API GW database creation and wipe
API GW backend route management action and package creation
backend route management action negative parameter tests
tests temporarily disabled until after merge so PG scripts can be updated
squashing all review-time commits
diff --git a/tests/build.gradle b/tests/build.gradle
index 6c0a7ba..24c17b8 100644
--- a/tests/build.gradle
+++ b/tests/build.gradle
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 test {
+    exclude '**/apigw/**'
     systemProperty 'testthreads', System.getProperty('testthreads', '1')
     testLogging {
         events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e2c4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package whisk.core.apigw.actions.test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
+import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
+import scala.concurrent.Await
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
+import spray.json._
+import common.JsHelpers
+import common.TestHelpers
+import common.TestUtils.ANY_ERROR_EXIT
+import common.TestUtils.DONTCARE_EXIT
+import common.TestUtils.SUCCESS_EXIT
+import common.TestUtils.RunResult
+import common.Wsk
+import common.WskActorSystem
+import common.WskProps
+import common.WskTestHelpers
+import whisk.common.TransactionId
+import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
+import whisk.core.entity.Subject
+import whisk.core.entity.WhiskEntityStore
+import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuth
+import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuthStore
+case class ApiAction(
+    name: String,
+    namespace: String,
+    backendMethod: String = "POST",
+    backendUrl: String,
+    authkey: String) {
+    def toJson(): JsObject = {
+        return JsObject(
+            "name" -> name.toJson,
+            "namespace" -> namespace.toJson,
+            "backendMethod" -> backendMethod.toJson,
+            "backendUrl" -> backendUrl.toJson,
+            "authkey" -> authkey.toJson
+        )
+    }
+ * Tests for basic CLI usage. Some of these tests require a deployed backend.
+ */
+class ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests
+    extends TestHelpers
+    with BeforeAndAfterAll
+    with WskActorSystem
+    with WskTestHelpers
+    with JsHelpers {
+    implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
+    val wsk = new Wsk
+    // Use the whisk.system authentication id and pwd for invoking whisk.system private actions
+    val config = new WhiskConfig(WhiskAuthStore.requiredProperties ++ WhiskEntityStore.requiredProperties)
+    val authstore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore(config)
+    val whiskkey = Await.result(WhiskAuth.get(authstore, Subject("whisk.system"),false)(TransactionId.unknown), 5.seconds)
+    val whisksystemAuthId = whiskkey.authkey.uuid.toString
+    val whisksystemAuthPwd = whiskkey.authkey.key.toString
+    override def afterAll() {
+        println("Shutting down authstore connection")
+        authstore.shutdown()
+        super.afterAll()
+    }
+    def getApis(
+               bpOrName: Option[String],
+               relpath: Option[String] = None,
+               operation: Option[String] = None,
+               docid: Option[String] = None): Vector[JsValue] = {
+        val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
+            Map("namespace" -> "_".toJson) ++
+            { bpOrName map { b => Map("basepath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { relpath map { r => Map("relpath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { operation map { o => Map("operation" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { docid map { d => Map("docid" -> d.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
+        val wskprops = new WskProps(authKey = whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd)
+        val rr = wsk.action.invoke(
+            name = "routemgmt/getApi",
+            parameters = parms,
+            blocking = true,
+            result = true,
+            expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT)(wskprops)
+        var apiJsArray: JsArray =
+            try {
+                var apisobj = rr.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject.fields("apis")
+                apisobj.convertTo[JsArray]
+            } catch {
+                case e:Exception =>
+                    JsArray.empty
+            }
+        return apiJsArray.elements
+    }
+    def createApi(
+               namespace: Option[String] = Some("_"),
+               basepath: Option[String] = Some("/"),
+               relpath: Option[String],
+               operation: Option[String],
+               apiname: Option[String],
+               action: Option[ApiAction],
+               swagger: Option[String] = None,
+               expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT): RunResult ={
+        val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
+            { namespace map { n => Map("namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { basepath map { b => Map("basepath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { relpath map { r => Map("relpath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { operation map { o => Map("operation" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { apiname map { an => Map("apiname" -> an.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { action map { a => Map("action" -> a.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { swagger map { s => Map("swagger" -> s.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
+        val wskprops = new WskProps(authKey = whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd)
+        val rr = wsk.action.invoke(
+            name = "routemgmt/createApi",
+            parameters = parms,
+            blocking = true,
+            result = true,
+            expectedExitCode = expectedExitCode)(wskprops)
+        return rr
+    }
+    def createRoute(
+                   namespace: Option[String] = Some("_"),
+                   basepath: Option[String] = Some("/"),
+                   relpath: Option[String],
+                   operation: Option[String],
+                   apiname: Option[String],
+                   action: Option[ApiAction],
+                   swagger: Option[String] = None,
+                   expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT): RunResult ={
+        val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
+            { namespace map { n => Map("namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { basepath map { b => Map("gatewayBasePath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { relpath map { r => Map("gatewayPath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { operation map { o => Map("gatewayMethod" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { apiname map { an => Map("apiName" -> an.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { action map { a => Map("action" -> a.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+            { swagger map { s => Map("swagger" -> s.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
+        val parm = Map[String,JsValue]("apidoc" -> JsObject(parms))
+        val wskprops = new WskProps(authKey = whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd)
+        val rr = wsk.action.invoke(
+            name = "routemgmt/createRoute",
+            parameters = parm,
+            blocking = true,
+            result = true,
+            expectedExitCode = expectedExitCode)(wskprops)
+        return rr
+    }
+    def deleteApi(
+                   namespace: Option[String] = Some("_"),
+                   basepath: Option[String] = Some("/"),
+                   relpath: Option[String] = None,
+                   operation: Option[String] = None,
+                   apiname: Option[String] = None,
+                   force: Boolean = true,
+                   expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT): RunResult ={
+        val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
+          Map("force" -> force.toJson) ++
+          { namespace map { n => Map("namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+          { basepath map { b => Map("basepath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+          { relpath map { r => Map("relpath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+          { operation map { o => Map("operation" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+          { apiname map { an => Map("apiname" -> an.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
+        val wskprops = new WskProps(authKey = whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd)
+        val rr = wsk.action.invoke(
+            name = "routemgmt/deleteApi",
+            parameters = parms,
+            blocking = true,
+            result = true,
+            expectedExitCode = expectedExitCode)(wskprops)
+        return rr
+    }
+    def apiMatch(
+                   apiarr: Vector[JsValue],
+                   basepath: String = "/",
+                   relpath: String = "",
+                   operation: String = "",
+                   apiname: String = "",
+                   action: ApiAction = null
+                   ): Boolean = {
+        var matches: Boolean = false
+        for (api <- apiarr) {
+            val basepathExists = JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("value", "apidoc", "basePath")
+            if (basepathExists) {
+                System.out.println("basePath exists")
+                val basepathMatches = (JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).getFieldPath("value", "apidoc", "basePath").get.convertTo[String] == basepath)
+                if (basepathMatches) {
+                    System.out.println("basePath matches: "+basepath)
+                    val apinameExists = JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("value", "apidoc", "info", "title")
+                    if (apinameExists) {
+                        System.out.println("api name exists")
+                        val apinameMatches = (JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).getFieldPath("value", "apidoc", "info", "title").get.convertTo[String] == apiname)
+                        if (apinameMatches) {
+                            System.out.println("api name matches: "+apiname)
+                            val endpointMatches = JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("value", "apidoc", "paths", relpath, operation)
+                            if (endpointMatches) {
+                                System.out.println("endpoint exists/matches : "+relpath+"  "+operation)
+                                val actionConfig = JsObjectHelper(api.asJsObject).getFieldPath("value", "apidoc", "paths", relpath, operation, "x-ibm-op-ext").get.asJsObject
+                                val actionMatches = actionMatch(actionConfig, action)
+                                if (actionMatches) {
+                                    System.out.println("endpoint action matches")
+                                    matches = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return matches
+    }
+    def actionMatch(
+                   jsAction: JsObject,
+                   action: ApiAction
+                   ): Boolean = {
+        val matches = jsAction.fields("backendMethod").convertTo[String] == action.backendMethod &&
+                      jsAction.fields("backendUrl").convertTo[String] == action.backendUrl &&
+                      jsAction.fields("actionNamespace").convertTo[String] == action.namespace &&
+                      jsAction.fields("actionName").convertTo[String] == action.name
+        return matches
+    }
+    behavior of "API Gateway routemgmt action parameter validation"
+    it should "verify successful creation of a new API" in {
+        val testName = "APIGWTEST1"
+        val testbasepath = "/"+testName+"_bp"
+        val testrelpath = "/path"
+        val testurlop = "get"
+        val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
+        val actionName = testName+"_action"
+        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
+        val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
+        val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
+        try {
+            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+                operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
+            JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
+            val apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
+            apiVector.size should be > 0
+            apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
+        }
+        finally {
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+        }
+    }
+    it should "verify successful API deletion using basepath" in {
+        val testName = "APIGWTEST2"
+        val testbasepath = "/"+testName+"_bp"
+        val testrelpath = "/path"
+        val testurlop = "get"
+        val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
+        val actionName = testName+"_action"
+        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
+        val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
+        val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
+        try {
+            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+                operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
+            JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
+            var apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
+            apiVector.size should be > 0
+            apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true)
+            apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
+            apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(false)
+        }
+        finally {
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+        }
+    }
+    it should "verify successful addition of new relative path to existing API" in {
+        val testName = "APIGWTEST3"
+        val testbasepath = "/"+testName+"_bp"
+        val testrelpath = "/path"
+        val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
+        val testurlop = "get"
+        val testnewurlop = "delete"
+        val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
+        val actionName = testName+"_action"
+        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
+        val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
+        val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
+        try {
+            var createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+                operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
+            createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testnewrelpath),
+                operation = Some(testnewurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
+            JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
+            var apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath))
+            apiVector.size should be > 0
+            apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
+            apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testnewrelpath, testnewurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
+        }
+        finally {
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+        }
+    }
+    it should "reject routemgmt actions that are invoked with not enough parameters" in {
+        val invalidArgs = Seq(
+            //getApi
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/getApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq()),
+            //deleteApi
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "basepath is required", Seq("-p", "namespace", "_")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "When specifying an operation, the relpath is required",
+              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp", "-p", "operation", "get")),
+            //deactivateApi
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deactivateApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deactivateApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "basepath is required", Seq("-p", "namespace", "_")),
+            //activateApi
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/activateApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
+            //createApi
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required",
+              Seq(
+                  //"-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "basepath is required when swagger is not specified",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  //"-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "relpath is required when swagger is not specified",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  //"-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "operation is required when swagger is not specified",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  //"-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is required when swagger is not specified",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get"
+                  //"-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}"""
+              )),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendUrl field",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendMethod field",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the namespace field",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","name":"myaction","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the name field",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","authkey":"XXXXX"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the authkey field",
+              Seq(
+                  "-p", "namespace", "_",
+                  "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp",
+                  "-p", "relpath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp",
+                  "-p", "operation", "get",
+                  "-p", "action", """{"backendUrl":"URL","backendMethod":"get","namespace":"_","name":"myaction"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "swagger field cannot be parsed. Ensure it is valid JSON",
+              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "swagger", "{1:[}}}")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "swagger and basepath are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together",
+              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp", "-p", "swagger", "{}")),
+            //createRoute
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is required", Seq()),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the namespace field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", "{}")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayBasePath field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayPath field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayMethod field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the action field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get"}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendMethod field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendUrl field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post"}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the namespace field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL"}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the name field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_"}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the authkey field",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N"}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "swagger and gatewayBasePath are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together",
+              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N","authkey":"XXXX"},"swagger":{}}""")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc field cannot be parsed. Ensure it is valid JSON",
+              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", "{1:[}}}"))
+        )
+        invalidArgs foreach {
+            case (action:String, exitcode:Int, errmsg:String, params:Seq[String]) =>
+                var cmd: Seq[String] = Seq("action",
+                    "invoke",
+                    action,
+                    "-i", "-b", "-r",
+                    "--apihost", wskprops.apihost,
+                    "--auth", whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd
+                ) ++ params
+                val rr = wsk.cli(cmd, expectedExitCode = exitcode)
+                rr.stderr should include regex (errmsg)
+        }
+    }