blob: a842bf6caa33f493e83e2701bfb6482f9baf0994 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.container
import whisk.common.Logging
import whisk.common.SimpleExec
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
import scala.util.Try
import scala.language.postfixOps
import whisk.common.LoggingMarkers
import akka.event.Logging.ErrorLevel
import whisk.common.PrintStreamEmitter
* Information from docker ps.
case class ContainerState(id: String, image: String, name: String)
trait ContainerUtils extends Logging {
/** Defines the docker host, optional **/
val dockerhost: String
def makeEnvVars(env: Map[String, String]): Array[String] = { {
kv => s"-e ${kv._1}=${kv._2}"
}.mkString(" ").split(" ").filter { x => x.nonEmpty }
* Creates a container instance and runs it.
* @param image the docker image to run
* @return container id and container host
def bringup(name: Option[String], image: String, network: String, cpuShare:Int, env: Map[String, String], args: Array[String], limits: ActionLimits, policy: Option[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): (ContainerId, ContainerIP) = {
val id = makeContainer(name, image, network, cpuShare, env, args, limits, policy)
val host = id.flatMap(_ => getContainerHostAndPort(name))
(id, host)
* Pulls container images.
def pullImage(image: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = ContainerUtils.pullImage(dockerhost, image)
* TODO: The file handle and process limits should be moved to some global limits config.
def makeContainer(name: Option[String], image: String, network: String, cpuShare: Int, env: Map[String, String], args: Array[String], limits: ActionLimits, policy: Option[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerId = {
val nameOption = => Array("--name", n)).getOrElse(Array.empty[String])
val cpuArg = Array("-c", cpuShare.toString)
val memoryArg = Array("-m", s"${limits.memory()}m")
val capabilityArg = Array("--cap-drop", "NET_RAW", "--cap-drop", "NET_ADMIN")
val consulServiceIgnore = Array("-e", "SERVICE_IGNORE=true")
val fileHandleLimit = Array("--ulimit", "nofile=64:64")
val processLimit = Array("--ulimit", "nproc=512:512")
val securityOpts = policy map { p => Array("--security-opt", s"apparmor:${p}") } getOrElse (Array.empty[String])
val containerNetwork = Array("--net", network)
val cmd = Array("run") ++ makeEnvVars(env) ++ consulServiceIgnore ++ nameOption ++ cpuArg ++ memoryArg ++
capabilityArg ++ fileHandleLimit ++ processLimit ++ securityOpts ++ containerNetwork ++ Array("-d", image) ++ args
runDockerCmd(cmd: _*)
def killContainer(name: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = killContainer(Some(name))
def killContainer(container: ContainerName)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
container flatMap { name => runDockerCmd("kill", name) }
def getContainerLogs(container: ContainerName)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
container flatMap { name => runDockerCmd("logs", name) }
def pauseContainer(name: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
runDockerCmd(true, Array("pause", name))
def unpauseContainer(name: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
runDockerCmd(true, Array("unpause", name))
def rmContainer(container: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = rmContainer(Some(container))
* Forcefully removes a container, can be used on a running container but not a paused one.
def rmContainer(container: ContainerName)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
container flatMap { name => runDockerCmd("rm", "-f", name) }
* List containers (-a if all).
def listContainers(all: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Array[ContainerState] = {
val tmp = Array("ps", "--no-trunc")
val cmd = if (all) tmp :+ "-a" else tmp
runDockerCmd(cmd: _*) map { output =>
val lines = output.split("\n").drop(1) // skip the header
} getOrElse Array()
def getDockerLogSize(containerId: String, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Long = {
try {
getDockerLogFile(containerId, mounted).length
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
error(this, s"getDockerLogSize failed on $containerId")
* Reads the contents of the file at the given position.
* It is assumed that the contents does exist and that region is not changing concurrently.
def getDockerLogContent(containerId: String, start: Long, end: Long, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Array[Byte] = {
var fis: = null
try {
val file = getDockerLogFile(containerId, mounted)
fis = new
val channel = fis.getChannel().position(start)
var remain = (end - start).toInt
val buffer = java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(remain)
while (remain > 0) {
val read =
if (read > 0)
remain = read - read.toInt
Thread.sleep(50) // TODO What is this for?
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
error(this, s"getDockerLogContent failed on $containerId")
} finally {
if (fis != null) fis.close()
def getContainerHostAndPort(container: ContainerName)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerIP = {
container map { name =>
runDockerCmd("inspect", "--format", "'{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'", name) map {
output => appendPort(output.substring(1, output.length - 1))
} getOrElse None
def runDockerCmd(args: String*)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = runDockerCmd(false, args)
* Synchronously runs the given docker command returning stdout if successful.
def runDockerCmd(skipLogError: Boolean, args: Seq[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput =
ContainerUtils.runDockerCmd(dockerhost, skipLogError, args)(transid)
// If running outside a container, then logs files are in docker's own
// /var/lib/docker/containers. If running inside a container, is mounted at /containers.
// Root access is needed when running outside the container.
private def dockerContainerDir(mounted: Boolean) = {
if (mounted) "/containers" else "/var/lib/docker/containers"
* Gets the filename of the docker logs of other containers that is mapped back into the invoker.
private def getDockerLogFile(containerId: String, mounted: Boolean) = {
private def parsePsOutput(line: String) = {
val tokens = line.split("\\s+")
ContainerState(tokens(0), tokens(1), tokens(tokens.length - 1))
protected def appendPort(host: String) = s"$host:8080"
object ContainerUtils extends Logging {
private implicit val emitter: PrintStreamEmitter = this
* Synchronously runs the given docker command returning stdout if successful.
def runDockerCmd(dockerhost: String, skipLogError: Boolean, args: Seq[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.INVOKER_DOCKER_CMD(args(0)))
getDockerCmd(dockerhost) map { _ ++ args } map {
} map {
case (stdout, stderr, exitCode) =>
if (exitCode == 0) {
transid.finished(this, start)
} else {
if (!skipLogError) {
transid.failed(this, start, s"stdout:\n$stdout\nstderr:\n$stderr", ErrorLevel)
} else {
transid.failed(this, start)
} getOrElse {
transid.failed(this, start, "docker executable not found", ErrorLevel)
private def file(path: String) = Try { new File(path) } filter { _.exists } toOption
def getDockerCmd(dockerhost: String) = {
val dockerLoc = file("/usr/bin/docker") orElse file("/usr/local/bin/docker")
if (dockerhost == "localhost") {
dockerLoc map { f => Array(f.toString) }
} else {
dockerLoc map { f => Array(f.toString, "--host", s"tcp://$dockerhost") }
* Pulls container images.
def pullImage(dockerhost: String, image: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId): DockerOutput = {
val cmd = Array("pull", image)
runDockerCmd(dockerhost, false, cmd)