blob: 7952cb538130e51d467fb79c1f2e24793ca2f39d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.controller.test
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.Base64
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import spray.http.FormData
import spray.http.HttpMethods
import spray.http.MediaTypes
import spray.http.StatusCodes._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport.sprayJsonMarshaller
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport.sprayJsonUnmarshaller
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
import whisk.core.controller.Context
import whisk.core.controller.RejectRequest
import whisk.core.controller.WhiskMetaApi
import whisk.core.database.NoDocumentException
import whisk.core.entitlement.EntitlementProvider
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege._
import whisk.core.entitlement.Resource
import whisk.core.entity._
import whisk.core.entity.size._
import whisk.core.iam.NamespaceProvider
import whisk.core.loadBalancer.LoadBalancer
import whisk.http.ErrorResponse
import whisk.http.Messages
* Tests Meta API.
* Unit tests of the controller service as a standalone component.
* These tests exercise a fresh instance of the service object in memory -- these
* tests do NOT communication with a whisk deployment.
* @Idioglossia
* "using Specification DSL to write unit tests, as in should, must, not, be"
* "using Specs2RouteTest DSL to chain HTTP requests for unit testing, as in ~>"
class MetaApiTests extends ControllerTestCommon with WhiskMetaApi with BeforeAndAfterEach {
override val apipath = "api"
override val apiversion = "v1"
val systemId = Subject()
override lazy val systemKey = AuthKey()
override lazy val systemIdentity = Future.successful(Identity(systemId, EntityName(systemId.asString), systemKey, Privilege.ALL))
override lazy val entitlementProvider = new TestingEntitlementProvider(whiskConfig, loadBalancer, iam)
/** Meta API tests */
behavior of "Meta API"
val creds = WhiskAuth(Subject(), AuthKey()).toIdentity
val namespace = EntityPath(creds.subject.asString)
var failActionLookup = false // toggle to cause action lookup to fail
var failActivation = 0 // toggle to cause action to fail
var failThrottleForSubject: Option[Subject] = None // toggle to cause throttle to fail for subject
var actionResult: Option[JsObject] = None
override def afterEach() = {
failActionLookup = false
failActivation = 0
failThrottleForSubject = None
actionResult = None
val packages = Seq(
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(false))),
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true))),
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true)) ++
Parameters("get", JsString("getApi")) ++
Parameters("post", JsString("createRoute")) ++
Parameters("delete", JsString("deleteApi"))),
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true)) ++
Parameters("get", JsString("getApi"))),
parameters = Parameters("x", JsString("X")) ++ Parameters("z", JsString("z")),
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true)) ++
Parameters("get", JsString("getApi"))),
publish = true,
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true)) ++
Parameters("get", JsString("getApi"))),
Some(Binding(EntityName(systemId.asString), EntityName("heavymeta"))),
annotations = Parameters("meta", JsBoolean(true))),
parameters = Parameters("x", JsString("X")) ++ Parameters("z", JsString("z"))))
override protected def getPackage(pkgName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Future {
packages.find(_.fullyQualifiedName(false) == pkgName).get
} recoverWith {
case _: NoSuchElementException => Future.failed(NoDocumentException("does not exist"))
val defaultActionParameters = {
Parameters("y", JsString("Y")) ++ Parameters("z", JsString("Z"))
override protected def getAction(actionName: FullyQualifiedEntityName)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
if (!failActionLookup) {
def theAction = {
val annotations = Parameters(WhiskAction.finalParamsAnnotationName, JsBoolean(true))
WhiskAction(actionName.path,, Exec.js("??"), defaultActionParameters, annotations = {
if ("export_")) {
annotations ++ Parameters("web-export", JsBoolean(true))
} else annotations
if (actionName.path.defaultPackage) {
} else {
getPackage(actionName.path.toFullyQualifiedEntityName) map (_ => theAction)
} else {
Future.failed(NoDocumentException("doesn't exist"))
override protected def getIdentity(namespace: EntityName)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Identity] = {
if (namespace.asString == systemId.asString) {
} else {, s"namespace has no identity")
override protected[controller] def invokeAction(user: Identity, action: WhiskAction, payload: Option[JsObject], blocking: Boolean, waitOverride: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[(ActivationId, Option[WhiskActivation])] = {
if (failActivation == 0) {
// construct a result stub that includes:
// 1. the package name for the action (to confirm that this resolved to systemId)
// 2. the action name (to confirm that this resolved to the expected meta action)
// 3. the payload received by the action which consists of the action.params + payload
val result = actionResult getOrElse JsObject(
"pkg" -> action.namespace.toJson,
"action" ->,
"content" -> action.parameters.merge(payload).get)
val activation = WhiskActivation(
start =,
end =,
response = {
actionResult.flatMap { r =>
r.fields.get("application_error").map {
e => ActivationResponse.applicationError(e)
} orElse r.fields.get("developer_error").map {
e => ActivationResponse.containerError(e)
} orElse r.fields.get("whisk_error").map {
e => ActivationResponse.whiskError(e)
} orElse None // for clarity
} getOrElse ActivationResponse.success(Some(result))
// check that action parameters were merged with package
// all actions have default parameters (see actionLookup stub)
val packageName = Await.result(resolvePackageName(action.namespace.last), dbOpTimeout)
getPackage(packageName) foreach { pkg =>
action.parameters shouldBe (pkg.parameters ++ defaultActionParameters)
action.parameters.get("z") shouldBe defaultActionParameters.get("z")
Future.successful(activation.activationId, Some(activation))
} else if (failActivation == 1) {
Future.successful(ActivationId(), None)
} else {
Future.failed(new IllegalStateException("bad activation"))
def metaPayload(method: String, params: Map[String, String], identity: Identity, path: String = "", body: Option[JsObject] = None, pkgName: String = null) = {
(Option(pkgName).filter(_ != null).flatMap(n => packages.find( == EntityName(n)))
.getOrElse(Parameters()) ++ defaultActionParameters).merge {
Some {
params.toJson.asJsObject.fields ++ ++
Context(HttpMethods.getForKey(method.toUpperCase).get, List(), path, Map()).metadata(Option(identity)))
def confirmErrorWithTid(error: JsObject, message: Option[String] = None) = {
error.fields.size shouldBe 2
error.fields.get("error") shouldBe defined
message.foreach { m => error.fields.get("error").get shouldBe JsString(m) }
error.fields.get("code") shouldBe defined
error.fields.get("code").get shouldBe an[JsNumber]
it should "resolve a meta package into the systemId namespace" in {
val packageName = Await.result(resolvePackageName(EntityName("foo")), dbOpTimeout)
packageName.fullPath.asString shouldBe s"$systemId/foo"
it should "reject unsupported http verbs" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val methods = Seq((Head, MethodNotAllowed), (Patch, MethodNotAllowed))
methods.foreach {
case (m, code) =>
m(s"/$routePath/partialmeta") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(code)
it should "reject access to unknown package or missing package action" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val methods = Seq(Get, Post, Delete)
methods.foreach { m =>
m(s"/$routePath") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status shouldBe NotFound
val paths = Seq(
(s"/$routePath/doesntexist", NotFound),
(s"/$routePath/notmeta", NotFound),
(s"/$routePath/badmeta", MethodNotAllowed), // exists but has no mapping
(s"/$routePath/bindingmeta", NotFound))
paths.foreach {
case ((p, s)) =>
methods.foreach { m =>
m(p) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
withClue(p) {
status shouldBe s
failActionLookup = true
Get(s"/$routePath/publicmeta") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
it should "invoke action for allowed verbs on meta handler" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val methods = Seq((Get, "getApi"), (Post, "createRoute"), (Delete, "deleteApi"))
methods.foreach {
case (m, name) =>
m(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d&namespace=xyz") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/heavymeta".toJson,
"action" -> name.toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload(m.method.value, Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d", "namespace" -> "xyz"), creds))
it should "invoke action for allowed verbs on meta handler with partial mapping" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val methods = Seq((Get, OK), (Post, MethodNotAllowed), (Delete, MethodNotAllowed))
methods.foreach {
case (m, code) =>
m(s"/$routePath/partialmeta?a=b&c=d") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(code)
if (status == OK) {
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/partialmeta".toJson,
"action" -> "getApi".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload(m.method.value, Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d"), creds))
it should "invoke action for allowed verbs on meta handler and pass unmatched path to action" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val paths = Seq("", "/", "/foo", "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar/", "/foo%20bar")
paths.foreach { p =>
withClue(s"failed on path: '$p'") {
Get(s"/$routePath/partialmeta$p?a=b&c=d") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/partialmeta".toJson,
"action" -> "getApi".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload("get", Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d"), creds, p))
it should "invoke action that times out and provide a code" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
failActivation = 1
Get(s"/$routePath/partialmeta?a=b&c=d") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(Accepted)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
confirmErrorWithTid(response, Some("Response not yet ready."))
it should "invoke action that errors and response with error and code" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
failActivation = 2
Get(s"/$routePath/partialmeta?a=b&c=d") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(InternalServerError)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
it should "merge package parameters with action, query params and content payload" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val body = JsObject("foo" -> "bar".toJson)
Get(s"/$routePath/packagemeta/extra/path?a=b&c=d", body) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/packagemeta".toJson,
"action" -> "getApi".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload(
Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d"),
path = "/extra/path",
body = Some(body),
pkgName = "packagemeta"))
it should "reject request that defined reserved properties" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val methods = Seq(Get, Post, Delete)
methods.foreach { m =>
WhiskMetaApi.reservedProperties.foreach { p =>
m(s"/$routePath/packagemeta/?$p=YYY") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
m(s"/$routePath/packagemeta", JsObject(p -> "YYY".toJson)) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
it should "invoke action and pass content body as string to action" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val content = JsObject("extra" -> "read all about it".toJson, "yummy" -> true.toJson)
Post(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d", content) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/heavymeta".toJson,
"action" -> "createRoute".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload("post", Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d"), creds, body = Some(content)))
it should "invoke action and ignore invoke parameters that are immutable" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val contentX = JsObject("x" -> "overriden".toJson)
val contentZ = JsObject("z" -> "overriden".toJson)
Get(s"/$routePath/packagemeta?x=overriden") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
Get(s"/$routePath/packagemeta?y=overriden") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
Get(s"/$routePath/packagemeta", contentX) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
Get(s"/$routePath/packagemeta?y=overriden", contentZ) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
it should "rejection invoke action when receiving entity that is not a JsObject" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
Post(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d", "1,2,3") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(UnsupportedMediaType)
responseAs[String] should include("application/json")
Post(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
Post(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d", JsObject()) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
it should "throttle authenticated user" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
Seq(systemId, creds.subject).foreach { subject =>
failThrottleForSubject = Some(subject)
val content = JsObject("extra" -> "read all about it".toJson, "yummy" -> true.toJson)
Post(s"/$routePath/heavymeta?a=b&c=d", content) ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status shouldBe {
// activations are counted against to the authenticated user's quota
if (subject == systemId) OK else {
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.tooManyRequests))
it should "warn if meta package is public" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
Get(s"/$routePath/publicmeta") ~> sealRoute(routes(creds)) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
stream.toString should include regex (s"""[WARN] *.*publicmeta@0.0.1' is public""")
it should "split action name and extenstion" in {
val r = WhiskMetaApi.extensionSplitter
Seq("t.j.http", "t.js.http", "tt.j.http", "tt.js.http").foreach { s =>
val r(n, e) = s
val i = s.lastIndexOf(".")
n shouldBe s.substring(0, i)
e shouldBe s.substring(i + 1)
Seq("t.js", "t.js.htt", "t.js.httpz").foreach { s =>
a[MatchError] should be thrownBy {
val r(n, e) = s
it should "allow anonymous acccess to fully qualified name" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val exports = s"/$routePath/$anonymousInvokePath"
// none of these should match a route
Seq("a", "a/b", "/a", s"$systemId/c", s"$systemId/export_c").
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
// the first of these fails in the identity lookup,
// the second in the package lookup (does not exist),
// the third and fourth fail the annotation check
Seq("guest/proxy/c", s"$systemId/doesnotexist/c", s"$systemId/publicmeta/c", s"$systemId/default/c").
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/${path}.json") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(NotAcceptable)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.contentTypeNotSupported))
// both of these should produce full result objects (trailing slash is ok)
// action name starting with export_ will have required annotation
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json/").
foreach { path =>
val p = if (path.endsWith("/")) "/" else ""
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId/proxy".toJson,
"action" -> "export_c".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload("get", Map(), null, p, pkgName = "proxy"))
// these should match action in default package
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe JsObject(
"pkg" -> s"$systemId".toJson,
"action" -> "export_c".toJson,
"content" -> metaPayload("get", Map(), null))
// these should project a field from the result object
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe metaPayload("get", Map(), null, "/content", pkgName = "proxy")
// these project a result which does not match expected type
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("a" -> JsString("b")))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.invalidMedia(MediaTypes.`application/json`)))
// reset the action result
actionResult = None
// these test an http response
foreach { path =>
val httpResponse = JsObject("response" -> JsObject("headers" -> JsObject("location" -> "".toJson), "code" -> Found.intValue.toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path", httpResponse) ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(Found)
header("location").get.toString shouldBe "location:"
// these test default projection for extension
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("headers" -> JsObject("location" -> "".toJson), "code" -> Found.intValue.toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(Found)
header("location").get.toString shouldBe "location:"
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("text" -> JsString("default text")))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[String]
response shouldBe "default text"
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("foobar" -> JsString("foobar")))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[JsObject]
response shouldBe actionResult.get
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("html" -> JsString("<html>hi</htlml>")))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[String]
response shouldBe "<html>hi</htlml>"
// http web action with base64 encoded response
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(
"headers" -> JsObject(
"content-type" -> "application/json".toJson),
"code" -> OK.intValue.toJson,
"body" -> Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString {
JsObject("field" -> "value".toJson).compactPrint.getBytes
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
header("content-type").get.toString shouldBe "content-type: application/json"
responseAs[JsObject] shouldBe JsObject("field" -> "value".toJson)
// http web action with text response
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(
"code" -> OK.intValue.toJson,
"body" -> "hello world".toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[String] shouldBe "hello world"
// http web action with mimatch between header and response
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(
"headers" -> JsObject(
"content-type" -> "application/json".toJson),
"code" -> OK.intValue.toJson,
"body" -> "hello world".toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.httpContentTypeError))
// http web action with unknown header
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(
"headers" -> JsObject(
"content-type" -> "xyz/bar".toJson),
"code" -> OK.intValue.toJson,
"body" -> "hello world".toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.httpUnknownContentType))
// an activation that results in application error and response matches extension
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.http", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.http/ignoreme").
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(
"application_error" -> JsObject(
"code" -> OK.intValue.toJson,
"body" -> "no hello for you".toJson)))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[String] shouldBe "no hello for you"
// an activation that results in application error but where response does not match extension
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json/ignoreme").
foreach { path =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject("application_error" -> "bad response type".toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.invalidMedia(MediaTypes.`application/json`)))
// an activation that results in developer or system error
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.json/ignoreme", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text").
foreach { path =>
Seq("developer_error", "whisk_error").foreach { e =>
actionResult = Some(JsObject(e -> "bad response type".toJson))
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
if (e == "application_error") {
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.invalidMedia(MediaTypes.`application/json`)))
} else {
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.errorProcessingRequest))
// reset the action result
actionResult = None
// these reject the request because entity size exceeds allowed limit
foreach { path =>
val largeEntity = "a" * (allowedActivationEntitySize.toInt + 1)
val content = s"""{"a":"$largeEntity"}"""
Post(s"$exports/$path", content.parseJson.asJsObject) ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(RequestEntityTooLarge)
val expectedErrorMsg = Messages.entityTooBig(SizeError(
(largeEntity.length + 13).B,
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(expectedErrorMsg))
val form = FormData(Seq("a" -> largeEntity))
Post(s"$exports/$path", form) ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(RequestEntityTooLarge)
val expectedErrorMsg = Messages.entityTooBig(SizeError(
(largeEntity.length + 2).B,
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(expectedErrorMsg))
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/field1", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/field2").
foreach { path =>
val form = FormData(Seq("field1" -> "value1", "field2" -> "value2"))
Post(s"$exports/$path", form) ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
responseAs[String] should (be("value1") or be("value2"))
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/z", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/z/", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/z//").
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(OK)
val response = responseAs[String]
response shouldBe "Z"
// this should fail for exceeding quota
foreach { path =>
failThrottleForSubject = Some(systemId)
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(TooManyRequests)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.tooManyRequests))
failThrottleForSubject = None
// these should fail because parameter override is not allowed
// ?x=overriden
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(BadRequest)
responseAs[ErrorResponse].error shouldBe Messages.parametersNotAllowed
// these fail to project a field from the result object (doesn't exist)
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/foobar", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.text/content/z/x").
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(NotFound)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.propertyNotFound))
// these fail with content type required in known set
Seq(s"$systemId/proxy/", s"$systemId/proxy/", s"$systemId/proxy/",
s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.xyzz", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.xyzz/", s"$systemId/proxy/export_c.xyzz/content").
foreach { path =>
Get(s"$exports/$path") ~> sealRoute(routes()) ~> check {
status should be(NotAcceptable)
confirmErrorWithTid(responseAs[JsObject], Some(Messages.contentTypeNotSupported))
class TestingEntitlementProvider(
config: WhiskConfig,
loadBalancer: LoadBalancer,
iam: NamespaceProvider)
extends EntitlementProvider(config, loadBalancer, iam) {
protected[core] override def checkThrottles(user: Identity)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
val subject = user.subject
logging.debug(this, s"test throttle is checking user '$subject' has not exceeded activation quota")
failThrottleForSubject match {
case Some(subject) if subject == user.subject =>
Future.failed(RejectRequest(TooManyRequests, Messages.tooManyRequests))
case _ => Future.successful({})
protected[core] override def grant(subject: Subject, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = ???
/** Revokes subject right to resource by removing them from the entitlement matrix. */
protected[core] override def revoke(subject: Subject, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = ???
/** Checks if subject has explicit grant for a resource. */
protected override def entitled(subject: Subject, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId) = ???