Add the deprecation script

This patch adds a script to deprecate all the packages and actions,
which have changed their names after the transition to openwhisk-catalog.

The package util has renamed to utils, and echo action has moved from
samples/echo to utils/echo.
diff --git a/catalog/ b/catalog/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1926da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This script is used to deprecate the packages and actions, which have their names changed
+# after the installation of the catalog repository.
+# The first argument is the catalog authentication key, which can be passed via either
+# a file or the key itself.
+SCRIPTDIR="$(cd $(dirname "$0")/ && pwd)"
+# If the auth key file exists, read the key in the file. Otherwise, take the
+# first argument as the key itself.
+if [ -f "$CATALOG_AUTH_KEY" ]; then
+# Make sure that the catalog_auth_key is not empty.
+: ${CATALOG_AUTH_KEY:?"CATALOG_AUTH_KEY must be set and non-empty"}
+# The api host is passed as the second argument. If it is not provided, take the edge
+# host from the whisk properties file.
+if [ -z "$API_HOST" ]; then
+    if [ ! -f "$WHISKPROPS_FILE" ]; then
+        echo "API_HOST must be set and non-empty."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    API_HOST=`fgrep "$WHISKPROPS_FILE" | cut -d'=' -f2`
+# Make sure that the api_host is not empty.
+: ${API_HOST:?"API_HOST must be set and non-empty"}
+# The api host is passed as the third argument. If it is not provided, take "/whisk.system"
+# as the default value.
+# If the WHISK_NAMESPACE does not start with a forward slash, add it.
+if [[ $WHISK_NAMESPACE != \/* ]] ; then
+function addPackageAnnotation() {
+    REST=("${@:2}")
+    CMD_ARRAY=("$OPENWHISK_HOME/bin/wsk" -i --apihost "$API_HOST" package update --auth "$CATALOG_AUTH_KEY" "$WHISK_NAMESPACE/$PACKAGE_NAME" "${REST[@]}")
+    export WSK_CONFIG_FILE= # override local property file to avoid namespace clashes
+    "${CMD_ARRAY[@]}" &
+    PID=$!
+    PIDS+=($PID)
+    echo "Deprecating package $PACKAGE_NAME"
+function addActionAnnotation() {
+    REST=("${@:2}")
+    CMD_ARRAY=("$OPENWHISK_HOME/bin/wsk" -i --apihost "$API_HOST" action update --auth "$CATALOG_AUTH_KEY" --shared yes "$WHISK_NAMESPACE/$ACTION_NAME" "${REST[@]}")
+    export WSK_CONFIG_FILE= # override local property file to avoid namespace clashes
+    "${CMD_ARRAY[@]}" &
+    PID=$!
+    PIDS+=($PID)
+    echo "Deprecating action $ACTION_NAME"
+# PIDS is the list of ongoing processes and ERRORS the total number of processes that failed
+function waitForAll() {
+    for pid in ${PIDS[@]}; do
+        wait $pid
+        STATUS=$?
+        echo "$pid finished with status $STATUS"
+        if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            let ERRORS=ERRORS+1
+        fi
+    done
+    PIDS=()
+echo Deprecating the open catalog package util
+addPackageAnnotation util \
+    -a deprecated true
+array=("util/cat" "util/date" "util/head" "util/sort" "util/split" "samples/echo")
+for i in "${array[@]}"
+	echo Deprecating the open catalog action $i
+	addActionAnnotation $i \
+    -a deprecated true
\ No newline at end of file