Rename dispatcher to invoker.

Fixes #1117.
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/Dockerfile b/core/dispatcher/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f4472c..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-FROM scala
-# Uncomment to fetch latest version of docker instead: RUN wget -qO- | sh
-# Install docker 1.9.0
-RUN wget --no-verbose -O /usr/bin/docker "" && \
-chmod +x /usr/bin/docker
-COPY build/distributions/dispatcher.tar ./
-RUN tar xf dispatcher.tar
-EXPOSE 8080
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/build.gradle b/core/dispatcher/build.gradle
deleted file mode 100644
index c3251aa..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/build.gradle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-apply plugin: 'scala'
-apply plugin: 'application'
-apply plugin: 'eclipse'
-ext.dockerImageName = 'dispatcher'
-apply from: '../../gradle/docker.gradle'
-distDocker.dependsOn ':common:scala:distDocker', 'distTar'
-repositories {
-    mavenCentral()
-dependencies {
-    compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:${gradle.scala.version}"
-    compile project(':common:scala')
-tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) {
-    scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = gradle.scala.compileFlags
-mainClassName = "whisk.core.dispatcher.Dispatcher"
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/resources/application.conf b/core/dispatcher/src/main/resources/application.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 688d81c..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/resources/application.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# common logging configuration see common scala
-include "logging"
-# see
-spray.can.server {
-  request-timeout = infinite
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/Container.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/Container.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e64ab..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/Container.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.container
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.selfDockerEndpoint
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerContainerNetwork
-import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.common.Counter
- * Reifies a docker container.
- */
-class Container(
-    originalId: TransactionId,
-    val dockerhost: String,
-    val key: ActionContainerId,
-    containerName: Option[ContainerName],
-    val image: String,
-    network: String,
-    cpuShare: Int,
-    policy: Option[String],
-    val limits: ActionLimits = ActionLimits(),
-    env: Map[String, String] = Map(),
-    args: Array[String] = Array(),
-    logLevel: LogLevel)
-    extends ContainerUtils {
-    setVerbosity(logLevel)
-    implicit var transid = originalId
-    val id =
-    val name = containerName.getOrElse("anon")
-    val (containerId, containerHostAndPort) = bringup(containerName, image, network, cpuShare, env, args, limits, policy)
-    def details: String = {
-        val name = containerName getOrElse "??"
-        val id =
-        val ip = containerHostAndPort getOrElse "??"
-        s"container [$name] [$id] [$ip]"
-    }
-    def pause(): Unit = pauseContainer(containerId)
-    def unpause(): Unit = unpauseContainer(containerId)
-    /**
-     * A prefix of the container id known to be displayed by docker ps.
-     */
-    lazy val containerIdPrefix: String = {
-        // docker ps contains only a prefix of the id
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets logs for container.
-     */
-    def getLogs()(implicit transid: TransactionId): String = {
-        getContainerLogs(containerId).toOption getOrElse ""
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unpauses and removes a container (it may be running).
-     */
-    @tailrec
-    final def remove(tryCount: Int = Container.removeContainerRetryCount)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
-        if (tryCount <= 0) {
-            error(this, s"Failed to remove container $containerId")
-        } else {
-            if (tryCount == Container.removeContainerRetryCount) {
-                info(this, s"Removing container $containerId")
-            } else {
-                warn(this, s"Retrying to remove container $containerId")
-            }
-            unpause() // a paused container cannot be removed
-            rmContainer(containerId).toOption match {
-                case None => remove(tryCount - 1)
-                case _    => ()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-object Container {
-    def requiredProperties = Map(selfDockerEndpoint -> null, invokerContainerNetwork -> "bridge")
-    private val idCounter = new Counter()
-    private val removeContainerRetryCount = 2
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc9da7..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/ContainerPool.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.container
-import java.nio.file.Files
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
-import java.util.Timer
-import java.util.TimerTask
-import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
-import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import whisk.common.Counter
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.common.TimingUtil
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerImageTag
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerContainerNetwork
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerContainerPolicy
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerCoreShare
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerNumCore
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.selfDockerEndpoint
-import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
-import whisk.core.entity.MemoryLimit
-import whisk.core.entity.LogLimit
-import whisk.core.entity.TimeLimit
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAction
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuth
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuthStore
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskEntityStore
-import whisk.core.entity.NodeJS6Exec
-import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
-import akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel
-import whisk.core.entity.BlackBoxExec
- * A thread-safe container pool that internalizes container creation/teardown and allows users
- * to check out a container.
- *
- * Synchronization via "this" is used to maintain integrity of the data structures.
- * A separate object "gcSync" is used to prevent multiple GC's from occurring.
- *
- * TODO: for now supports only one container per key
- * TODO: for now does not allow concurrent container creation
- */
-class ContainerPool(
-    config: WhiskConfig,
-    invokerInstance: Integer = 0,
-    verbosity: LogLevel = InfoLevel,
-    standalone: Boolean = false)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem)
-    extends ContainerUtils {
-    // These must be defined before verbosity is set
-    private val datastore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore(config)
-    private val authStore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore(config)
-    setVerbosity(verbosity)
-    val dockerhost = config.selfDockerEndpoint
-    // Eventually, we will have a more sophisticated warmup strategy that does multiple sizes
-    private val defaultMemoryLimit = MemoryLimit(MemoryLimit.STD_MEMORY)
-    /**
-     * Sets verbosity of this and owned objects.
-     */
-    override def setVerbosity(level: LogLevel) = {
-        super.setVerbosity(level)
-        datastore.setVerbosity(level)
-        authStore.setVerbosity(level)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enables GC.
-     */
-    def enableGC(): Unit = {
-        gcOn = true
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disables GC. If disabled, overrides other flags/methods.
-     */
-    def disableGC(): Unit = {
-        gcOn = false
-    }
-    /**
-     * Performs a GC immediately of all idle containers, blocking the caller until completed.
-     */
-    def forceGC()(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
-        removeAllIdle({ containerInfo => true })
-    }
-    /*
-     * Getter/Setter for various GC parameters.
-     */
-    def gcThreshold: FiniteDuration = _gcThreshold
-    def maxIdle: Int = _maxIdle // container count
-    def maxActive: Int = _maxActive // container count
-    def gcThreshold_=(value: FiniteDuration): Unit = _gcThreshold = (Duration.Zero max value)
-    def maxIdle_=(value: Int): Unit = _maxIdle = Math.max(0, value)
-    def maxActive_=(value: Int): Unit = _maxActive = Math.max(0, value)
-    def resetMaxIdle() = _maxIdle = defaultMaxIdle
-    def resetMaxActive() = {
-        _maxActive = ContainerPool.getDefaultMaxActive(config)
-        info(this, s"maxActive set to ${_maxActive}")
-    }
-    def resetGCThreshold() = _gcThreshold = defaultGCThreshold
-    /*
-     * Controls where docker container logs are put.
-     */
-    def logDir: String = _logDir
-    def logDir_=(value: String): Unit = _logDir = value
-    /*
-     * How many containers are in the pool at the moment?
-     * There are also counts of containers we are trying to start but have not inserted into the data structure.
-     */
-    def idleCount() = countByState(State.Idle)
-    def activeCount() = countByState(State.Active)
-    private val startingCounter = new Counter()
-    private var shuttingDown = false
-    /*
-     * Tracks requests for getting containers.
-     * The first value doled out via will be 1 and completedPosition.cur remains at 0 until completion.
-     */
-    private val nextPosition = new Counter()
-    private val completedPosition = new Counter()
-    /*
-     * Lists ALL containers at this docker point with "docker ps -a --no-trunc".
-     * This could include containers not in this pool at all.
-     */
-    def listAll()(implicit transid: TransactionId): Seq[ContainerState] = listContainers(true)
-    /**
-     * Retrieves (possibly create) a container based on the subject and versioned action.
-     * A flag is included to indicate whether initialization succeeded.
-     * The invariant of returning the container back to the pool holds regardless of whether init succeeded or not.
-     * In case of failure to start a container, None is returned.
-     */
-    def getAction(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[(WhiskContainer, Option[RunResult])] =
-        if (shuttingDown) {
-            info(this, s"Shutting down: Not getting container for ${action.fullyQualifiedName} with ${auth.uuid}")
-            None
-        } else {
-            try {
-                val myPos =
-                info(this, s"""Getting container for ${action.fullyQualifiedName} of kind ${action.exec.kind} with ${auth.uuid}:
-                              | myPos = $myPos
-                              | completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
-                              | slack = ${slack()}
-                              | startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
-                val key = ActionContainerId(auth.uuid, action.fullyQualifiedName, action.rev)
-                getImpl(1, myPos, key, () => makeWhiskContainer(action, auth)) map {
-                    case (c, initResult) =>
-                        val cacheMsg = if (!initResult.isDefined) "(Cache Hit)" else "(Cache Miss)"
-                        (c.asInstanceOf[WhiskContainer], initResult)
-                }
-            } finally {
-            }
-        }
-    /*
-     * For testing
-     */
-    def getByImageName(imageName: String, args: Array[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[Container] = {
-        info(this, s"Getting container for image $imageName with args " + args.mkString(" "))
-        // Not a regular key. Doesn't matter in testing.
-        val key = new ActionContainerId(s"instantiated." + imageName + args.mkString("_"))
-        getImpl(1, 0, key, () => makeContainer(key, imageName, args)) map { _._1 }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tries to get/create a container via the thunk by delegating to getOrMake.
-     * This method will apply retry so that the caller is blocked until retry succeeds.
-     */
-    @tailrec
-    final def getImpl(tryCount: Int, position: Int, key: ActionContainerId, conMaker: () => FinalContainerResult)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[(Container, Option[RunResult])] = {
-        val positionInLine = position - completedPosition.cur // this will be 1 if at the front of the line
-        val available = slack()
-        if (tryCount % 100 == 0) {
-            warn(this, s"""getImpl possibly stuck because still in line:
-                          | position = $position
-                          | completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
-                          | slack = $available
-                          | maxActive = ${_maxActive}
-                          | activeCount = ${activeCount()}
-                          | startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
-        }
-        if (positionInLine > available) { // e.g. if there is 1 available, then I wait if I am second in line (positionInLine = 2)
-            Thread.sleep(50) // TODO: replace with wait/notify but tricky to get right because of desire for maximal concurrency
-        } else getOrMake(key, conMaker) match {
-            case Success(con, initResult) =>
-                info(this, s"Obtained container ${}")
-                return Some(con, initResult)
-            case Error(str) =>
-                error(this, s"Error starting container: $str")
-                return None
-            case Busy =>
-            // This will not cause a busy loop because only those that could be productive will get a chance
-        }
-        getImpl(tryCount + 1, position, key, conMaker)
-    }
-    def getNumberOfIdleContainers(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Int = {
-        this.synchronized {
-            keyMap.get(key) map { bucket => bucket.count { _.isIdle() } } getOrElse 0
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * How many containers can we start?  Someone could have fully started a container so we must include startingCounter.
-     * The use of a method rather than a getter is meant to signify the synchronization in the implementation.
-     */
-    private def slack() = _maxActive - (activeCount() + startingCounter.cur)
-    /*
-     * Try to get or create a container, returning None if there are too many
-     * active containers.
-     *
-     * The multiple synchronization block, and the use of startingCounter,
-     * is needed to make sure container count is accurately tracked,
-     * data structure maintains integrity, but to keep all length operations
-     * outside of the lock.
-     *
-     * The returned container will be active (not pause).
-     */
-    def getOrMake(key: ActionContainerId, conMaker: () => FinalContainerResult)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
-        retrieve(key) match {
-            case CacheMiss => {
-                conMaker() match { /* We make the container outside synchronization */
-                    // Unfortunately, variables are not allowed in pattern alternatives even when the types line up.
-                    case res @ Success(con, initResult) =>
-                        this.synchronized {
-                            val ci = introduceContainer(key, con)
-                            ci.state = State.Active
-                            res
-                        }
-                    case res @ Error(_) => res
-                    case Busy =>
-                        assert(false)
-                        null // conMaker only returns Success or Error
-                }
-            }
-            case s @ Success(con, initResult) =>
-                con.transid = transid
-                runDockerOp { con.unpause() }
-                s
-            case b @ Busy     => b
-            case e @ Error(_) => e
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Obtains a pre-existing container from the pool - and putting it to Active state but without docker unpausing.
-     * If we are over capacity, signal Busy.
-     * If it does not exist ready to do, indicate a miss.
-     */
-    def retrieve(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerResult = {
-        this.synchronized {
-            // first check if there is a matching container and only if there aren't any
-            // determine if the pool is full or has capacity to accommodate a new container;
-            // this allows any new containers introduced into the pool to be reused if already idle
-            val bucket = keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(key, new ListBuffer())
-            bucket.find({ ci => ci.isIdle() }) match {
-                case None =>
-                    if (activeCount() + startingCounter.cur >= _maxActive) {
-                        Busy
-                    } else {
-                        CacheMiss
-                    }
-                case Some(ci) => {
-                    ci.state = State.Active
-                    Success(ci.container, None)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Moves a container from one bucket (i.e. key) to a different one.
-     * This operation is performed when we specialize a pre-warmed container to an action.
-     * ContainerMap does not need to be updated as the Container <-> ContainerInfo relationship does not change.
-     */
-    def changeKey(ci: ContainerInfo, oldKey: ActionContainerId, newKey: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        this.synchronized {
-            assert(ci.state == State.Active)
-            assert(keyMap.contains(oldKey))
-            val oldBucket = keyMap(oldKey)
-            val newBucket = keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(newKey, new ListBuffer())
-            oldBucket -= ci
-            newBucket += ci
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the container to the pool or delete altogether.
-     * This call can be slow but not while locking data structure so it does not interfere with other activations.
-     */
-    def putBack(container: Container, delete: Boolean = false)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
-        info(this, s"""putBack returning container ${}
-                      | delete = $delete
-                      | completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
-                      | slack = ${slack()}
-                      | maxActive = ${_maxActive}
-                      | activeCount = ${activeCount()}
-                      | startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
-        // Docker operation outside sync block. Don't pause if we are deleting.
-        if (!delete) {
-            runDockerOp {
-                // pausing eagerly is pessimal; there could be an action waiting
-                // that will immediately unpause the same container to reuse it;
-                // to skip pausing, will need to inspect the queue of waiting activations
-                // for a matching key
-                container.pause()
-            }
-        }
-        val toBeDeleted = this.synchronized { // Return container to pool logically and then optionally delete
-            // Always put back logically for consistency
-            val Some(ci) = containerMap.get(container)
-            assert(ci.state == State.Active)
-            ci.lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis()
-            ci.state = State.Idle
-            val toBeDeleted = if (delete) {
-                removeContainerInfo(ci) // no docker operation here
-                List(ci)
-            } else {
-                List()
-            }
-            this.notify()
-            toBeDeleted
-        }
-        toBeDeleted.foreach(toBeRemoved.offer(_))
-        // Perform capacity-based GC here.
-        if (gcOn) { // Synchronization occurs inside calls in a fine-grained manner.
-            while (idleCount() > _maxIdle) { // it is safe for this to be non-atomic with body
-                removeOldestIdle()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    object State extends Enumeration {
-        val Idle, Active = Value
-    }
-    /**
-     * Wraps a Container to allow a ContainerPool-specific information.
-     */
-    class ContainerInfo(k: ActionContainerId, con: Container) {
-        val key = k
-        val container = con
-        var state = State.Idle
-        var lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis()
-        def isIdle() = state == State.Idle
-    }
-    private val containerMap = new TrieMap[Container, ContainerInfo]
-    private val keyMap = new TrieMap[ActionContainerId, ListBuffer[ContainerInfo]]
-    // These are containers that are already removed from the data structure waiting to be docker-removed
-    private val toBeRemoved = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[ContainerInfo]()
-    // Note that the prefix separates the name space of this from regular keys.
-    // TODO: Generalize across language by storing image name when we generalize to other languages
-    //       Better heuristic for # of containers to keep warm - make sensitive to idle capacity
-    private val warmNodejsKey = WarmNodeJsActionContainerId
-    private val nodejsExec = NodeJS6Exec("", None)
-    private val WARM_NODEJS_CONTAINERS = 2
-    private def keyMapToString(): String = {
- => s"[${p._1.stringRepr} -> ${p._2}]").mkString("  ")
-    }
-    // Easier to walk containerMap than keyMap
-    private def countByState(state: State.Value) = this.synchronized { containerMap.count({ case (_, ci) => ci.state == state }) }
-    // Sample container name: wsk1_1_joeibmcomhelloWorldDemo_20150901T202701852Z
-    private def makeContainerName(localName: String): ContainerName =
-        ContainerCounter.containerName(invokerInstance.toString(), localName)
-    private def makeContainerName(action: WhiskAction): ContainerName =
-        makeContainerName(action.fullyQualifiedName)
-    /**
-     * dockerLock is a fair lock used to serialize all docker operations except pull.
-     * However, a non-pull operation can run concurrently with a pull operation.
-     */
-    val dockerLock = new ReentrantLock(true)
-    /**
-     * dockerPullLock is used to serialize all pull operations.
-     */
-    val dockerPullLock = new ReentrantLock(true)
-    /* A background thread that
-     *   1. Kills leftover action containers on startup
-     *   2. Periodically re-populates the container pool with fresh (un-instantiated) nodejs containers.
-     *   3. Periodically tears down containers that have logically been removed from the system
-     */
-    private def nannyThread(allContainers: Seq[ContainerState]) = new Thread {
-        override def run {
-            implicit val tid = TransactionId.invokerWarmup
-            if (!standalone) killStragglers(allContainers)
-            while (true) {
-                Thread.sleep(100) // serves to prevent busy looping
-                // create a new stem cell if the number of warm containers is less than the count allowed
-                // as long as there is slack so that any actions that may be waiting to create a container
-                // are not held back; Note since this method is not fully synchronized, it is possible to
-                // start this operation while there is slack and end up waiting on the docker lock later
-                if (!standalone && getNumberOfIdleContainers(warmNodejsKey) < WARM_NODEJS_CONTAINERS && slack() > 0) {
-                    makeWarmNodejsContainer()(tid)
-                }
-                // We grab the size first so we know there has been enough delay for anything we are shutting down
-                val size = toBeRemoved.size()
-                1 to size foreach { _ =>
-                    val ci = toBeRemoved.poll()
-                    if (ci != null) { // should never happen but defensive
-                        Thread.sleep(100) // serves to not hog docker lock and add slack
-                        teardownContainer(ci.container)
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gracefully terminates by shutting down containers upon SIGTERM.
-     * If one desires to kill the invoker without this, send it SIGKILL.
-     */
-    private def shutdown() = {
-        implicit val id = TransactionId.invokerWarmup
-        shuttingDown = true
-        killStragglers(listAll())
-    }
-    /**
-     * All docker operations from the pool must pass through here (except for pull).
-     */
-    private def runDockerOp[T](dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
-        runDockerOpWithLock(dockerLock, dockerOp)
-    }
-    /**
-     * All docker pull operations from the pool must pass through here.
-     */
-    private def runDockerPull[T](dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
-        runDockerOpWithLock(dockerPullLock, dockerOp)
-    }
-    /**
-     * All docker operations from the pool must pass through here (except for pull).
-     */
-    private def runDockerOpWithLock[T](lock: ReentrantLock, dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
-        lock.lock()
-        try {
-            val (elapsed, result) = TimingUtil.time { dockerOp }
-            if (elapsed > slowDockerThreshold) {
-                warn(this, s"Docker operation took $elapsed")
-            }
-            result
-        } finally {
-            lock.unlock()
-        }
-    }
-    private def makeWarmNodejsContainer()(implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskContainer = {
-        val imageName = WhiskAction.containerImageName(nodejsExec, config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
-        val limits = ActionLimits(TimeLimit(), defaultMemoryLimit, LogLimit())
-        val containerName = makeContainerName("warmJsContainer")
-        info(this, "Starting warm nodejs container")
-        val con = makeGeneralContainer(warmNodejsKey, containerName, imageName, limits, false)
-        this.synchronized {
-            introduceContainer(warmNodejsKey, con)
-        }
-        info(this, "Started warm nodejs container")
-        con
-    }
-    private def getWarmNodejsContainer(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[WhiskContainer] =
-        retrieve(warmNodejsKey) match {
-            case Success(con, _) =>
-                info(this, s"Obtained a pre-warmed container")
-                con.transid = transid
-                val Some(ci) = containerMap.get(con)
-                changeKey(ci, warmNodejsKey, key)
-                Some(con.asInstanceOf[WhiskContainer])
-            case _ => None
-        }
-    // Obtain a container (by creation or promotion) and initialize by sending code.
-    private def makeWhiskContainer(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
-        val imageName = getDockerImageName(action)
-        val limits = action.limits
-        val nodeImageName = WhiskAction.containerImageName(nodejsExec, config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
-        val key = ActionContainerId(auth.uuid, action.fullyQualifiedName, action.rev)
-        val warmedContainer = if (limits.memory == defaultMemoryLimit && imageName == nodeImageName) getWarmNodejsContainer(key) else None
-        val containerName = makeContainerName(action)
-        val con = warmedContainer getOrElse {
-            try {
-                info(this, s"making new container because none available")
-                makeGeneralContainer(key, containerName, imageName, limits, action.exec.kind == BlackBoxExec)
-            } finally {
-                val newCount = startingCounter.prev()
-                info(this, s"made container, number of remaining containers to start: $newCount")
-            }
-        }
-        initWhiskContainer(action, con)
-    }
-    // Make a container somewhat generically without introducing into data structure.
-    // There is access to global settings (docker registry)
-    // and generic settings (image name - static limits) but without access to WhiskAction.
-    private def makeGeneralContainer(
-        key: ActionContainerId, containerName: ContainerName,
-        imageName: String, limits: ActionLimits, pull: Boolean)(
-            implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskContainer = {
-        val network = config.invokerContainerNetwork
-        val cpuShare = ContainerPool.cpuShare(config)
-        val policy = config.invokerContainerPolicy
-        val env = getContainerEnvironment()
-        // This will start up the container
-        if (pull) runDockerPull {
-            ContainerUtils.pullImage(dockerhost, imageName)
-        }
-        runDockerOp {
-            // because of the docker lock, by the time the container gets around to be started
-            // there could be a container to reuse (from a previous run of the same action, or
-            // from a stem cell container); should revisit this logic
-            new WhiskContainer(transid, this.dockerhost, key, containerName, imageName, network, cpuShare, policy, env, limits, isBlackbox = pull, logLevel = this.getVerbosity())
-        }
-    }
-    // We send the payload here but eventually must also handle morphing a pre-allocated container into the right state.
-    private def initWhiskContainer(action: WhiskAction, con: WhiskContainer)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
-        con.boundParams = action.parameters.toJsObject
-        // Then send it the init payload which is code for now
-        val initArg = action.containerInitializer
-        val initResult = con.init(initArg, action.limits.timeout.duration)
-        Success(con, Some(initResult))
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used through testing only. Creates a container running the command in `args`.
-     */
-    private def makeContainer(key: ActionContainerId, imageName: String, args: Array[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
-        val con = runDockerOp {
-            new Container(transid, this.dockerhost, key, None, imageName,
-                config.invokerContainerNetwork, ContainerPool.cpuShare(config),
-                config.invokerContainerPolicy, ActionLimits(), Map(), args,
-                this.getVerbosity())
-        }
-        con.setVerbosity(getVerbosity())
-        Success(con, None)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds the container into the data structure in an Idle state.
-     * The caller must have synchronized to maintain data structure atomicity.
-     */
-    private def introduceContainer(key: ActionContainerId, container: Container)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerInfo = {
-        val ci = new ContainerInfo(key, container)
-        keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(key, ListBuffer()) += ci
-        containerMap += container -> ci
-        dumpState("introduceContainer")
-        ci
-    }
-    private def dumpState(prefix: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        debug(this, s"$prefix: keyMap = ${keyMapToString()}")
-    }
-    private def getDockerImageName(action: WhiskAction)(implicit transid: TransactionId): String = {
-        val imageName = action.containerImageName(config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
-        debug(this, s"Using image ${imageName}")
-        imageName
-    }
-    private def getContainerEnvironment(): Map[String, String] = {
-        Map(WhiskConfig.asEnvVar(WhiskConfig.edgeHostName) -> config.edgeHost)
-    }
-    private val defaultMaxIdle = 10
-    private val defaultGCThreshold = 600.seconds
-    private val slowDockerThreshold = 500.millis
-    private val slowDockerPullThreshold = 5.seconds
-    val gcFrequency = 1000.milliseconds // this should not be leaked but a test needs this until GC count is implemented
-    private var _maxIdle = defaultMaxIdle
-    private var _maxActive = 0
-    private var _gcThreshold = defaultGCThreshold
-    private var gcOn = true
-    private val gcSync = new Object()
-    resetMaxActive()
-    private val timer = new Timer()
-    private val gcTask = new TimerTask {
-        def run() {
-            performGC()(TransactionId.invoker)
-        }
-    }
-    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(gcTask, 0, gcFrequency.toMillis)
-    /**
-     * Removes all idle containers older than the threshold.
-     */
-    private def performGC()(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        val expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() - gcThreshold.toMillis
-        removeAllIdle({ containerInfo => containerInfo.lastUsed <= expiration })
-        dumpState("performGC")
-    }
-    /**
-     * Collects all containers that are in the idle state and pass the predicate.
-     * gcSync is used to prevent multiple GC's.
-     */
-    private def removeAllIdle(pred: ContainerInfo => Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        gcSync.synchronized {
-            val idleInfo = this.synchronized {
-                val idle = containerMap filter { case (container, ci) => ci.isIdle() && pred(ci) }
-                idle.keys foreach { con =>
-                    info(this, s"removeAllIdle removing container ${}")
-                }
-                containerMap --= idle.keys
-                keyMap foreach { case (key, ciList) => ciList --= idle.values }
-                keyMap retain { case (key, ciList) => !ciList.isEmpty }
-                idle.values
-            }
-            idleInfo.foreach(toBeRemoved.offer(_))
-        }
-    }
-    // Remove containerInfo from data structures but does not perform actual container operation.
-    // Caller must establish synchronization
-    private def removeContainerInfo(conInfo: ContainerInfo)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        containerMap -= conInfo.container
-        keyMap foreach { case (key, ciList) => ciList -= conInfo }
-        keyMap retain { case (key, ciList) => !ciList.isEmpty }
-    }
-    private def removeOldestIdle()(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        // Note that the container removal - if any - is done outside the synchronized block
-        val oldestIdle = this.synchronized {
-            val idle = (containerMap filter { case (container, ci) => ci.isIdle() })
-            if (idle.isEmpty)
-                List()
-            else {
-                val oldestConInfo = idle.minBy(_._2.lastUsed)._2
-                info(this, s"removeOldestIdle removing container ${}")
-                removeContainerInfo(oldestConInfo)
-                List(oldestConInfo)
-            }
-        }
-        oldestIdle.foreach(toBeRemoved.offer(_))
-    }
-    // Getter/setter for this are above.
-    private var _logDir = "/logs"
-    private val actionContainerPrefix = "wsk"
-    /**
-     * Actually deletes the containers.
-     */
-    private def teardownContainer(container: Container)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        val size = this.getLogSize(container, !standalone)
-        val rawLogBytes = container.synchronized {
-            this.getDockerLogContent(container.containerId, 0, size, !standalone)
-        }
-        val filename = s"${_logDir}/${}.log"
-        Files.write(Paths.get(filename), rawLogBytes)
-        info(this, s"teardownContainers: wrote docker logs to $filename")
-        runDockerOp { container.remove() }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes all containers with the actionContainerPrefix to kill leftover action containers.
-     * This is needed for startup and shutdown.
-     * Concurrent access from clients must be prevented.
-     */
-    private def killStragglers(allContainers: Seq[ContainerState])(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        val candidates = allContainers.filter {
-        }
-        info(this, s"Now removing ${candidates.length} leftover containers")
-        candidates foreach { c =>
-            unpauseContainer(
-            rmContainer(
-        }
-        info(this, s"Leftover container removal completed")
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the size of the mounted file associated with this whisk container.
-     */
-    def getLogSize(con: Container, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Long = {
-        getDockerLogSize(con.containerId, mounted)
-    }
-    nannyThread(listAll()(TransactionId.invokerWarmup)).start
-    if (!standalone) {
-        sys addShutdownHook {
-            warn(this, "Shutdown hook activated.  Starting container shutdown")
-            shutdown()
-            warn(this, "Shutdown hook completed.")
-        }
-    }
- * These methods are parameterized on the configuration but defined here as an instance of ContainerPool is not
- * always available from other call sites.
- */
-object ContainerPool extends Logging {
-    def requiredProperties = Map(
-        selfDockerEndpoint -> "localhost",
-        dockerImageTag -> "latest",
-        invokerContainerNetwork -> "bridge",
-        invokerNumCore -> "4",
-        invokerCoreShare -> "2",
-        invokerContainerPolicy -> "")
-    /*
-     * Extract parameters from whisk config.  In the future, these may not be static but
-     * dynamically updated.  They still serve as a starting point for downstream parameters.
-     */
-    def numCore(config: WhiskConfig) = config.invokerNumCore.toInt
-    def shareFactor(config: WhiskConfig) = config.invokerCoreShare.toInt
-    /*
-     * The total number of containers is simply the number of cores dilated by the cpu sharing.
-     */
-    def getDefaultMaxActive(config: WhiskConfig) = numCore(config) * shareFactor(config)
-    /* The shareFactor indicates the number of containers that would share a single core, on average.
-     * cpuShare is a docker option (-c) whereby a container's CPU access is limited.
-     * A value of 1024 is the full share so a strict resource division with a shareFactor of 2 would yield 512.
-     * On an idle/underloaded system, a container will still get to use underutilized CPU shares.
-     */
-    private val totalShare = 1024.0 // This is a pre-defined value coming from docker and not our hard-coded value.
-    def cpuShare(config: WhiskConfig) = (totalShare / getDefaultMaxActive(config)).toInt
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index 29becb4..0000000
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- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.container
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.common.SimpleExec
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
-import scala.util.Try
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-import whisk.common.LoggingMarkers
-import akka.event.Logging.ErrorLevel
-import whisk.common.PrintStreamEmitter
- * Information from docker ps.
- */
-case class ContainerState(id: ContainerHash, image: String, name: ContainerName)
-trait ContainerUtils extends Logging {
-    /** Defines the docker host, optional **/
-    val dockerhost: String
-    def makeEnvVars(env: Map[String, String]): Array[String] = {
- {
-            kv => s"-e ${kv._1}=${kv._2}"
-        }.mkString(" ").split(" ").filter { x => x.nonEmpty }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a container instance and runs it.
-     *
-     * @param image the docker image to run
-     * @return container id and container host
-     */
-    def bringup(name: Option[ContainerName], image: String, network: String, cpuShare: Int, env: Map[String, String], args: Array[String], limits: ActionLimits, policy: Option[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): (ContainerHash, Option[ContainerAddr]) = {
-        val id = makeContainer(name, image, network, cpuShare, env, args, limits, policy)
-        val host = getContainerHostAndPort(id)
-        (id, host)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pulls container images.
-     */
-    def pullImage(image: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = ContainerUtils.pullImage(dockerhost, image)
-    /*
-     * TODO: The file handle and process limits should be moved to some global limits config.
-     */
-    def makeContainer(name: Option[ContainerName], image: String, network: String, cpuShare: Int, env: Map[String, String], args: Seq[String], limits: ActionLimits, policy: Option[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerHash = {
-        val nameOption = => Array("--name",[String])
-        val cpuArg = Array("-c", cpuShare.toString)
-        val memoryArg = Array("-m", s"${limits.memory()}m")
-        val capabilityArg = Array("--cap-drop", "NET_RAW", "--cap-drop", "NET_ADMIN")
-        val consulServiceIgnore = Array("-e", "SERVICE_IGNORE=true")
-        val fileHandleLimit = Array("--ulimit", "nofile=64:64")
-        val processLimit = Array("--ulimit", "nproc=512:512")
-        val securityOpts = policy map { p => Array("--security-opt", s"apparmor:${p}") } getOrElse (Array.empty[String])
-        val containerNetwork = Array("--net", network)
-        val cmd = Seq("run") ++ makeEnvVars(env) ++ consulServiceIgnore ++ nameOption ++ cpuArg ++ memoryArg ++
-            capabilityArg ++ fileHandleLimit ++ processLimit ++ securityOpts ++ containerNetwork ++ Seq("-d", image) ++ args
-        runDockerCmd(cmd: _*) { result =>
-            ContainerHash.fromString(result)
-        } getOrElse {
-            throw new Exception("Container hash or name expected in `makeContainer`.")
-        }
-    }
-    def killContainer(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        runDockerCmd("kill",
-    }
-    def getContainerLogs(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        runDockerCmd("logs",
-    }
-    def pauseContainer(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        runDockerCmd(true, Seq("pause",
-    }
-    def unpauseContainer(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        runDockerCmd(true, Seq("unpause",
-    }
-    /**
-     * Forcefully removes a container, can be used on a running container but not a paused one.
-     */
-    def rmContainer(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        runDockerCmd("rm", "-f",
-    }
-    /*
-     * List containers (-a if all).
-     */
-    def listContainers(all: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Seq[ContainerState] = {
-        val tmp = Array("ps", "--no-trunc")
-        val cmd = if (all) tmp :+ "-a" else tmp
-        runDockerCmd(cmd: _*).toOption map { output =>
-            val lines = output.split("\n").drop(1).toSeq // skip the header
-        } getOrElse Seq()
-    }
-    def getDockerLogSize(containerId: ContainerHash, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Long = {
-        try {
-            getDockerLogFile(containerId, mounted).length
-        } catch {
-            case e: Exception =>
-                error(this, s"getDockerLogSize failed on $containerId")
-                0
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reads the contents of the file at the given position.
-     * It is assumed that the contents does exist and that region is not changing concurrently.
-     */
-    def getDockerLogContent(containerHash: ContainerHash, start: Long, end: Long, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Array[Byte] = {
-        var fis: = null
-        try {
-            val file = getDockerLogFile(containerHash, mounted)
-            fis = new
-            val channel = fis.getChannel().position(start)
-            var remain = (end - start).toInt
-            val buffer = java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(remain)
-            while (remain > 0) {
-                val read =
-                if (read > 0)
-                    remain = read - read.toInt
-            }
-            buffer.array
-        } catch {
-            case e: Exception =>
-                error(this, s"getDockerLogContent failed on ${containerHash.hash}: ${e.getClass}: ${e.getMessage}")
-                Array()
-        } finally {
-            if (fis != null) fis.close()
-        }
-    }
-    def getContainerHostAndPort(container: ContainerIdentifier)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[ContainerAddr] = {
-        // FIXME it would be good if this could return ContainerAddr and fail loudly instead.
-        runDockerCmd("inspect", "--format", "'{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'", { output =>
-            ContainerAddr(output.substring(1, output.length - 1), 8080)
-        }
-    }
-    private def runDockerCmd(args: String*)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = runDockerCmd(false, args)
-    /**
-     * Synchronously runs the given docker command returning stdout if successful.
-     */
-    private def runDockerCmd(skipLogError: Boolean, args: Seq[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput =
-        ContainerUtils.runDockerCmd(dockerhost, skipLogError, args)(transid)
-    // If running outside a container, then logs files are in docker's own
-    // /var/lib/docker/containers.  If running inside a container, is mounted at /containers.
-    // Root access is needed when running outside the container.
-    private def dockerContainerDir(mounted: Boolean) = {
-        if (mounted) "/containers" else "/var/lib/docker/containers"
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the filename of the docker logs of other containers that is mapped back into the invoker.
-     */
-    private def getDockerLogFile(containerId: ContainerHash, mounted: Boolean) = {
-        new"""${dockerContainerDir(mounted)}/${containerId.hash}/${containerId.hash}-json.log""").getCanonicalFile()
-    }
-    private def parsePsOutput(line: String): ContainerState = {
-        val tokens = line.split("\\s+")
-        val hash = ContainerHash.fromString(tokens(0))
-        val name = ContainerName.fromString(tokens.last)
-        ContainerState(hash, tokens(1), name)
-    }
-object ContainerUtils extends Logging {
-    private implicit val emitter: PrintStreamEmitter = this
-    /**
-     * Synchronously runs the given docker command returning stdout if successful.
-     */
-    def runDockerCmd(dockerhost: String, skipLogError: Boolean, args: Seq[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.INVOKER_DOCKER_CMD(args(0)))
-        try {
-            val fullCmd = getDockerCmd(dockerhost) ++ args
-            val (stdout, stderr, exitCode) = SimpleExec.syncRunCmd(fullCmd)
-            if (exitCode == 0) {
-                transid.finished(this, start)
-                DockerOutput(stdout.trim)
-            } else {
-                if (!skipLogError) {
-                    transid.failed(this, start, s"stdout:\n$stdout\nstderr:\n$stderr", ErrorLevel)
-                } else {
-                    transid.failed(this, start)
-                }
-                DockerOutput.unavailable
-            }
-        } catch {
-            case t: Throwable =>
-                transid.failed(this, start, "error: " + t.getMessage, ErrorLevel)
-                DockerOutput.unavailable
-        }
-    }
-    private def getDockerCmd(dockerhost: String): Seq[String] = {
-        def file(path: String) = Try { new File(path) } filter { _.exists } toOption
-        val dockerLoc = file("/usr/bin/docker") orElse file("/usr/local/bin/docker")
-        val dockerBin = {
-            throw new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't locate docker binary.")
-        }
-        if (dockerhost == "localhost") {
-            Seq(dockerBin)
-        } else {
-            Seq(dockerBin, "--host", s"tcp://$dockerhost")
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pulls container images.
-     */
-    def pullImage(dockerhost: String, image: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
-        val cmd = Array("pull", image)
-        runDockerCmd(dockerhost, false, cmd)
-    }
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala
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index fab78a0..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/container/WhiskContainer.scala
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@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.container
-import java.time.Clock
-import java.time.Instant
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
-import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
-import scala.concurrent.Await
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
-import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
-import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
-import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
-import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
-import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
-import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._
-import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling._
-import spray.json.JsObject
-import spray.json.JsString
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
-import whisk.common.LoggingMarkers
-import whisk.common.PrintStreamEmitter
-import whisk.common.NewHttpUtils
- * Reifies a whisk container - one that respects the whisk container API.
- */
-class WhiskContainer(
-    originalId: TransactionId,
-    dockerhost: String,
-    key: ActionContainerId,
-    containerName: ContainerName,
-    image: String,
-    network: String,
-    cpuShare: Int,
-    policy: Option[String],
-    env: Map[String, String],
-    limits: ActionLimits,
-    args: Array[String] = Array(),
-    val isBlackbox: Boolean,
-    logLevel: LogLevel)
-    extends Container(originalId, dockerhost, key, Some(containerName), image, network, cpuShare, policy, limits, env, args, logLevel) {
-    var boundParams = JsObject() // Mutable to support pre-alloc containers
-    var lastLogSize = 0L
-    private implicit val emitter: PrintStreamEmitter = this
-    /**
-     * Merges previously bound parameters with arguments form payload.
-     */
-    def mergeParams(payload: JsObject, recurse: Boolean = true)(implicit transid: TransactionId): JsObject = {
-        //debug(this, s"merging ${boundParams.compactPrint} with ${payload.compactPrint}")
-        JsObject(boundParams.fields ++ payload.fields)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sends initialization payload to container.
-     */
-    def init(args: JsObject, timeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit system: ActorSystem, transid: TransactionId): RunResult = {
-        info(this, s"sending initialization to ${this.details}")
-        // when invoking /init, don't wait longer than the timeout configured for this action
-        val result = sendPayload("/init", JsObject("value" -> args), timeout) // this will retry
-        info(this, s"initialization result: ${result}")
-        result
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sends a run command to action container to run once.
-     *
-     * @param state the value of the status to compare the actual state against
-     * @return triple of start time, end time, response for user action.
-     */
-    def run(args: JsObject, meta: JsObject, authKey: String, timeout: FiniteDuration, actionName: String, activationId: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem, transid: TransactionId): RunResult = {
-        val startMarker = transid.started("Invoker", LoggingMarkers.INVOKER_ACTIVATION_RUN, s"sending arguments to $actionName $details")
-        val result = sendPayload("/run", JsObject(meta.fields + ("value" -> args) + ("authKey" -> JsString(authKey))), timeout)
-        // Use start and end time of the activation
-        val RunResult(Interval(startActivation, endActivation), _) = result
-        transid.finished("Invoker", startMarker.copy(startActivation), s"finished running activation id: $activationId", endTime = endActivation)
-        result
-    }
-    /**
-     * An alternative entry point for direct testing of action container.
-     */
-    def run(payload: String, activationId: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem): RunResult = {
-        val params = JsObject("payload" -> JsString(payload))
-        val meta = JsObject("activationId" -> JsString(activationId))
-        run(params, meta, "no_auth_key", 30000.milliseconds, "no_action", "no_activation_id")(system, TransactionId.testing)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tear down the container and retrieve the logs.
-     */
-    def teardown()(implicit transid: TransactionId): String = {
-        getContainerLogs(containerName).toOption.getOrElse("none")
-    }
-    /**
-     * Posts a message to the container.
-     *
-     * @param msg the message to post
-     * @return response from container if any as array of byte
-     */
-    private def sendPayload(endpoint: String, msg: JsObject, timeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit system: ActorSystem): RunResult = {
-        import system.dispatcher
-        val start =
-        val f = sendPayloadAsync(endpoint, msg, timeout)
-        f.onFailure {
-            case t: Throwable =>
-                warn(this, s"Exception while posting to action container ${t.getMessage}")
-        }
-        // Should never timeout because the future has a built-in timeout.
-        // Keeping a finite duration for safety.
-        Await.ready(f, timeout + 1.minute)
-        val end =
-        val r = f.value.get.toOption.flatten
-        RunResult(Interval(start, end), r)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Asynchronously posts a message to the container.
-     *
-     *  @param msg the message to post
-     *  @return response from the container if any
-     */
-    private def sendPayloadAsync(endpoint: String, msg: JsObject, timeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Future[Option[(Int, String)]] = {
-        implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
-        implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
-        containerHostAndPort map { hp =>
-            val flow = Http().outgoingConnection(, hp.port)
-            val uri = Uri(
-                scheme = "http",
-                authority = Uri.Authority(host = Uri.Host(, port = hp.port),
-                path = Uri.Path(endpoint))
-            for (
-                entity <- Marshal(msg).to[MessageEntity];
-                request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = uri, entity = entity);
-                response <- NewHttpUtils.singleRequest(request, timeout, retryOnTCPErrors = true, retryInterval = 100.milliseconds);
-                responseBody <- Unmarshal(response.entity).to[String]
-            ) yield {
-                Some((response.status.intValue, responseBody))
-            }
-        } getOrElse {
-            Future.successful(None)
-        }
-    }
- * Singleton to thread-safely count containers.
- */
-protected[container] object ContainerCounter {
-    private val cnt = new AtomicInteger(0)
-    private def next(): Int = {
-        cnt.incrementAndGet()
-    }
-    private def cut(): Int = {
-        cnt.get()
-    }
-    def now() =
-    def containerName(containerPrefix: String, containerSuffix: String): ContainerName = {
-        val name = s"wsk${containerPrefix}_${}_${containerSuffix}_${now()}".replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "")
-        ContainerName.fromString(name)
-    }
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/ActivationFeed.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/ActivationFeed.scala
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index e3333be..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/ActivationFeed.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.dispatcher
-import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
-import scala.util.Try
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.connector.MessageConsumer
-object ActivationFeed {
-    sealed class ActivationNotification
-    /** Pulls new messages from the message bus. */
-    case class FillQueueWithMessages()
-    /** Indicates resources are available because transaction completed, may cause pipeline fill. */
-    case class ContainerReleased(tid: TransactionId) extends ActivationNotification
-    /** Indicate resources are available because transaction failed, may cause pipeline fill. */
-    case class FailedActivation(tid: TransactionId) extends ActivationNotification
- * This actor polls the message bus for new messages and dispatches them to the given
- * handler. The actor tracks the number of messages dispatched and will not dispatch new
- * messages until some number of them are acknowledged.
- *
- * This is used by the invoker to pull messages from the message bus and apply back pressure
- * when the invoker does not have resources to complete processing messages (i.e., no containers
- * are available to run new actions).
- *
- * When the invoker releases resources (by reclaiming containers) it will send a message
- * to this actor which will then attempt to fill the pipeline with new messages.
- *
- * The actor tries to fill the pipeline with additional messages while the number
- * of outstanding requests is below the pipeline fill threshold.
- */
-protected class ActivationFeed(
-    logging: Logging,
-    consumer: MessageConsumer,
-    maxPipelineDepth: Int,
-    longpollDuration: FiniteDuration,
-    handler: (String, Array[Byte]) => Any)
-    extends Actor {
-    import ActivationFeed.ActivationNotification
-    import ActivationFeed.FillQueueWithMessages
-    require(consumer.maxPeek <= maxPipelineDepth, "consumer may not yield more messages per peek than permitted by max depth")
-    private val pipelineFillThreshold = maxPipelineDepth - consumer.maxPeek
-    private var pipelineOccupancy = 0
-    private implicit val tid = TransactionId.dispatcher
-    override def receive = {
-        case FillQueueWithMessages =>
-            if (pipelineOccupancy <= pipelineFillThreshold) {
-                Try {
-                    // Grab next batch of messages and commit offsets immediately
-                    // essentially marking the activation as having satisfied "at most once"
-                    // semantics (this is the point at which the activation is considered started).
-                    // If the commit fails, then messages peeked are peeked again on the next poll.
-                    // While the commit is synchronous and will block until it completes, at steady
-                    // state with enough buffering (i.e., maxPipelineDepth > maxPeek), the latency
-                    // of the commit should be masked.
-                    val records = consumer.peek(longpollDuration)
-                    consumer.commit()
-                    (records, records.size)
-                } map {
-                    case (records, count) =>
-                        records foreach {
-                            case (topic, partition, offset, bytes) =>
-                      , s"processing $topic[$partition][$offset ($count)]")
-                                pipelineOccupancy += 1
-                                handler(topic, bytes)
-                        }
-                } recover {
-                    case e: CommitFailedException => logging.error(this, s"failed to commit consumer offset: ${e.getMessage}")
-                    case e: Throwable             => logging.error(this, s"exception while pulling new records: ${e.getMessage}")
-                }
-                fill()
-            } else logging.debug(this, "dropping fill request until feed is drained")
-        case _: ActivationNotification =>
-            pipelineOccupancy -= 1
-            fill()
-    }
-    private def fill() = {
-        if (pipelineOccupancy <= pipelineFillThreshold) {
-            logging.debug(this, s"filling activation pipeline: $pipelineOccupancy <= $pipelineFillThreshold")
-            self ! FillQueueWithMessages
-        } else {
-  , s"waiting for activation pipeline to drain: $pipelineOccupancy > $pipelineFillThreshold")
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/DispatchRule.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/DispatchRule.scala
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index 224aacf..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/DispatchRule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.dispatcher
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.Matcher.makeRegexForPaths
-import whisk.core.connector.{ ActivationMessage => Message }
- * Abstract base class for a handler for a kafka message.
- *
- * This extends Matcher, which provides dispatch logic functionality based on kafka topics.
- */
-abstract class DispatchRule(
-    ruleName: String,
-    topicPrefix: String,
-    topicPatterns: String)
-    extends Matcher(ruleName, makeRegexForPaths(topicPatterns, topicPrefix))
-    with Logging {
-    /**
-     * Invokes a handler for a Kafka messages. This method should only be called if matches is not empty.
-     * The method is run inside a future. If the method fails with an exception, the exception completes
-     * the wrapping future within which the method is run.
-     *
-     * @param topic the topic the message came in on
-     * @param msg the Message object to process
-     * @param matches a sequences of pattern matches that triggered this action
-     * @param transid the transaction id for the kafka message
-     * @return Future that execute the handler
-     */
-    def doit(topic: String, msg: Message, matches: Seq[Match])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Any]
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Dispatcher.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Dispatcher.scala
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index b5b7776..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Dispatcher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.dispatcher
-import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
-import scala.util.Failure
-import scala.util.Success
-import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
-import whisk.common.Counter
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.core.connector.{ ActivationMessage => Message }
-import whisk.core.connector.MessageConsumer
-import whisk.core.invoker.InvokerService
-import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
-object Dispatcher extends Logging {
-    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
-        val name = if (args.nonEmpty) args(0).trim.toLowerCase() else ""
-        name match {
-            case "invoker" => InvokerService.main(args)
-            case _         => error(Dispatcher, s"unrecognized app $name")
-        }
-    }
- * Creates a dispatcher that pulls messages from the message pub/sub connector.
- * This is currently used by invoker only. It may be removed in the future and
- * its functionality merged directly with the invoker. The current model allows
- * for different message types to be received by more than one consumer in the
- * same process (via handler registration).
- *
- * @param verbosity level for logging
- * @param consumer the consumer providing messages
- * @param pollDuration the long poll duration (max duration to wait for new messages)
- * @param maxPipelineDepth the maximum number of messages allowed in the queued (even >=2)
- * @param actorSystem an actor system to create actor
- */
-class Dispatcher(
-    verbosity: LogLevel,
-    consumer: MessageConsumer,
-    pollDuration: FiniteDuration,
-    maxPipelineDepth: Int,
-    actorSystem: ActorSystem)
-    extends Registrar
-    with Logging {
-    setVerbosity(verbosity)
-    val activationFeed = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new ActivationFeed(this: Logging, consumer, maxPipelineDepth, pollDuration, process)))
-    def start() = activationFeed ! ActivationFeed.FillQueueWithMessages
-    def stop() = consumer.close()
-    /**
-     * Consumes messages from the bus using a streaming consumer
-     * interface. Each message is a JSON object with at least these properties:
-     * { path: the topic name,
-     *   payload: the message body }
-     *
-     * Expected topics are "/whisk/invoke[0..n-1]" (handled by Invoker).
-     * Expected paths "actions/invoke" (handled by Invoker).
-     *
-     * The paths should generally mirror the REST API.
-     *
-     * For every message that is received, this method extracts the path property
-     * from the message and checks if there are registered handlers for the message.
-     * A handler is registered via addHandler and unregistered via removeHandler.
-     * All matches are checked in parallel, and messages are dispatched to all matching
-     * handlers. The handling of a message is wrapped in a Future. A handler is skipped
-     * if it is not active.
-     */
-    def process(topic: String, bytes: Array[Byte]) = {
-        val raw = new String(bytes, "utf-8")
-        Message(raw) match {
-            case Success(m) =>
-                implicit val tid = m.transid
-                if (m.path.nonEmpty) inform(handlers) foreach {
-                    case (name, handler) =>
-                        val matches = handler.matches(m.path)
-                        handleMessage(handler, topic, m, matches)
-                }
-            case Failure(t) => info(this, errorMsg(raw, t))
-        }
-    }
-    private def handleMessage(rule: DispatchRule, topic: String, msg: Message, matches: Seq[Match]) = {
-        implicit val tid = msg.transid
-        implicit val executionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
-        if (matches.nonEmpty) Future {
-            val count =
-            debug(this, s"activeCount = $count while handling ${}")
-            rule.doit(topic, msg, matches) // returns a future which is flat-mapped to hang onComplete
-        } flatMap (identity) onComplete {
-            case Success(a) => debug(this, s"activeCount = ${counter.prev()} after handling $rule")
-            case Failure(t) => error(this, s"activeCount = ${counter.prev()} ${errorMsg(rule, t)}")
-        }
-    }
-    private def inform(matchers: TrieMap[String, DispatchRule])(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
-        val names = matchers map { } reduce (_ + "," + _)
-        debug(this, s"matching message to ${matchers.size} handlers: $names")
-        matchers
-    }
-    private def errorMsg(handler: DispatchRule, e: Throwable): String =
-        s"failed applying handler '${}': ${errorMsg(e)}"
-    private def errorMsg(msg: String, e: Throwable) =
-        s"failed processing message: $msg $e${e.getStackTrace.mkString("", " ", "")}"
-    private def errorMsg(e: Throwable): String = {
-        if (e.isInstanceOf[java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException]) {
-            s"$e${e.getCause.getStackTrace.mkString("", " ", "")}"
-        } else {
-            s"$e${e.getStackTrace.mkString("", " ", "")}"
-        }
-    }
-    private val counter = new Counter()
-trait Registrar {
-    /**
-     * Adds handler for a message. The handler name must be unique, else
-     * the new handler replaces a previously added one unless this behavior
-     * is overridden by setting replace to false.
-     *
-     * @param handler is the message handler to add override
-     * @param replace indicates whether a new handler should replace an older handler by the same name
-     * @return an option dispatch rule, the previous value of the rule if any
-     */
-    def addHandler(handler: DispatchRule, replace: Boolean): Option[DispatchRule] = {
-        if (handler != null && handler.isValid) {
-            if (replace) handlers.put(, handler)
-            else handlers.putIfAbsent(, handler)
-        } else None
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes handlers by name if it exists.
-     *
-     * @param name is the name of the handler to remove
-     * @return the handler just removed if any
-     */
-    def removeHandler(name: String): Option[DispatchRule] = {
-        if (name != null && name.trim.nonEmpty)
-            handlers.remove(name)
-        else None
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes handler if it exists.
-     *
-     * @param handler is the message handler to remove
-     * @return the handler just removed if any
-     */
-    def removeHandler(handler: DispatchRule): Option[DispatchRule] = {
-        if (handler != null && handler.isValid) {
-            handlers.remove(
-        } else None
-    }
-    protected val handlers = new TrieMap[String, DispatchRule]
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Matcher.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Matcher.scala
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index 227e842..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/dispatcher/Matcher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.dispatcher
-import scala.util.matching.Regex
-import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
- * Creates a match rule to match a kafka topic against one or more regular expressions.
- *
- * @param n the name for this rule -- no semantic effect,just used for debugging and printing
- * @param p one or more regular expression to match a topic against
- */
-class Matcher(n: String, p: Regex*) {
-    def this(n: String, p: List[Regex]) =
-        this(n, p: _*)
-    def this(n: String, p: String) =
-        this(n, Matcher.makeRegexForPaths(p): _*)
-    /**
-     * Checks if a topic matches any of the registered path patterns.
-     *
-     * @param topic the string to check patterns against.
-     * @return sequence of Regex.Match which can be queried for grouped matches
-     *         if there are no matches, the sequence is empty
-     */
-    def matches(topic: String): Seq[Match] = {
-        val t = if (topic != null) topic.trim else ""
-        if (t.nonEmpty) {
-            paths.flatMap { p =>
-                for (m <- p findAllMatchIn t) yield m
-            }
-        } else Seq[Match]()
-    }
-    val name = if (n != null) n.trim else ""
-    def isValid = name.nonEmpty && paths.length > 0
-    override def hashCode = name.hashCode
-    override def toString = s"$name: matches on " + paths.mkString(",")
-    private val paths = if (p != null) p.filter { x => x != null } else List[Regex]()
-object Matcher {
-    /**
-     * Makes regex array for given comma separated paths string, each regex is
-     * of the form "(?i)^[/prefix]/(name)$".
-     *
-     * @param names required string of comma separated path names
-     * @param prefix optional prefix to the path, may be null or empty
-     * @param ignoreCase optional, true to ignore case otherwise case-sensitive
-     */
-    def makeRegexForPaths(names: String, prefix: String = null, ignoreCase: Boolean = true): List[Regex] =
-        if (names != null) {
-            names.split(',')
-                .filter { x => x != null && x.trim.nonEmpty }
-                .toList
-                .map(s => makeRegexForPath(s, prefix, ignoreCase))
-        } else List[Regex]()
-    /**
-     * Makes regex string of the form "(?i)^[/prefix]/(name)$".
-     *
-     * @param name required name
-     * @param prefix optional prefix to the name, may be null or empty
-     * @param ignoreCase optional, true to ignore case otherwise case-sensitive
-     */
-    def makeRegexForPath(name: String, prefix: String = null, ignoreCase: Boolean = true): Regex = {
-        val trimPrefix = if (prefix != null) prefix.trim.stripMargin('/') else ""
-        val trimName = if (name != null) name.trim.stripMargin('/') else ""
-        val caseString = if (ignoreCase) "(?i)" else ""
-        val sep = if (trimPrefix.isEmpty) "" else "/"
-        if (trimName.nonEmpty) {
-            s"$caseString^$sep$trimPrefix/($trimName)$$".r
-        } else null
-    }
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4791e3e..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.invoker
-import java.time.Clock
-import java.time.Instant
-import scala.Vector
-import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
-import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
-import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.util.Failure
-import scala.util.Success
-import scala.util.Try
-import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
-import akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel
-import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
-import akka.japi.Creator
-import spray.json._
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.IntJsonFormat
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.StringJsonFormat
-import whisk.common.ConsulClient
-import whisk.common.ConsulKV.InvokerKeys
-import whisk.common.ConsulKVReporter
-import whisk.common.Counter
-import whisk.common.LoggingMarkers
-import whisk.common.PrintStreamEmitter
-import whisk.common.SimpleExec
-import whisk.common.TransactionId
-import whisk.connector.kafka.KafkaConsumerConnector
-import whisk.connector.kafka.KafkaProducerConnector
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.consulServer
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerImagePrefix
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerRegistry
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.edgeHost
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.kafkaHost
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.logsDir
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.servicePort
-import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.whiskVersion
-import whisk.core.connector.{ ActivationMessage => Message }
-import whisk.core.connector.CompletionMessage
-import whisk.core.container.ContainerPool
-import whisk.core.container.Interval
-import whisk.core.container.RunResult
-import whisk.core.container.WhiskContainer
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.ActivationNotification
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.ContainerReleased
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.ActivationFeed.FailedActivation
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.DispatchRule
-import whisk.core.dispatcher.Dispatcher
-import whisk.core.entity.ActivationLogs
-import whisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse
-import whisk.core.entity.BlackBoxExec
-import whisk.core.entity.DocId
-import whisk.core.entity.DocInfo
-import whisk.core.entity.DocRevision
-import whisk.core.entity.EntityName
-import whisk.core.entity.LogLimit
-import whisk.core.entity.Namespace
-import whisk.core.entity.SemVer
-import whisk.core.entity.Subject
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAction
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskActivation
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskActivationStore
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuth
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuthStore
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskEntity
-import whisk.core.entity.WhiskEntityStore
-import whisk.core.entity.size.SizeLong
-import whisk.core.entity.size.SizeString
-import whisk.http.BasicHttpService
-import whisk.utils.ExecutionContextFactory
-import whisk.common.Logging
- * A kafka message handler that invokes actions as directed by message on topic "/actions/invoke".
- * The message path must contain a fully qualified action name and an optional revision id.
- *
- * @param config the whisk configuration
- * @param instance the invoker instance number
- * @param runningInContainer if false, invoker is run outside a container -- for testing
- */
-class Invoker(
-    config: WhiskConfig,
-    instance: Int,
-    activationFeed: ActorRef,
-    verbosity: LogLevel = InfoLevel,
-    runningInContainer: Boolean = true)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem)
-    extends DispatchRule("invoker", "/actions/invoke", s"""(.+)/(.+)/(.+),(.+)/(.+)""") {
-    private implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
-    private implicit val emitter: PrintStreamEmitter = this
-    /** This generates completion messages back to the controller */
-    val producer = new KafkaProducerConnector(config.kafkaHost, executionContext)
-    override def setVerbosity(level: LogLevel) = {
-        super.setVerbosity(level)
-        pool.setVerbosity(level)
-        entityStore.setVerbosity(level)
-        authStore.setVerbosity(level)
-        activationStore.setVerbosity(level)
-        producer.setVerbosity(level)
-    }
-    /*
-     * We track the state of the transaction by wrapping the Message object.
-     * Note that var fields cannot be added to Message as it leads to serialization issues and
-     * doesn't make sense to mix local mutable state with the value being passed around.
-     *
-     * See completeTransaction for why complete is needed.
-     */
-    case class Transaction(msg: Message) {
-        var result: Option[Future[DocInfo]] = None
-        var initInterval: Option[Interval] = None
-        var runInterval: Option[Interval] = None
-    }
-    /**
-     * This is the handler for the kafka message
-     *
-     * @param msg is the kafka message payload as Json
-     * @param matches contains the regex matches
-     */
-    override def doit(topic: String, msg: Message, matches: Seq[Match])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
-        val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.INVOKER_ACTIVATION)
-        Future {
-            // conformance checks can terminate the future if a variance is detected
-            require(matches != null && matches.size >= 1, "matches undefined")
-            require(matches(0).groupCount >= 3, "wrong number of matches")
-            require(matches(0).group(2).nonEmpty, "action namespace undefined") // fully qualified name (namespace:name)
-            require(matches(0).group(3).nonEmpty, "action name undefined") // fully qualified name (namespace:name)
-            require(msg != null, "message undefined")
-            val regex = matches(0)
-            val namespace = Namespace(
-            val name = EntityName(
-            val version = if (regex.groupCount == 4) DocRevision( else DocRevision()
-            val action = DocId(WhiskEntity.qualifiedName(namespace, name)).asDocInfo(version)
-            action
-        } flatMap {
-            fetchFromStoreAndInvoke(_, msg) map { docInfo =>
-                transid.finished(this, start)
-                docInfo
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Common point for injection from Kafka or InvokerServer.
-     */
-    def fetchFromStoreAndInvoke(action: DocInfo, msg: Message)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
-        val tran = Transaction(msg)
-        val subject = msg.subject
-        val payload = msg.content getOrElse JsObject()
-        info(this, s"${} $subject ${msg.activationId}")
-        // caching is enabled since actions have revision id and an updated
-        // action will not hit in the cache due to change in the revision id;
-        // if the doc revision is missing, then bypass cache
-        val actionFuture = WhiskAction.get(entityStore, action, action.rev != DocRevision())
-        actionFuture onFailure {
-            case t => error(this, s"failed to fetch action ${}: ${t.getMessage}")
-        }
-        // keys are immutable, cache them
-        val authFuture = WhiskAuth.get(authStore, subject, true)
-        authFuture onFailure {
-            case t => error(this, s"failed to fetch auth key for $subject: ${t.getMessage}")
-        }
-        // when records are fetched, invoke action
-        val activationDocFuture = actionFuture flatMap { theAction =>
-            // assume this future is done here
-            authFuture flatMap { theAuth =>
-                // assume this future is done here
-                invokeAction(theAction, theAuth, payload, tran)
-            }
-        }
-        activationDocFuture onComplete {
-            case Success(activationDoc) =>
-                info(this, s"recorded activation '$activationDoc'")
-                activationDoc
-            case Failure(t) =>
-                info(this, s"failed to invoke action ${} due to ${t.getMessage}")
-                completeTransactionWithError(action, tran, s"failed to invoke action ${}: ${t.getMessage}")
-        }
-        activationDocFuture
-    }
-    /*
-     * Creates a whisk activation out of the errorMsg and finish the transaction.
-     * Failing with an error can involve multiple futures but the effecting call is completeTransaction which is guarded.
-     */
-    protected def completeTransactionWithError(actionDocInfo: DocInfo, tran: Transaction, errorMsg: String)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
-        error(this, errorMsg)
-        val msg = tran.msg
-        val name = EntityName(
-        val version = SemVer() // TODO: this is wrong, when the semver is passed from controller, fix this
-        val response = ActivationResponse.whiskError(errorMsg)
-        val interval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
-        val activation = makeWhiskActivation(msg, name, version, response, interval)
-        completeTransaction(tran, activation, FailedActivation(transid))
-    }
-    /*
-     * Action that must be taken when an activation completes (with or without error).
-     *
-     * Invariant: Only one call to here succeeds.  Even though the sync block wrap WhiskActivation.put,
-     *            it is only blocking this transaction which is finishing anyway.
-     */
-    protected def completeTransaction(tran: Transaction, activation: WhiskActivation, releaseResource: ActivationNotification)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
-        tran.synchronized {
-            tran.result match {
-                case Some(res) => res
-                case None => {
-           // this is the global invoker counter
-                    incrementUserActivationCounter(tran.msg.subject)
-                    // Send a message to the activation feed indicating there is a free resource to handle another activation.
-                    // Since all transaction completions flow through this method and the invariant is that the transaction is
-                    // completed only once, there is only one completion message sent to the feed as a result.
-                    activationFeed ! releaseResource
-                    // Since there is no active action taken for completion from the invoker, writing activation record is it.
-                    info(this, "recording the activation result to the data store")
-                    val result = WhiskActivation.put(activationStore, activation)
-                    tran.result = Some(result)
-                    result
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    protected def invokeAction(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth, payload: JsObject, tran: Transaction)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
-        val msg = tran.msg
-        pool.getAction(action, auth) match {
-            case Some((con, initResultOpt)) => Future {
-                val params = con.mergeParams(payload)
-                val timeout = action.limits.timeout.duration
-                def run() =, msg.meta, auth.compact, timeout, action.fullyQualifiedName, msg.activationId.toString)
-                initResultOpt match {
-                    // cached container
-                    case None => (false, run())
-                    // new container
-                    case Some(RunResult(interval, response)) =>
-                        tran.initInterval = Some(interval)
-                        response match {
-                            // successful init
-                            case Some((200, _)) => (false, run())
-                            // unsuccessful initialization
-                            case _              => (true, initResultOpt.get)
-                        }
-                }
-            } flatMap {
-                case (failedInit, RunResult(interval, response)) =>
-                    // it is possible for response to be None if the container timed out
-                    if (!failedInit) tran.runInterval = Some(interval)
-                    val activationInterval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
-                    val activationResponse = getActivationResponse(activationInterval, action.limits.timeout.duration, response, failedInit)
-                    val activationResult = makeWhiskActivation(msg,, action.version, activationResponse, activationInterval)
-                    val completeMsg = CompletionMessage(transid, activationResult)
-                    producer.send("completed", completeMsg) map { status =>
-                        info(this, s"posted completion of activation ${msg.activationId}")
-                    }
-                    val contents = getContainerLogs(con, action.exec.sentinelledLogs, action.limits.logs)
-                    // Force delete the container instead of just pausing it iff the initialization failed or the container
-                    // failed otherwise. An example of a ContainerError is the timeout of an action in which case the
-                    // container is to be removed to prevent leaking
-                    pool.putBack(con, failedInit)
-                    completeTransaction(tran, activationResult withLogs, ContainerReleased(transid))
-            }
-            case None => { // this corresponds to the container not even starting - not /init failing
-                info(this, s"failed to start or get a container")
-                val response = if (action.exec.kind == BlackBoxExec) {
-                    ActivationResponse.containerError("the container did to start")
-                } else {
-                    ActivationResponse.whiskError("error starting container to run action")
-                }
-                val interval = computeActivationInterval(tran)
-                val activation = makeWhiskActivation(msg,, action.version, response, interval)
-                completeTransaction(tran, activation, FailedActivation(transid))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // The nodeJsAction runner inserts this line in the logs at the end
-    // of each activation
-    private val LogRetryCount = 15
-    private val LogRetry = 100 // millis
-    /**
-     * Waits for log cursor to advance. This will retry up to tries times
-     * if the cursor has not yet advanced. This will penalize containers that
-     * do not log. It is OK for nodejs containers because the runtime emits
-     * the END_OF_ACTIVATION_MARKER automatically and that advances the cursor.
-     *
-     * Note: Updates the container's log cursor to indicate consumption of log.
-     */
-    private def getContainerLogs(con: WhiskContainer, sentinelled: Boolean, loglimit: LogLimit, tries: Int = LogRetryCount)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): JsArray = {
-        val size = pool.getLogSize(con, runningInContainer)
-        val advanced = size != con.lastLogSize
-        if (tries <= 0 || advanced) {
-            val rawLogBytes = con.synchronized {
-                pool.getDockerLogContent(con.containerId, con.lastLogSize, size, runningInContainer)
-            }
-            val rawLog = new String(rawLogBytes, "UTF-8")
-            val (complete, isTruncated, logs) = processJsonDriverLogContents(rawLog, sentinelled, loglimit)
-            if (tries > 0 && !complete && !isTruncated) {
-                info(this, s"log cursor advanced but missing sentinel, trying $tries more times")
-                Thread.sleep(LogRetry)
-                getContainerLogs(con, sentinelled, loglimit, tries - 1)
-            } else {
-                con.lastLogSize = size
-                val formattedLogs =
-                val finishedLogs = if (isTruncated) {
-                    formattedLogs :+ loglimit.truncatedLogMessage
-                } else formattedLogs
-                JsArray(
-            }
-        } else {
-            info(this, s"log cursor has not advanced, trying $tries more times")
-            Thread.sleep(LogRetry)
-            getContainerLogs(con, sentinelled, loglimit, tries - 1)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Represents a single log line as read from a docker log
-     */
-    private case class LogLine(time: String, stream: String, log: String) {
-        def toFormattedString = f"$time%-30s $stream: ${log.trim}"
-    }
-    private object LogLine extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
-        implicit val serdes = jsonFormat3(LogLine.apply)
-    }
-    /**
-     * Given the JSON driver's raw output of a docker container, convert it into our own
-     * JSON format. If asked, check for sentinel markers (which are not included in the output).
-     *
-     * Only parses and returns so much logs to fit into the LogLimit passed.
-     *
-     * @param logMsgs raw String read from a JSON log-driver written file
-     * @param requireSentinel determines if the processor should wait for a sentinel to appear
-     * @param limit the limit to apply to the log size
-     *
-     * @return Tuple containing (isComplete, isTruncated, logs)
-     */
-    private def processJsonDriverLogContents(logMsgs: String, requireSentinel: Boolean, limit: LogLimit)(
-        implicit transid: TransactionId): (Boolean, Boolean, Vector[LogLine]) = {
-        if (logMsgs.nonEmpty) {
-            val records = logMsgs.split("\n").toStream flatMap {
-                line =>
-                    Try { line.parseJson.convertTo[LogLine] } match {
-                        case Success(t) => Some(t)
-                        case Failure(t) =>
-                            // Drop lines that did not parse to JSON objects.
-                            // However, should not happen since we are using the json log driver.
-                            error(this, s"log line skipped/did not parse: $t")
-                            None
-                    }
-            }
-            val cumulativeSizes = records.scanLeft(0.bytes) { (acc, current) => acc + current.log.sizeInBytes }.tail
-            val truncatedLogs = < limit().megabytes).map(_._1).toVector
-            val isTruncated = truncatedLogs.size < records.size
-            if (isTruncated) {
-                (true, true, truncatedLogs)
-            } else if (requireSentinel) {
-                val (sentinels, regulars) = truncatedLogs.partition(_.log.trim == LOG_ACTIVATION_SENTINEL)
-                val hasOut = sentinels.exists( == "stdout")
-                val hasErr = sentinels.exists( == "stderr")
-                (hasOut && hasErr, false, regulars)
-            } else {
-                (true, false, truncatedLogs)
-            }
-        } else {
-            warn(this, s"log message is empty")
-            (!requireSentinel, false, Vector())
-        }
-    }
-    private def incrementUserActivationCounter(user: Subject)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Int = {
-        val counter = userActivationCounter.getOrElseUpdate(user(), new Counter())
-        val count =
-        info(this, s"'${user}' has '$count' activations processed")
-        count
-    }
-    private def getUserActivationCounts(): Map[String, JsObject] = {
-        val subjects = userActivationCounter.keySet toList
-        val groups = subjects.groupBy { user => user.substring(0, 1) } // Any sort of partitioning will be ok wrt load balancer
-        groups.keySet map { prefix =>
-            val key = InvokerKeys.userActivationCount(instance) + "/" + prefix
-            val users = groups.getOrElse(prefix, Set())
-            val items = users map { u => (u, JsNumber(userActivationCounter.get(u) map { c => c.cur } getOrElse 0)) }
-            key -> JsObject(items toMap)
-        } toMap
-    }
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * Interprets the responses from the container and maps it to an appropriate ActivationResponse.
-     */
-    private def getActivationResponse(
-        interval: Interval,
-        timeout: Duration,
-        response: Option[(Int, String)],
-        failedInit: Boolean)(
-            implicit transid: TransactionId): ActivationResponse = {
-        if (interval.duration >= timeout) {
-            ActivationResponse.applicationError(ActivationResponse.timedoutActivation(timeout, failedInit))
-        } else if (!failedInit) {
-            ActivationResponse.processRunResponseContent(response, this: Logging)
-        } else {
-            ActivationResponse.processInitResponseContent(response, this: Logging)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a WhiskActivation for the given action, response and duration.
-     */
-    private def makeWhiskActivation(
-        msg: Message,
-        actionName: EntityName,
-        actionVersion: SemVer,
-        activationResponse: ActivationResponse,
-        interval: Interval) = {
-        WhiskActivation(
-            namespace = msg.subject.namespace,
-            name = actionName,
-            version = actionVersion,
-            publish = false,
-            subject = msg.subject,
-            activationId = msg.activationId,
-            cause = msg.cause,
-            start = interval.start,
-            end = interval.end,
-            response = activationResponse,
-            logs = ActivationLogs())
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reconstructs an interval based on the time spent in the various operations.
-     * The goal is for the interval to have a duration corresponding to the sum of all durations
-     * and an endtime corresponding to the latest endtime.
-     *
-     * @param transaction the transaction object containing metadata
-     * @return interval for the transaction with start/end times computed
-     */
-    private def computeActivationInterval(transaction: Transaction): Interval = {
-        (transaction.initInterval, transaction.runInterval) match {
-            case (None, Some(run))  => run
-            case (Some(init), None) => init
-            case (None, None)       => Interval(,
-            case (Some(init), Some(Interval(runStart, runEnd))) =>
-                Interval(runStart.minusMillis(init.duration.toMillis), runEnd)
-        }
-    }
-    private val entityStore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore(config)
-    private val authStore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore(config)
-    private val activationStore = WhiskActivationStore.datastore(config)
-    private val pool = new ContainerPool(config, instance, verbosity)
-    private val activationCounter = new Counter() // global activation counter
-    private val userActivationCounter = new TrieMap[String, Counter]
-    /**
-     * Repeatedly updates the KV store as to the invoker's last check-in.
-     */
-    private val kv = new ConsulClient(config.consulServer)
-    private val reporter = new ConsulKVReporter(kv, 3 seconds, 2 seconds,
-        InvokerKeys.hostname(instance),
-        InvokerKeys.start(instance),
-        InvokerKeys.status(instance),
-        { index =>
-            (if (index % 5 == 0) getUserActivationCounts() else Map[String, JsValue]()) ++
-                Map(InvokerKeys.activationCount(instance) -> activationCounter.cur.toJson)
-        })
-    setVerbosity(verbosity)
-object Invoker {
-    /**
-     * An object which records the environment variables required for this component to run.
-     */
-    def requiredProperties = Map(
-        servicePort -> 8080.toString(),
-        logsDir -> null,
-        dockerRegistry -> null,
-        dockerImagePrefix -> null) ++
-        WhiskAuthStore.requiredProperties ++
-        WhiskEntityStore.requiredProperties ++
-        WhiskActivationStore.requiredProperties ++
-        ContainerPool.requiredProperties ++
-        kafkaHost ++
-        edgeHost ++
-        consulServer ++
-        whiskVersion
-object InvokerService {
-    /**
-     * An object which records the environment variables required for this component to run.
-     */
-    def requiredProperties = Invoker.requiredProperties
-    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
-        implicit val ec = ExecutionContextFactory.makeCachedThreadPoolExecutionContext()
-        implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(
-            name = "invoker-actor-system",
-            defaultExecutionContext = Some(ec))
-        // load values for the required properties from the environment
-        val config = new WhiskConfig(requiredProperties)
-        if (config.isValid) {
-            val instance = if (args.length > 0) args(1).toInt else 0
-            val verbosity = InfoLevel
-            SimpleExec.setVerbosity(verbosity)
-            val topic = s"invoke${instance}"
-            val groupid = "invokers"
-            val maxdepth = ContainerPool.getDefaultMaxActive(config)
-            val consumer = new KafkaConsumerConnector(config.kafkaHost, groupid, topic, maxdepth)
-            val dispatcher = new Dispatcher(verbosity, consumer, 500 milliseconds, 2 * maxdepth, system)
-            val invoker = new Invoker(config, instance, dispatcher.activationFeed, verbosity)
-            dispatcher.addHandler(invoker, true)
-            dispatcher.start()
-            val port = config.servicePort.toInt
-            BasicHttpService.startService(system, "invoker", "", port, new Creator[InvokerServer] {
-                def create = new InvokerServer {}
-            })
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/InvokerServer.scala b/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/InvokerServer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d06618..0000000
--- a/core/dispatcher/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/InvokerServer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package whisk.core.invoker
-import whisk.common.Logging
-import whisk.http.BasicRasService
- * Implements web server to handle certain REST API calls.
- * Currently provides a health ping route, only.
- */
-trait InvokerServer
-    extends BasicRasService
-    with Actor
-    with Logging {
-    override def actorRefFactory = context
diff --git a/settings.gradle b/settings.gradle
index fbc9781..c9ad341 100644
--- a/settings.gradle
+++ b/settings.gradle
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 include 'common:scala'
 include 'core:controller'
-include 'core:dispatcher'
+include 'core:invoker'
 include 'core:nodejsActionBase'
 include 'core:nodejsAction'
 include 'core:nodejs6Action'
diff --git a/tests/build.gradle b/tests/build.gradle
index 2f0da6f..6c0a7ba 100644
--- a/tests/build.gradle
+++ b/tests/build.gradle
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     testCompile project(':common:scala')
     testCompile project(':core:controller')
-    testCompile project(':core:dispatcher')
+    testCompile project(':core:invoker')
 tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) {