Remove unnecessary sleeps in invoker.

- a 3s sleep before calling /init for black box containers is not necessary since the HTTP call will retry.
- slack sleeps after init also not necessary since if container respond to inits, it's ready to run.
- sleep during nio channel draining should not be necessary.

Add tests using blackbox actions.

Tests that blackbox containers that misbehave will timeout with expected exception.
Three cases are tested:
1. blackbox that doesn't implement a proper proxy (doesn't run a proxy at all)
2. blackbox that doesn't respond to init (implements /init but does not respond)
3. blackbox that doesn't respond to run (implements /run but does not respond)
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala
index 99b022e..dd985a8 100644
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala
+++ b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
         val key = ActionContainerId(auth.uuid, action.fullyQualifiedName, action.rev)
         val warmedContainer = if (limits.memory == defaultMemoryLimit && imageName == nodeImageName) getWarmNodejsContainer(key) else None
         val containerName = makeContainerName(action)
-        val con = warmedContainer getOrElse makeGeneralContainer(key, containerName, imageName, limits, action.exec.isInstanceOf[BlackBoxExec])
+        val con = warmedContainer getOrElse makeGeneralContainer(key, containerName, imageName, limits, action.exec.kind == BlackBoxExec)
         initWhiskContainer(action, con)
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerUtils.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerUtils.scala
index a842bf6..471eac8 100644
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerUtils.scala
+++ b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerUtils.scala
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
                 val read =
                 if (read > 0)
                     remain = read - read.toInt
-                Thread.sleep(50) // TODO What is this for?
         } catch {
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala
index e384ef4..0b4e03a 100644
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala
+++ b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
      * Sends initialization payload to container.
     def init(args: JsObject)(implicit system: ActorSystem, transid: TransactionId): RunResult = {
-        // this shouldn't be needed but leave it for now
-        if (isBlackbox) Thread.sleep(3000)
         info(this, s"sending initialization to ${this.details}")
         // when invoking /init, don't wait longer than the timeout configured for this action
         val timeout = initTimeoutMilli min limits.timeout.duration
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
index 76254ce..3fc7b59 100644
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
+++ b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
 import whisk.connector.kafka.KafkaProducerConnector
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.consulServer
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerRegistry
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerImagePrefix
+import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerRegistry
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.edgeHost
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.kafkaHost
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.logsDir
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.whiskVersion
 import whisk.core.connector.{ ActivationMessage => Message }
 import whisk.core.connector.CompletionMessage
-import whisk.core.container._
+import whisk.core.container.ContainerPool
+import whisk.core.container.Interval
+import whisk.core.container.RunResult
+import whisk.core.container.WhiskContainer
 import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.ActivationNotification
 import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.ContainerReleased
 import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.FailedActivation
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@
 import whisk.core.entity.ActivationId
 import whisk.core.entity.ActivationLogs
 import whisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse
+import whisk.core.entity.BlackBoxExec
 import whisk.core.entity.DocId
 import whisk.core.entity.DocInfo
 import whisk.core.entity.DocRevision
@@ -217,7 +221,7 @@
-     * Create a whisk activation out of the errorMsg and finish the transaction.
+     * Creates a whisk activation out of the errorMsg and finish the transaction.
      * Failing with an error can involve multiple futures but the effecting call is completeTransaction which is guarded.
     protected def completeTransactionWithError(actionDocInfo: DocInfo, tran: Transaction, errorMsg: String)(
@@ -226,9 +230,9 @@
         val msg = tran.msg
         val name = EntityName(
         val version = SemVer() // TODO: this is wrong, when the semver is passed from controller, fix this
-        val payload = msg.content getOrElse JsObject()
-        val response = Some(404, JsObject(ActivationResponse.ERROR_FIELD -> errorMsg.toJson).compactPrint)
-        val activation = makeWhiskActivation(tran, false, msg, name, version, payload, response)
+        val response = ActivationResponse.whiskError(errorMsg)
+        val interval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
+        val activation = makeWhiskActivation(msg, name, version, response, interval)
         completeTransaction(tran, activation, FailedActivation(transid))
@@ -260,10 +264,6 @@
-    // These are related to initialization
-    private val RegularSlack = 100.milliseconds
-    private val BlackBoxSlack = 200.milliseconds
     protected def invokeAction(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth, payload: JsObject, tran: Transaction)(
         implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
         val msg = tran.msg
@@ -278,12 +278,7 @@
                         action.fullyQualifiedName, msg.activationId.toString)) // cached
                     case Some(RunResult(interval, Some((200, _)))) => { // successful init
-                        // TODO:  @perryibm update comment if this is still necessary else remove
-                        Thread.sleep((if (con.isBlackbox) BlackBoxSlack else RegularSlack).toMillis)
                         tran.initInterval = Some(interval)
                         (false,, msg.meta, auth.compact, timeout,
                             action.fullyQualifiedName, msg.activationId.toString))
@@ -293,7 +288,9 @@
                 case (failedInit, RunResult(interval, response)) =>
                     if (!failedInit) tran.runInterval = Some(interval)
-                    val activationResult = makeWhiskActivation(tran, con.isBlackbox, msg, action, payload, response)
+                    val activationInterval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
+                    val activationResponse = getActivationResponse(activationInterval, action.limits.timeout.duration, response, con.isBlackbox)
+                    val activationResult = makeWhiskActivation(msg,, action.version, activationResponse, activationInterval)
                     val completeMsg = CompletionMessage(transid, activationResult)
                     producer.send("completed", completeMsg) map { status =>
@@ -314,10 +311,14 @@
             case None => { // this corresponds to the container not even starting - not /init failing
                 info(this, s"failed to start or get a container")
-                val response = Some(420, "Error starting container")
-                val contents = JsArray(JsString("Error starting container"))
-                val activation = makeWhiskActivation(tran, false, msg, action, payload, response)
-                completeTransaction(tran, activation withLogs, FailedActivation(transid))
+                val response = if (action.exec.kind == BlackBoxExec) {
+                    ActivationResponse.containerError("the container did to start")
+                } else {
+                    ActivationResponse.whiskError("error starting container to run action")
+                }
+                val interval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
+                val activation = makeWhiskActivation(msg,, action.version, response, interval)
+                completeTransaction(tran, activation, FailedActivation(transid))
@@ -457,10 +458,7 @@
                         ActivationResponse.containerError(s"the action 'result' value is not an object: ${notAnObj.toString}")
                     case Failure(t) =>
-                        if (isBlackbox)
-                            warn(this, s"response did not json parse: '$contents' led to $t")
-                        else
-                            error(this, s"response did not json parse: '$contents' led to $t")
+                        (if (isBlackbox) warn _ else error _)(this, s"response did not json parse: '$contents' led to $t")
                         ActivationResponse.containerError("the action did not produce a valid JSON response")
         } getOrElse ActivationResponse.whiskError("failed to obtain action invocation response")
@@ -491,33 +489,32 @@
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    private def makeWhiskActivation(transaction: Transaction, isBlackbox: Boolean, msg: Message, action: WhiskAction,
-                                    payload: JsObject, response: Option[(Int, String)])(
-                                        implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskActivation = {
-        makeWhiskActivation(transaction, isBlackbox, msg,, action.version, payload, response, action.limits.timeout.duration)
-    }
-    private def makeWhiskActivation(transaction: Transaction, isBlackbox: Boolean, msg: Message, actionName: EntityName,
-                                    actionVersion: SemVer, payload: JsObject, response: Option[(Int, String)], timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf)(
-                                        implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskActivation = {
-        // We reconstruct a plausible interval based on the time spent in the various operations.
-        // The goal is for the interval to have a duration corresponding to the sum of all durations
-        // and an endtime corresponding to the latest endtime.
-        val interval: Interval = (transaction.initInterval, transaction.runInterval) match {
-            case (None, Some(run))  => run
-            case (Some(init), None) => init
-            case (None, None)       => Interval(,
-            case (Some(init), Some(Interval(runStart, runEnd))) =>
-                Interval(runStart.minusMillis(init.duration.toMillis), runEnd)
-        }
-        val activationResponse = if (interval.duration >= timeout) {
+    /**
+     * Interprets the responses from the container and maps it to an appropriate ActivationResponse.
+     */
+    private def getActivationResponse(
+        interval: Interval,
+        timeout: Duration,
+        response: Option[(Int, String)],
+        isBlackbox: Boolean)(
+            implicit transid: TransactionId): ActivationResponse = {
+        if (interval.duration >= timeout) {
             ActivationResponse.applicationError(s"action exceeded its time limits of ${timeout.toMillis} milliseconds")
         } else {
             processResponseContent(isBlackbox, response)
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a WhiskActivation for the given action, response and duration.
+     */
+    private def makeWhiskActivation(
+        msg: Message,
+        actionName: EntityName,
+        actionVersion: SemVer,
+        activationResponse: ActivationResponse,
+        interval: Interval) = {
             namespace = msg.subject.namespace,
             name = actionName,
@@ -532,6 +529,24 @@
             logs = ActivationLogs())
+    /**
+     * Reconstructs an interval based on the time spent in the various operations.
+     * The goal is for the interval to have a duration corresponding to the sum of all durations
+     * and an endtime corresponding to the latest endtime.
+     *
+     * @param transaction the transaction object containing metadata
+     * @return interval for the transaction with start/end times computed
+     */
+    private def computeActivationInterval(transaction: Transaction): Interval = {
+        (transaction.initInterval, transaction.runInterval) match {
+            case (None, Some(run))  => run
+            case (Some(init), None) => init
+            case (None, None)       => Interval(,
+            case (Some(init), Some(Interval(runStart, runEnd))) =>
+                Interval(runStart.minusMillis(init.duration.toMillis), runEnd)
+        }
+    }
     private val entityStore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore(config)
     private val authStore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore(config)
     private val activationStore = WhiskActivationStore.datastore(config)
diff --git a/settings.gradle b/settings.gradle
index 4550ce1..ed56929 100644
--- a/settings.gradle
+++ b/settings.gradle
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 include 'tools:go-cli'
 include 'sdk:docker'
+include 'tests:dat:blackbox:badaction'
+include 'tests:dat:blackbox:badproxy'
 include 'tests'
diff --git a/tests/build.gradle b/tests/build.gradle
index 0c0a1df..5029741 100644
--- a/tests/build.gradle
+++ b/tests/build.gradle
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
-    ':sdk:docker:distDocker'
+    ':sdk:docker:distDocker',
+    'tests:dat:blackbox:badaction',
+    'tests:dat:blackbox:badproxy'
 dependencies {
diff --git a/tests/src/actionContainers/DockerExampleContainerTests.scala b/tests/src/actionContainers/DockerExampleContainerTests.scala
index 54d93de..ddaaf53 100644
--- a/tests/src/actionContainers/DockerExampleContainerTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/actionContainers/DockerExampleContainerTests.scala
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
 package actionContainers
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith
 import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
 import ActionContainer.withContainer
+import common.WskActorSystem
 import spray.json.JsNumber
 import spray.json.JsObject
 import spray.json.JsString
-import common.WskActorSystem
+import spray.json.JsBoolean
 class DockerExampleContainerTests extends ActionProxyContainerTestUtils with WskActorSystem {
@@ -83,4 +85,64 @@
             case (o, _) => o should include("This is an example log message from an arbitrary C program!")
         }, 2)
+    behavior of "bad containers"
+    it should "timeout init with exception" in {
+        val (out, err) = withContainer("badaction") { c =>
+            a[TimeoutException] should be thrownBy {
+                val (code, out) = c.init(initPayload("sleep"))
+                println(code, out)
+            }
+        }
+        out should include("sleeping")
+        err shouldBe empty
+    }
+    it should "abort init with empty response" in {
+        val (out, err) = withContainer("badaction") { c =>
+            val (code, out) = c.init(initPayload("exit"))
+            code shouldBe 500
+            out shouldBe empty
+        }
+        out should include("exit")
+        err shouldBe empty
+    }
+    it should "timeout run with exception" in {
+        val (out, err) = withContainer("badaction") { c =>
+            a[TimeoutException] should be thrownBy {
+                val (code, out) ="sleep" -> JsBoolean(true))))
+                println(code, out)
+            }
+        }
+        out should include("sleeping")
+        err shouldBe empty
+    }
+    it should "abort run with empty response" in {
+        val (out, err) = withContainer("badaction") { c =>
+            val (code, out) ="exit" -> JsBoolean(true))))
+            code shouldBe 500
+            out shouldBe empty
+        }
+        out should include("exit")
+        err shouldBe empty
+    }
+    it should "timeout bad proxy with exception" in {
+        val (out, err) = withContainer("badproxy") { c =>
+            a[TimeoutException] should be thrownBy {
+                val (code, out) = c.init(JsObject())
+                println(code, out)
+            }
+        }
+        out shouldBe empty
+        err shouldBe empty
+    }
diff --git a/tests/src/services/KafkaConnectorTests.scala b/tests/src/services/KafkaConnectorTests.scala
index 73de4f9..1e127fe 100644
--- a/tests/src/services/KafkaConnectorTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/services/KafkaConnectorTests.scala
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
             if (i < 2) {
                 Thread.sleep((sessionTimeout + 1.second).toMillis)
-                an[CommitFailedException] should be thrownBy {
+                a[CommitFailedException] should be thrownBy {
                     consumer.commit() // sleep should cause commit to fail
             } else consumer.commit()
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
index 4ee0391..96a2193 100644
--- a/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@
 import common.Wsk
 import common.WskProps
 import common.WskTestHelpers
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.IntJsonFormat
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.LongJsonFormat
+import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
 import spray.json._
 import spray.json.JsObject
 import spray.json.pimpAny
@@ -343,6 +342,21 @@
             wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
+    it should "invoke an action that exits and get appropriate error" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
+        (wp, assetHelper) =>
+            val name = "abort"
+            assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
+                (action, _) => action.create(name, Some(TestUtils.getTestActionFilename("")))
+            }
+            withActivation(wsk.activation, wsk.action.invoke(name)) {
+                activation =>
+                    val response = activation.fields("response").asJsObject
+                    response.fields("result") shouldBe JsObject("error" -> "the action did not produce a valid JSON response".toJson)
+                    response.fields("status") shouldBe "action developer error".toJson
+            }
+    }
     behavior of "Wsk packages"
     it should "reject create of a package without a package name" in {
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/controller/test/AuthorizeTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/controller/test/AuthorizeTests.scala
index 0f73891..ff8e567 100644
--- a/tests/src/whisk/core/controller/test/AuthorizeTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/controller/test/AuthorizeTests.scala
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
         val collections = Seq(PACKAGES)
         val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace, _, Some("xyz")) }
         resources foreach { r =>
-            an[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
+            a[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
                 // read should fail because the lookup for the package will fail
                 Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout)