub.

wsk action update myAction my_action.rb --docker $user_prefix/action-ruby-v2.5

The $user_prefix is usually your dockerhub user id.


Install dependencies from the root directory on $OPENWHISK_HOME repository

./gradlew install

Using gradle to run all tests

./gradlew :tests:test

Using gradle to run some tests

./gradlew :tests:test --tests *ActionContainerTests*

Using IntelliJ:

  • Import project as gradle project.
  • Make sure the working directory is root of the project/repo.