blob: a990f33deb2e19f4fe00edee705da00a5993959f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package actionContainers
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import common.WskActorSystem
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import actionContainers.ResourceHelpers.JarBuilder
import actionContainers.ActionContainer.withContainer
class JavaActionContainerTests extends BasicActionRunnerTests with WskActorSystem {
// Helpers specific to java actions
override def withActionContainer(env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)(
code: ActionContainer => Unit): (String, String) = withContainer("java8action", env)(code)
behavior of "Java action"
override val testNoSourceOrExec = {
override val testNotReturningJson = {
// skip this test since and add own below (see Nuller)
TestConfig("", skipTest = true)
override val testEnv = {
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
| JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
| response.addProperty("api_host", System.getenv("__OW_API_HOST"));
| response.addProperty("api_key", System.getenv("__OW_API_KEY"));
| response.addProperty("namespace", System.getenv("__OW_NAMESPACE"));
| response.addProperty("action_name", System.getenv("__OW_ACTION_NAME"));
| response.addProperty("activation_id", System.getenv("__OW_ACTIVATION_ID"));
| response.addProperty("deadline", System.getenv("__OW_DEADLINE"));
| return response;
| }
| }
main = "example.HelloWhisk")
override val testEcho = {
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
| System.out.println("hello stdout");
| System.err.println("hello stderr");
| return args;
| }
| }
override val testUnicode = {
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
| String delimiter = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("delimiter").getAsString();
| JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
| String str = delimiter + " ☃ " + delimiter;
| System.out.println(str);
| response.addProperty("winter", str);
| return response;
| }
| }
def echo(main: String = "main") = {
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject $main(JsonObject args) {
| return args;
| }
| }
override val testInitCannotBeCalledMoreThanOnce = {
TestConfig(echo(), "example.HelloWhisk")
override val testEntryPointOtherThanMain = {
TestConfig(echo("naim"), "example.HelloWhisk#naim")
override val testLargeInput = {
TestConfig(echo(), "example.HelloWhisk")
Seq("", "x", "!", "#", "#main", "#bogus").foreach { m =>
it should s"report an error if explicit 'main' is not found ($m)" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, out) = c.init(initPayload(echo("hello"), s"example.HelloWhisk$m"))
initCode shouldBe 502
out shouldBe {
val error = m match {
case c if c == "x" || c == "!" => s"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: example.HelloWhisk$c"
case "#bogus" => "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: example.HelloWhisk.bogus("
case _ => "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: example.HelloWhisk.main("
Some(JsObject("error" -> s"An error has occurred (see logs for details): $error".toJson))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o shouldBe empty
e should not be empty
it should "fail to initialize with bad code" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
// This is valid zip file containing a single file, but not a valid
// jar file.
val brokenJar = ("UEsDBAoAAAAAAPxYbkhT4iFbCgAAAAoAAAANABwAbm90YWNsYXNzZmlsZVV" +
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(brokenJar, "example.Broken"))
initCode should not be (200)
// Somewhere, the logs should contain an exception.
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
(o + e).toLowerCase should include("exception")
it should "return some error on action error" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
| throw new Exception("noooooooo");
| }
| }
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(jar, "example.HelloWhisk"))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) =
runCode should not be (200)
runRes shouldBe defined
runRes.get.fields.get("error") shouldBe defined
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
(o + e).toLowerCase should include("exception")
it should "support application errors" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import;
| public class Error {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
| JsonObject error = new JsonObject();
| error.addProperty("error", "This action is unhappy.");
| return error;
| }
| }
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(jar, "example.Error"))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) =
runCode should be(200) // action writer returning an error is OK
runRes shouldBe defined
runRes.get.fields.get("error") shouldBe defined
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o shouldBe empty
e shouldBe empty
it should "support main in default package" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("", "") ->
| import;
| public class HelloWhisk {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
| return args;
| }
| }
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(jar, "HelloWhisk"))
initCode should be(200)
val args = JsObject("a" -> "A".toJson)
val (runCode, runRes) =
runCode should be(200)
runRes shouldBe Some(args)
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o shouldBe empty
e shouldBe empty
it should "survive System.exit" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import*;
| public class Quitter {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject main) {
| System.exit(1);
| return new JsonObject();
| }
| }
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(jar, "example.Quitter"))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) =
runCode should not be (200)
runRes shouldBe defined
runRes.get.fields.get("error") shouldBe defined
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
(o + e).toLowerCase should include("system.exit")
it should "enforce that the user returns an object" in {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import*;
| public class Nuller {
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
| return null;
| }
| }
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(jar, "example.Nuller"))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) =
runCode should not be (200)
runRes shouldBe defined
runRes.get.fields.get("error") shouldBe defined
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
(o + e).toLowerCase should include("the action returned null")
val dynamicLoadingJar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| import*;
| import java.lang.reflect.*;
| public class EntryPoint {
| private final static String CLASS_NAME = "example.DynamicClass";
| public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
| String cl = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("classLoader").getAsString();
| Class d = null;
| if("local".equals(cl)) {
| d = Class.forName(CLASS_NAME);
| } else if("thread".equals(cl)) {
| d = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(CLASS_NAME);
| }
| Object o = d.newInstance();
| Method m = o.getClass().getMethod("getMessage");
| String msg = (String)m.invoke(o);
| JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
| response.addProperty("message", msg);
| return response;
| }
| }
Seq("example", "") ->
| package example;
| public class DynamicClass {
| public String getMessage() {
| return "dynamic!";
| }
| }
def classLoaderTest(param: String) = {
val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(dynamicLoadingJar, "example.EntryPoint"))
initCode should be(200)
val (runCode, runRes) ="classLoader" -> JsString(param))))
runCode should be(200)
runRes shouldBe defined
runRes.get.fields.get("message") shouldBe Some(JsString("dynamic!"))
checkStreams(out, err, {
case (o, e) =>
o shouldBe empty
e shouldBe empty
it should "support loading classes from the current classloader" in {
it should "support loading classes from the Thread classloader" in {