blob: 9718c1f902c33d66f02144c11a99182681885fae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.entity.test
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import whisk.core.entity.size.SizeInt
import whisk.core.entity.ByteSize
class SizeTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
behavior of "Size Entity"
// Comparing
it should "1 Byte smaller than 1 KB smaller than 1 MB" in {
val oneByte = 1 B
val oneKB = 1 KB
val oneMB = 1 MB
oneByte < oneKB should be(true)
oneKB < oneMB should be(true)
it should "3 Bytes smaller than 2 KB smaller than 1 MB" in {
val myBytes = 3 B
val myKBs = 2 KB
val myMBs = 1 MB
myBytes < myKBs should be(true)
myKBs < myMBs should be(true)
it should "1 MB greater than 1 KB greater than 1 Byte" in {
val oneByte = 1 B
val oneKB = 1 KB
val oneMB = 1 MB
oneMB > oneKB should be(true)
oneKB > oneByte should be(true)
it should "1 MB == 1024 KB == 1048576 B" in {
val myBytes = 1048576 B
val myKBs = 1024 KB
val myMBs = 1 MB
myBytes equals (myKBs)
myKBs equals (myMBs)
// Addition
it should "1 Byte + 1 KB = 1025 Bytes" in {
1.B + 1.KB should be(1025 B)
it should "1 MB + 1 MB = 2 MB" in {
(1.MB + 1.MB).toBytes should be(2.MB.toBytes)
// Subtraction
it should "1 KB - 1B = 1023 Bytes" in {
1.KB - 1.B should be(1023 B)
it should "1 MB - 1 MB = 0 MB" in {
1.MB - 1.MB should be(0 B)
it should "throw an exception if subtraction leads to a negative size" in {
an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
0.B - 1.B
// Conversions
it should "1024 B to KB = 1" in {
(1024 B).toKB should be(1)
it should "1048576 B to MB = 1" in {
(1048576 B).toMB should be(1)
it should "1 KB to B = 1024" in {
(1 KB).toBytes should be(1024)
it should "1024 KB to MB = 1" in {
(1024 KB).toMB should be(1)
it should "1 MB to B = 1048576" in {
(1 MB).toBytes should be(1048576)
it should "1 MB to KB = 1024" in {
(1 MB).toKB should be(1024)
// Create ObjectSize from String
it should "create ObjectSize from String 3B" in {
val fromString = ByteSize.fromString("3B")
fromString equals (3 B)
it should "create ObjectSize from String 7K" in {
val fromString = ByteSize.fromString("7K")
fromString equals (7 KB)
it should "create ObjectSize from String 120M" in {
val fromString = ByteSize.fromString("120M")
fromString equals (120 MB)
it should "throw error on creating ObjectSize from String 120A" in {
the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy {
} should have message """Size Unit not supported. Only "B", "K" and "M" are supported."""
it should "throw error on creating ByteSize object with negative size" in {
the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy {
-130 MB
} should have message "requirement failed: a negative size of an object is not allowed."