blob: a954fa3ddb58fd9b0ed399a647890bb5d23521ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.cli.test
import java.time.Instant
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import common.TestHelpers
import common.TestUtils
import common.TestUtils.ANY_ERROR_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.DONTCARE_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.BAD_REQUEST
import common.TestUtils.ERROR_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.MISUSE_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.NOTALLOWED
import common.TestUtils.SUCCESS_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.FORBIDDEN
import common.TestUtils.NOT_FOUND
import common.WhiskProperties
import common.Wsk
import common.WskProps
import common.WskTestHelpers
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.IntJsonFormat
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.LongJsonFormat
import spray.json._
import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.pimpAny
import spray.json.pimpString
import whisk.core.entity.ByteSize
import whisk.core.entity.LogLimit._
import whisk.core.entity.MemoryLimit._
import whisk.core.entity.TimeLimit._
import whisk.core.entity.size.SizeInt
import whisk.utils.retry
* Tests for basic CLI usage. Some of these tests require a deployed backend.
class WskBasicCliUsageTests
extends TestHelpers
with WskTestHelpers {
implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
val wsk = new Wsk(usePythonCLI = false)
val defaultAction = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
behavior of "Wsk CLI usage"
it should "confirm wsk exists" in {
it should "show help and usage info" in {
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("-h")).stdout
if (wsk.usePythonCLI) {
stdout should include("usage:")
stdout should include("optional arguments")
stdout should include("available commands")
stdout should include("-help")
} else {
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)Usage:""")
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)Flags""")
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)Available commands""")
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)--help""")
it should "show cli build version" in {
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--cliversion")).stdout
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk CLI version\s+201.*""")
it should "show api version" in {
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--apiversion")).stdout
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk API version\s+v1""")
it should "show api build version using property file" in {
val tmpwskprops = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpwskprops.getAbsolutePath())
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("property", "set"), env = env)
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--apibuild", "-i"), env = env).stdout
try {
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk API build\s+201.*""")
} finally {
it should "fail to show api build when setting apihost to bogus value" in {
val wsk = new Wsk(usePythonCLI = true)
val rr = wsk.cli(Seq("--apihost", "xxxx.yyyy", "property", "get", "--apibuild"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stdout should { include regex ("Cannot determine API build") or include regex ("Unknown") }
rr.stdout should not include regex("""(?i)whisk API build\s+201.*""")
rr.stderr should not include ("https:///api/v1: http: no Host in request URL")
it should "show api build using http apihost" in {
val wsk = new Wsk(usePythonCLI = true)
val apihost = s"http://${WhiskProperties.getControllerHost}:${WhiskProperties.getControllerPort}"
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("--apihost", apihost, "property", "get", "--apibuild")).stdout
stdout should not { include regex ("Cannot determine API build") or include regex ("Unknown") }
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk API build\s+201.*""")
it should "validate default property values" in {
val tmpwskprops = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpwskprops.getAbsolutePath())
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("property", "unset", "--auth", "--apihost", "--apiversion", "--namespace"), env = env).stdout
try {
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk auth unset")
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk API host unset")
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk API version unset")
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk namespace unset")
wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--auth"), env = env).
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk auth\s*$""") // default = empty string
wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--apihost"), env = env).
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk API host\s*$""") // default = empty string
wsk.cli(Seq("property", "get", "--namespace"), env = env).
stdout should include regex ("""(?i)whisk namespace\s*_$""") // default = _
} finally {
it should "set auth in property file" in {
val tmpwskprops = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpwskprops.getAbsolutePath())
wsk.cli(Seq("property", "set", "--auth", "testKey"), env = env)
try {
val fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(tmpwskprops)
fileContent should include("AUTH=testKey")
} finally {
it should "set multiple property values with single command" in {
val tmpwskprops = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpwskprops.getAbsolutePath())
val stdout = wsk.cli(Seq("property", "set", "--auth", "testKey", "--apihost", "", "--apiversion", "v1"), env = env).stdout
try {
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk auth set")
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk API host set")
stdout should include regex ("ok: whisk API version set")
val fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(tmpwskprops)
fileContent should include("AUTH=testKey")
fileContent should include("")
fileContent should include("APIVERSION=v1")
} finally {
it should "reject bad command" in {
if (wsk.usePythonCLI) {
wsk.cli(Seq("bogus"), expectedExitCode = MISUSE_EXIT).
stderr should include("usage:")
} else {
val result = wsk.cli(Seq("bogus"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
result.stderr should include regex ("""(?i)Run 'wsk --help' for usage""")
it should "reject authenticated command when no auth key is given" in {
// override wsk props file in case it exists
val tmpwskprops = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpwskprops.getAbsolutePath())
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("list"), env = env, expectedExitCode = MISUSE_EXIT).stderr
try {
stderr should include regex (s"usage[:.]") // Python CLI: "usage:", Go CLI: "usage."
stderr should include("--auth is required")
} finally {
behavior of "Wsk actions"
it should "reject delete of an action without an action name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "delete"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). An action name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject delete of an action with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "delete", "actionName", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject creating entities with invalid names" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val names = Seq(
("hi+there", BAD_REQUEST),
("$hola", BAD_REQUEST),
("dora?", BAD_REQUEST),
("|dora|dora?", BAD_REQUEST))
names foreach {
case (name, ec) =>
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(action, _) => action.create(name, defaultAction, expectedExitCode = ec)
it should "reject get of an action without an action name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "get"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). An action name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject get of an action with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "get", "actionName", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject create with missing file" in {
wsk.action.create("missingFile", Some("notfound"),
expectedExitCode = MISUSE_EXIT).
stderr should include("not a valid file")
it should "reject action update when specified file is missing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
// Create dummy action to update
val name = "updateMissingFile"
val file = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) { (action, name) => action.create(name, file) }
// Update it with a missing file
wsk.action.create("updateMissingFile", Some("notfound"), update = true, expectedExitCode = MISUSE_EXIT)
it should "reject list of an action with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "list", "actionName", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject invoke of an action without an action name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "invoke"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). An action name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject invoke of an action with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("action", "invoke", "actionName", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "create, and get an action to verify annotation parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionAnnotations"
val file = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
(action, _) =>
action.create(name, file, annotations = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.action.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got action $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create, and get an action to verify parameter parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionParameters"
val file = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
(action, _) =>
action.create(name, file, parameters = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.action.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got action $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "not create an action when -a is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(action, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("action", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-a"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Annotation arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "not create an action when -p is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(action, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("action", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-p"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Parameter arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "create an action with the proper parameter escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionName"
val file = TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
(action, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("action", "create", wsk.action.fqn(name), file, "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.action.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got action $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create an action with the proper annotation escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "actionName"
val file = TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
(action, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("action", "create", wsk.action.fqn(name), file, "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.action.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got action $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
behavior of "Wsk packages"
it should "reject create of a package without a package name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "create"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject create of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "create", "packageName", "invalidArg"),
expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject update of a package without a package name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "update"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject update of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "update", "packageName", "invalidArg"),
expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject get of a package without a package name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "get"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject get of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "get", "packageName", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject bind of a package without a package name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "bind"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name and binding name are required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject bind of a package without a binding name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "bind", "somePackage"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name and binding name are required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject bind of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "bind", "packageName", "bindingName", "invalidArg"),
expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject list of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "list", "namespace", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject delete of a package without a package name" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "delete"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s). A package name is required.")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject delete of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "delete", "namespace", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "reject refresh of a package with an invalid argument" in {
val stderr = wsk.cli(Seq("package", "refresh", "namespace", "invalidArg"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT).stderr
stderr should include("error: Invalid argument(s): invalidArg")
stderr should include("Run 'wsk --help' for usage.")
it should "create, and get a package to verify annotation parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageAnnotations"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name) {
(pkg, _) =>
pkg.create(name, annotations = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.pkg.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got package $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create, and get a package to verify parameter parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageParameters"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name) {
(pkg, _) =>
pkg.create(name, parameters = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.pkg.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got package $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "not create a package when -a is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(pkg, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("package", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-a"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Annotation arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "not create a package when -p is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(pkg, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("package", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-p"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Parameter arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "create a package with the proper parameter escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name) {
(pkg, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("package", "create", wsk.pkg.fqn(name), "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.pkg.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got package $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create an package with the proper annotation escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "packageName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name) {
(pkg, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("package", "create", wsk.pkg.fqn(name), "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.pkg.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got package $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
behavior of "Wsk triggers"
it should "create, and get a trigger to verify annotation parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerAnnotations"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
trigger.create(name, annotations = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.trigger.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got trigger $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create, and get a trigger to verify parameter parsing" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerParameters"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
trigger.create(name, parameters = getValidJSONTestArgInput)
val stdout = wsk.trigger.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got trigger $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getValidJSONTestArgOutput
it should "display a trigger summary when --summary flag is used with 'wsk trigger get'" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val triggerName = "mySummaryTrigger"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName, confirmDelete = false) {
(trigger, name) => trigger.create(name)
// Summary namespace should match one of the allowable namespaces (typically 'guest')
val ns_regex_list = wsk.namespace.list().stdout.trim.replace('\n', '|')
val stdout = wsk.trigger.get(triggerName, summary = true).stdout
stdout should include regex (s"(?i)trigger\\s+/${ns_regex_list}/${triggerName}")
it should "not create a trigger when -a is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(trigger, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("trigger", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-a"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Annotation arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "not create a trigger when -p is specified without arguments" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name, confirmDelete = false) {
(trigger, _) =>
val runresult = wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("trigger", "create", name, "--auth", wp.authKey,
"-p"), expectedExitCode = ERROR_EXIT)
runresult.stderr should include("Parameter arguments must be a key value pair")
it should "create a trigger with the proper parameter escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("trigger", "create", wsk.trigger.fqn(name), "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.trigger.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got trigger $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("parameters") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
it should "create a trigger with the proper annotation escapes" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "triggerName"
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
wsk.cli(wskprops.overrides ++ Seq("trigger", "create", wsk.trigger.fqn(name), "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
val stdout = wsk.trigger.get(name).stdout
assert(stdout.startsWith(s"ok: got trigger $name\n"))
wsk.parseJsonString(stdout).fields("annotations") shouldBe getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput
it should "not create a trigger when feed fails to initialize" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, "badfeed", confirmDelete = false) {
(trigger, name) =>
trigger.create(name, feed = Some(s"bogus"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT).
exitCode should equal(NOT_FOUND)
trigger.get(name, expectedExitCode = NOT_FOUND)
trigger.create(name, feed = Some(s"bogus/feed"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT).
exitCode should { equal(FORBIDDEN) or equal(NOT_FOUND) } // response differs in the presence of entitlement service
trigger.get(name, expectedExitCode = NOT_FOUND)
behavior of "Wsk entity list formatting"
it should "create, and list a package with a long name" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "x" * 70
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.pkg, name) {
(pkg, _) =>
wsk.pkg.list().stdout should include(s"$name private")
}, 5, Some(1 second))
it should "create, and list an action with a long name" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "x" * 70
val file = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name) {
(action, _) =>
action.create(name, file)
wsk.action.list().stdout should include(s"$name private")
}, 5, Some(1 second))
it should "create, and list a trigger with a long name" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "x" * 70
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
wsk.trigger.list().stdout should include(s"$name private")
}, 5, Some(1 second))
it should "create, and list a rule with a long name" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val ruleName = "x" * 70
val triggerName = "listRulesTrigger"
val actionName = "listRulesAction";
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
(trigger, name) => trigger.create(name)
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName) {
(action, name) => action.create(name, defaultAction)
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.rule, ruleName) {
(rule, name) =>
rule.create(name, trigger = triggerName, action = actionName)
wsk.rule.list().stdout should include(s"$ruleName private")
}, 5, Some(1 second))
behavior of "Wsk action parameters"
it should "create an action with different permutations of limits" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val file = Some(TestUtils.getCatalogFilename("samples/hello.js"))
def testLimit(timeout: Option[Duration] = None, memory: Option[ByteSize] = None, logs: Option[ByteSize] = None, ec: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT) = {
// Limits to assert, standard values if CLI omits certain values
val limits = JsObject(
"timeout" -> timeout.getOrElse(STD_DURATION).toMillis.toJson,
"memory" -> memory.getOrElse(STD_MEMORY).toMB.toInt.toJson,
"logs" -> logs.getOrElse(STD_LOGSIZE).toMB.toInt.toJson)
val name = "ActionLimitTests" +
val createResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, name, confirmDelete = (ec == SUCCESS_EXIT)) {
(action, _) =>
val result = action.create(name, file, logsize = logs, memory = memory, timeout = timeout, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
withClue(s"create failed for parameters: timeout = $timeout, memory = $memory, logsize = $logs:") {
result.exitCode should be(ec)
if (ec == SUCCESS_EXIT) {
val JsObject(parsedAction) = wsk.action.get(name).stdout.split("\n").tail.mkString.parseJson.asJsObject
parsedAction("limits") shouldBe limits
} else {
createResult.stderr should include("allowed threshold")
// Assert for valid permutations that the values are set correctly
for {
time <- Seq(None, Some(MIN_DURATION), Some(MAX_DURATION))
mem <- Seq(None, Some(MIN_MEMORY), Some(MAX_MEMORY))
log <- Seq(None, Some(MIN_LOGSIZE), Some(MAX_LOGSIZE))
} testLimit(time, mem, log)
// Assert that invalid permutation are rejected
testLimit(Some(0.milliseconds), None, None, BAD_REQUEST)
testLimit(Some(100.minutes), None, None, BAD_REQUEST)
testLimit(None, Some(0.MB), None, BAD_REQUEST)
testLimit(None, Some(32768.MB), None, BAD_REQUEST)
testLimit(None, None, Some(32768.MB), BAD_REQUEST)
ignore should "create a trigger using property file" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val name = "listTriggers"
val tmpProps = File.createTempFile("wskprops", ".tmp")
val env = Map("WSK_CONFIG_FILE" -> tmpProps.getAbsolutePath())
wsk.cli(Seq("property", "set", "--auth", wp.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, env = env)
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, name) {
(trigger, _) =>
wsk.cli(Seq("-i", "trigger", "create", name), env = env)
def getEscapedJSONTestArgInput(parameters: Boolean = true) = Seq(
if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
"\"key\"with\\escapes", // key: key"with\escapes (will be converted to JSON string "key\"with\\escapes")
"{\"valid\": \"JSON\"}", // value: {"valid":"JSON"}
if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
"another\"escape\"", // key: another"escape" (will be converted to JSON string "another\"escape\"")
"{\"valid\": \"\\nJ\\rO\\tS\\bN\\f\"}", // value: {"valid":"\nJ\rO\tS\bN\f"} JSON strings can escape: \n, \r, \t, \b, \f
// NOTE: When uncommentting these tests, be sure to include the expected response in getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput()
// if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
// "escape\\again", // key: escape\again (will be converted to JSON string "escape\\again")
// "{\"valid\": \"JS\\u2312ON\"}", // value: {"valid":"JS\u2312ON"} JSON strings can have escaped 4 digit unicode
// if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
// "mykey", // key: mykey (will be converted to JSON string "key")
// "{\"valid\": \"JS\\/ON\"}", // value: {"valid":"JS\/ON"} JSON strings can have escaped \/
if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
"key1", // key: key (will be converted to JSON string "key")
"{\"nonascii\": \"日本語\"}", // value: {"nonascii":"日本語"} JSON strings can have non-ascii
if (parameters) "-p" else "-a",
"key2", // key: key (will be converted to JSON string "key")
"{\"valid\": \"J\\\\SO\\\"N\"}" // value: {"valid":"J\\SO\"N"} JSON strings can have escaped \\ and \"
def getEscapedJSONTestArgOutput() = JsArray(
"key" -> JsString("\"key\"with\\escapes"),
"value" -> JsObject(
"valid" -> JsString("JSON")
"key" -> JsString("another\"escape\""),
"value" -> JsObject(
"valid" -> JsString("\nJ\rO\tS\bN\f")
"key" -> JsString("key1"),
"value" -> JsObject(
"nonascii" -> JsString("日本語")
"key" -> JsString("key2"),
"value" -> JsObject(
"valid" -> JsString("J\\SO\"N")
def getValidJSONTestArgOutput() = JsArray(
"key" -> JsString("number"),
"value" -> JsNumber(8)
"key" -> JsString("objArr"),
"value" -> JsArray(
"name" -> JsString("someName"),
"required" -> JsBoolean(true)
"name" -> JsString("events"),
"count" -> JsNumber(10)
"key" -> JsString("strArr"),
"value" -> JsArray(
"key" -> JsString("string"),
"value" -> JsString("This is a string")
"key" -> JsString("numArr"),
"value" -> JsArray(
"key" -> JsString("object"),
"value" -> JsObject(
"objString" -> JsString("aString"),
"objStrNum" -> JsString("123"),
"objNum" -> JsNumber(300),
"objBool" -> JsBoolean(false),
"objNumArr" -> JsArray(
"objStrArr" -> JsArray(
"key" -> JsString("strNum"),
"value" -> JsString("9")
def getValidJSONTestArgInput() = Map(
"string" -> JsString("This is a string"),
"strNum" -> JsString("9"),
"number" -> JsNumber(8),
"numArr" -> JsArray(
"strArr" -> JsArray(
"objArr" -> JsArray(
"name" -> JsString("someName"),
"required" -> JsBoolean(true)
"name" -> JsString("events"),
"count" -> JsNumber(10)
"object" -> JsObject(
"objString" -> JsString("aString"),
"objStrNum" -> JsString("123"),
"objNum" -> JsNumber(300),
"objBool" -> JsBoolean(false),
"objNumArr" -> JsArray(
"objStrArr" -> JsArray(