blob: ccf76731e58bdaeee9fce11d483d28515dc47166 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.dispatcher.test
import scala.Vector
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import spray.json.pimpAny
import spray.json.pimpString
import whisk.common.Logging
import whisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse._
import whisk.http.Messages._
import whisk.core.entity.size.SizeInt
class ActivationResponseTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
behavior of "ActivationResponse"
val logger = new Logging {}
it should "interpret truncated response" in {
val max = 5.B
Seq("abcdef", """{"msg":"abcedf"}""", """["a","b","c","d","e"]""").foreach { m =>
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, m.take(max.toBytes.toInt - 1), Some(m.length.B, max))
val init = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
init.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
init.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe truncatedResponse(response.entity, m.length.B, max).toJson
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = true, m.take(max.toBytes.toInt - 1), Some(m.length.B, max))
val run = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
run.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
run.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe truncatedResponse(response.entity, m.length.B, max).toJson
it should "interpret failed init that does not response" in {
Seq(NoHost(), ConnectionError(new Throwable()), NoResponseReceived(), Timeout())
.map(Left(_)).foreach { e =>
val ar = processInitResponseContent(e, logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe abnormalInitialization.toJson
it should "interpret failed init that responds with null string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, null)
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidInitResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should not include regex("null")
it should "interpret failed init that responds with empty string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, "")
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidInitResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD).toString.endsWith(".\"") shouldBe true
it should "interpret failed init that responds with non-empty string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, "string")
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidInitResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include(response.entity)
it should "interpret failed init that responds with JSON string not object" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Vector(1).toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidInitResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include(response.entity)
it should "interpret failed init that responds with JSON object containing error" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Map(ERROR_FIELD -> "foobar").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get shouldBe response.entity.parseJson
it should "interpret failed init that responds with JSON object" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Map("foobar" -> "baz").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidInitResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include("baz")
it should "not interpret successful init" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = true, "")
an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
processInitResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
it should "interpret failed run that does not response" in {
Seq(NoHost(), ConnectionError(new Throwable()), NoResponseReceived(), Timeout())
.map(Left(_)).foreach { e =>
val ar = processRunResponseContent(e, logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe abnormalRun.toJson
it should "interpret failed run that responds with null string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, null)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidRunResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should not include regex("null")
it should "interpret failed run that responds with empty string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, "")
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidRunResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD).toString.endsWith(".\"") shouldBe true
it should "interpret failed run that responds with non-empty string" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, "string")
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidRunResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include(response.entity)
it should "interpret failed run that responds with JSON string not object" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Vector(1).toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidRunResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include(response.entity)
it should "interpret failed run that responds with JSON object containing error" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Map(ERROR_FIELD -> "foobar").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get shouldBe response.entity.parseJson
it should "interpret failed run that responds with JSON object" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = false, Map("foobar" -> "baz").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ContainerError
ar.result.get.asJsObject.fields(ERROR_FIELD) shouldBe invalidRunResponse(response.entity).toJson
ar.result.get.toString should include("baz")
it should "interpret successful run that responds with JSON object containing error" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = true, Map(ERROR_FIELD -> "foobar").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe ApplicationError
ar.result.get shouldBe response.entity.parseJson
it should "interpret successful run that responds with JSON object" in {
val response = ContainerResponse(okStatus = true, Map("foobar" -> "baz").toJson.compactPrint)
val ar = processRunResponseContent(Right(response), logger)
ar.statusCode shouldBe Success
ar.result.get shouldBe response.entity.parseJson