blob: efc294ec1e3fadccdc392989d350ec6709390aac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package runtime.actionContainers
import actionContainers.ActionContainer
import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsString
abstract class NodeJsConcurrentTests extends NodeJsActionContainerTests {
override lazy val nodejsContainerImageName = "action-nodejs-v8"
override def withNodeJsContainer(code: ActionContainer => Unit) =
withActionContainer(Map("__OW_ALLOW_CONCURRENT" -> "true"))(code)
it should "allow running activations concurrently" in {
val requestCount = actorSystem.settings.config.getInt("")
require(requestCount > 100, "test requires that max-connections be set > 100")
println(s"running $requestCount requests")
val (out, err) = withNodeJsContainer { c =>
//this action will create a log entry, and only complete once all activations have arrived and emitted logg
//this forces all of the in-action logs to appear in a single portion of the stdout, and all of the sentinels to appear following that
val code =
| global.count = 0;
| let requestCount = $requestCount;
| let interval = 1000;
| function main(args) {
| global.count++;
| console.log("interleave me");
| return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
| setTimeout(function() {
| checkRequests(args, resolve, reject);
| }, interval);
| });
| }
| function checkRequests(args, resolve, reject, elapsed) {
| let elapsedTime = elapsed||0;
| if (global.count == requestCount) {
| resolve({ args: args});
| } else {
| if (elapsedTime > 30000) {
| reject("did not receive "+requestCount+" activations within 30s");
| } else {
| setTimeout(function() {
| checkRequests(args, resolve, reject, elapsedTime+interval);
| }, interval);
| }
| }
| }
c.init(initPayload(code))._1 should be(200)
val payloads = (1 to requestCount).map({ i =>
JsObject(s"arg$i" -> JsString(s"value$i"))
val responses = c.runMultiple( {
payloads.foreach { a =>
responses should contain(200, Some(JsObject("args" -> a)))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o.replaceAll("\n", "") shouldBe "interleave me" * requestCount
e shouldBe empty
}, requestCount)
withClue("expected grouping of stdout sentinels") {
out should include((ActionContainer.sentinel + "\n") * requestCount)