blob: e4ef0d36ce5216a9c903e4fa8c1a8933603fe4a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.controller.test
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import whisk.core.controller.Authenticate
import whisk.core.controller.RejectRequest
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.ACTIVATE
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.DELETE
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.PUT
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.READ
import whisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.REJECT
import whisk.core.entitlement.Resource
import whisk.core.entity.AuthKey
import whisk.core.entity.EntityName
import whisk.core.entity.Identity
import whisk.core.entity.Subject
* Tests authorization handler which guards resources.
* Unit tests of the controller service as a standalone component.
* These tests exercise a fresh instance of the service object in memory -- these
* tests do NOT communication with a whisk deployment.
* @Idioglossia
* "using Specification DSL to write unit tests, as in should, must, not, be"
* "using Specs2RouteTest DSL to chain HTTP requests for unit testing, as in ~>"
class AuthorizeTests extends ControllerTestCommon with Authenticate {
behavior of "Authorize"
val requestTimeout = 1 second
val someUser = Subject().toIdentity(AuthKey())
val adminUser = Subject("admin").toIdentity(AuthKey())
val guestUser = Subject("anonym").toIdentity(AuthKey())
it should "authorize a user to only read from their collection" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, None) }
resources foreach { r =>
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, REJECT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
it should "not authorize a user to list someone else's collection or access it by other other right" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, None) }
resources foreach { r =>
// it is permissible to list packages in any namespace (provided they are either owned by
// the subject requesting access or the packages are public); that is, the entitlement is more
// fine grained and applies to public vs private private packages (hence permit READ on PACKAGES to
// be true
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, READ, r), requestTimeout) should be(r.collection == PACKAGES)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, REJECT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
it should "authorize a user to CRUD or activate (if supported) an entity in a collection" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
// packages are tested separately
val collections = Seq(ACTIONS, RULES, TRIGGERS)
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, Some("xyz")) }
resources foreach { r =>
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
it should "not authorize a user to CRUD an entity in a collection if authkey has no CRUD rights" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val subject = Subject()
val someUser = Identity(subject, EntityName(subject()), AuthKey(), Set(Privilege.ACTIVATE))
val collections = Seq(ACTIONS, RULES, TRIGGERS)
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, Some("xyz")) }
resources foreach { r =>
a[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout)
a[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout)
a[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
it should "not authorize a user to CRUD or activate an entity in a collection that does not support CRUD or activate" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val collections = Seq(NAMESPACES, ACTIVATIONS)
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, Some("xyz")) }
resources foreach { r =>
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
it should "not authorize a user to CRUD or activate an entity in someone else's collection" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, Some("xyz")) }
resources foreach { r =>
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, READ, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(guestUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
it should "authorize a user to list, create/update/delete a package" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val collections = Seq(PACKAGES)
val resources = collections map { Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, _, Some("xyz")) }
resources foreach { r =>
a[RejectRequest] should be thrownBy {
// read should fail because the lookup for the package will fail
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, READ, r), requestTimeout)
// create/put/delete should be allowed
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, PUT, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, DELETE, r), requestTimeout) should be(true)
// activate is not allowed on a package
Await.result(entitlementService.check(someUser, ACTIVATE, r), requestTimeout) should be(false)
it should "grant access to entire collection to another user" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val all = Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, ACTIONS, None)
val one = Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, ACTIONS, Some("xyz"))
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, all), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, one), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.grant(adminUser.subject, READ, all), requestTimeout) // granted
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, all), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, one), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.revoke(adminUser.subject, READ, all), requestTimeout) // revoked
it should "grant access to specific resource to a user" in {
implicit val tid = transid()
val all = Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, ACTIONS, None)
val one = Resource(someUser.namespace.toPath, ACTIONS, Some("xyz"))
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, all), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, one), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, DELETE, one), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.grant(adminUser.subject, READ, one), requestTimeout) // granted
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, all), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, READ, one), requestTimeout) should be(true)
Await.result(entitlementService.check(adminUser, DELETE, one), requestTimeout) should not be (true)
Await.result(entitlementService.revoke(adminUser.subject, READ, one), requestTimeout) // revoked