Enable API GW routemgmt action tests
diff --git a/tests/build.gradle b/tests/build.gradle
index 24c17b8..6c0a7ba 100644
--- a/tests/build.gradle
+++ b/tests/build.gradle
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 test {
-    exclude '**/apigw/**'
     systemProperty 'testthreads', System.getProperty('testthreads', '1')
     testLogging {
         events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
diff --git a/tests/src/common/Wsk.scala b/tests/src/common/Wsk.scala
index ab8f6dc..8448ee5 100644
--- a/tests/src/common/Wsk.scala
+++ b/tests/src/common/Wsk.scala
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
     implicit val activation = new WskActivation
     implicit val pkg = new WskPackage
     implicit val namespace = new WskNamespace
+    implicit val api = new WskApi
 trait FullyQualifiedNames {
@@ -743,6 +744,91 @@
+class WskApi()
+    extends RunWskCmd {
+    protected val noun = "api-experimental"
+    /**
+      * Creates and API endpoint. Parameters mirror those available in the CLI.
+      *
+      * @param expectedExitCode (optional) the expected exit code for the command
+      * if the code is anything but DONTCARE_EXIT, assert the code is as expected
+      */
+    def create(
+        basepath: Option[String] = Some("/"),
+        relpath: String,
+        operation: String,
+        action: String,
+        apiname: Option[String] = None,
+        swagger: Option[String] = None,
+        expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT)(
+            implicit wp: WskProps): RunResult = {
+        val params = Seq(noun, "create", "--auth", wp.authKey, basepath.get, relpath, operation, action) ++
+          { apiname map { a => Seq("--apiname", a) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { swagger map { s => Seq("--config-file", s) } getOrElse Seq() }
+        cli(wp.overrides ++ params, expectedExitCode, showCmd = true)
+    }
+    /**
+      * Retrieve a list of API endpoints. Parameters mirror those available in the CLI.
+      *
+      * @param expectedExitCode (optional) the expected exit code for the command
+      * if the code is anything but DONTCARE_EXIT, assert the code is as expected
+      */
+    def list(
+        basepathOrApiName: Option[String] = None,
+        relpath: Option[String] = None,
+        operation: Option[String] = None,
+        limit: Option[Int] = None,
+        since: Option[Instant] = None,
+        expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT)(
+            implicit wp: WskProps): RunResult = {
+        val params = Seq(noun, "list", "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
+          { basepathOrApiName map { b => Seq(b) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { relpath map { r => Seq(r) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { operation map { o => Seq(o) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { limit map { l => Seq("--limit", l.toString) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { since map { i => Seq("--since", i.toEpochMilli.toString) } getOrElse Seq() }
+        cli(wp.overrides ++ params, expectedExitCode, showCmd = true)
+    }
+    /**
+      * Retieves an API's configuration. Parameters mirror those available in the CLI.
+      * Runs a command wsk [params] where the arguments come in as a sequence.
+      *
+      * @param expectedExitCode (optional) the expected exit code for the command
+      * if the code is anything but DONTCARE_EXIT, assert the code is as expected
+      */
+    def get(
+        basepathOrApiName: Option[String] = None,
+        full: Option[Boolean] = None,
+        expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT)(
+            implicit wp: WskProps): RunResult = {
+        val params = Seq(noun, "get", "--auth", wp.authKey) ++
+          { basepathOrApiName map { b => Seq(b) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { full map { f => if (f) Seq("--full") else Seq() } getOrElse Seq() }
+        cli(wp.overrides ++ params, expectedExitCode, showCmd = true)
+    }
+    /**
+      * Delete an entire API or a subset of API endpoints. Parameters mirror those available in the CLI.
+      *
+      * @param expectedExitCode (optional) the expected exit code for the command
+      * if the code is anything but DONTCARE_EXIT, assert the code is as expected
+      */
+    def delete(
+        basepathOrApiName: String,
+        relpath: Option[String] = None,
+        operation: Option[String] = None,
+        expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT)(
+            implicit wp: WskProps): RunResult = {
+        val params = Seq(noun, "delete", "--auth", wp.authKey, basepathOrApiName) ++
+          { relpath map { r => Seq(r) } getOrElse Seq() } ++
+          { operation map { o => Seq(o) } getOrElse Seq() }
+        cli(wp.overrides ++ params, expectedExitCode, showCmd = true)
+    }
 trait WaitFor {
      * Waits up to totalWait seconds for a 'step' to return value.
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala
index 5e2c4eb..64856e0 100644
--- a/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/apigw/actions/test/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests.scala
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 import common.TestUtils.SUCCESS_EXIT
 import common.TestUtils.RunResult
 import common.Wsk
+import common.WskAdmin
 import common.WskActorSystem
 import common.WskProps
 import common.WskTestHelpers
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
     implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
     val wsk = new Wsk
+    val (cliuser, clinamespace) = WskAdmin.getUser(wskprops.authKey)
     // Use the whisk.system authentication id and pwd for invoking whisk.system private actions
     val config = new WhiskConfig(WhiskAuthStore.requiredProperties ++ WhiskEntityStore.requiredProperties)
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
                operation: Option[String] = None,
                docid: Option[String] = None): Vector[JsValue] = {
         val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
-            Map("namespace" -> "_".toJson) ++
+            Map("__ow_meta_namespace" -> "guest".toJson) ++
             { bpOrName map { b => Map("basepath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
             { relpath map { r => Map("relpath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
             { operation map { o => Map("operation" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
@@ -158,7 +160,8 @@
             { apiname map { an => Map("apiName" -> an.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
             { action map { a => Map("action" -> a.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
             { swagger map { s => Map("swagger" -> s.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
-        val parm = Map[String,JsValue]("apidoc" -> JsObject(parms))
+        val parm = Map[String,JsValue]("apidoc" -> JsObject(parms)) ++
+          { namespace map { n => Map("__ow_meta_namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() }
         val wskprops = new WskProps(authKey = whisksystemAuthId+":"+whisksystemAuthPwd)
         val rr = wsk.action.invoke(
             name = "routemgmt/createRoute",
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@
                    expectedExitCode: Int = SUCCESS_EXIT): RunResult ={
         val parms = Map[String,JsValue]() ++
           Map("force" -> force.toJson) ++
-          { namespace map { n => Map("namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
+          { namespace map { n => Map("__ow_meta_namespace" -> n.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
           { basepath map { b => Map("basepath" -> b.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
           { relpath map { r => Map("relpath" -> r.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
           { operation map { o => Map("operation" -> o.toJson) } getOrElse Map[String,JsValue]() } ++
@@ -254,13 +257,14 @@
         val testurlop = "get"
         val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
         val actionName = testName+"_action"
-        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionNamespace = clinamespace
         val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
         val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
         val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
         try {
-            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
                 operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
             JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
             val apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
@@ -268,7 +272,7 @@
             apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
         finally {
-            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
@@ -279,24 +283,24 @@
         val testurlop = "get"
         val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
         val actionName = testName+"_action"
-        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionNamespace = clinamespace
         val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
         val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
         val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
         try {
-            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+            val createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
                 operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
             JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
             var apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
             apiVector.size should be > 0
             apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
-            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true)
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true)
             apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
             apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testrelpath, testurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(false)
         finally {
-            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
@@ -309,15 +313,15 @@
         val testnewurlop = "delete"
         val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
         val actionName = testName+"_action"
-        val actionNamespace = testName+"_ns"
+        val actionNamespace = clinamespace
         val actionUrl = "http://some.whisk.host/api/v1/namespaces/"+actionNamespace+"/actions/"+actionName
         val actionAuthKey = testName+"_authkey"
         val testaction = ApiAction(name = actionName, namespace = actionNamespace, backendUrl = actionUrl, authkey = actionAuthKey)
         try {
-            var createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
+            var createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath),
                 operation = Some(testurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
-            createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testnewrelpath),
+            createResult = createRoute(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testnewrelpath),
                 operation = Some(testnewurlop), apiname = Some(testapiname), action = Some(testaction))
             JsObjectHelper(createResult.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject).fieldPathExists("apidoc") should be(true)
             var apiVector = getApis(bpOrName = Some(testbasepath))
@@ -326,7 +330,7 @@
             apiMatch(apiVector, testbasepath, testnewrelpath, testnewurlop, testapiname, testaction) should be(true)
         finally {
-            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some("_"), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+            val deleteResult = deleteApi(namespace = Some(clinamespace), basepath = Some(testbasepath), force = true, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
@@ -337,9 +341,9 @@
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
-            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "basepath is required", Seq("-p", "namespace", "_")),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "basepath is required", Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deleteApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "When specifying an operation, the relpath is required",
-              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp", "-p", "operation", "get")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp", "-p", "operation", "get")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/deactivateApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "namespace is required", Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
@@ -426,32 +430,32 @@
               Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp", "-p", "swagger", "{}")),
-            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is required", Seq()),
+            ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is required", Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the namespace field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", "{}")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", "{}")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayBasePath field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_"}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_"}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayPath field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp"}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp"}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the gatewayMethod field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp"}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp"}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc is missing the action field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get"}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get"}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendMethod field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the backendUrl field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post"}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post"}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the namespace field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL"}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL"}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the name field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_"}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_"}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "action is missing the authkey field",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N"}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N"}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "swagger and gatewayBasePath are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together",
-              Seq("-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N","authkey":"XXXX"},"swagger":{}}""")),
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_","gatewayBasePath":"/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp","gatewayPath":"ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_rp","gatewayMethod":"get","action":{"backendMethod":"post","backendUrl":"URL","namespace":"_","name":"N","authkey":"XXXX"},"swagger":{}}""")),
             ("/whisk.system/routemgmt/createRoute", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "apidoc field cannot be parsed. Ensure it is valid JSON",
-              Seq("-p", "namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", "{1:[}}}"))
+              Seq("-p", "__ow_meta_namespace", "_", "-p", "apidoc", "{1:[}}}"))
         invalidArgs foreach {
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/ApiGwTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/ApiGwTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adbbc2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/ApiGwTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package whisk.core.cli.test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
+import common.TestHelpers
+import common.TestUtils._
+import common.Wsk
+import common.WskAdmin
+import common.WskProps
+import common.WskTestHelpers
+ * Tests for testing the CLI "api" subcommand.  Most of these tests require a deployed backend.
+ */
+class ApiGwTests
+    extends TestHelpers
+    with WskTestHelpers {
+    implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
+    val wsk = new Wsk
+    val (cliuser, clinamespace) = WskAdmin.getUser(wskprops.authKey)
+    behavior of "Wsk api"
+    it should "reject an api commands with an invalid path parameter" in {
+        val badpath = "badpath"
+        var rr = wsk.api.create(basepath = Some("/basepath"), relpath = badpath, operation = "GET", action = "action", expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+        rr = wsk.api.delete(basepathOrApiName = "/basepath", relpath = Some(badpath), operation = Some("GET"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+        rr = wsk.api.list(basepathOrApiName = Some("/basepath"), relpath = Some(badpath), operation = Some("GET"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+    }
+    it should "verify successful creation of a new API" in {
+        val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST1"
+        val testbasepath = "/"+testName+"_bp"
+        val testrelpath = "/path"
+        val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
+        val testurlop = "get"
+        val testapiname = testName+" API Name"
+        val actionName = testName+"_action"
+        // List result will look like:
+        // ok: APIs
+        // Action                            Verb             API Name  URL
+        // /_/CLI_APIGWTEST1_action          get  CLI_APIGWTEST1 API Name
+        try {
+            var rr = wsk.api.create(basepath = Some(testbasepath), relpath = testrelpath, operation = testurlop, action = actionName, apiname = Some(testapiname))
+            rr.stdout should include("ok: created API")
+            rr = wsk.api.list(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
+            rr.stdout should include("ok: APIs")
+            rr.stdout should include regex (s"/${clinamespace}/${actionName}\\s+${testurlop}\\s+${testapiname}\\s+")
+            rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + testrelpath)
+        }
+        finally {
+            val deleteresult = wsk.api.delete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop), expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+        }
+    }