API GW CLI support
diff --git a/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
index 0bf4198..baf3aa9 100644
--- a/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/whisk/core/cli/test/WskBasicUsageTests.scala
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 package whisk.core.cli.test
 import java.io.File
+import java.io.BufferedWriter
+import java.io.FileWriter
 import java.time.Instant
 import scala.language.postfixOps
@@ -699,6 +701,85 @@
+    behavior of "Wsk api"
+    it should "reject an api commands with an invalid path parameter" in {
+        val badpath = "badpath"
+        var rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", "/basepath", badpath, "GET", "action", "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+        rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "delete", "/basepath", badpath, "GET", "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+        rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "list", "/basepath", badpath, "GET", "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
+    }
+    it should "reject an api commands with an invalid verb parameter" in {
+        val badverb = "badverb"
+        var rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", "/basepath", "/path", badverb, "action", "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badverb}' is not a valid API verb.  Valid values are:")
+        rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "delete", "/basepath", "/path", badverb, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badverb}' is not a valid API verb.  Valid values are:")
+        rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "list", "/basepath", "/path", badverb, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"'${badverb}' is not a valid API verb.  Valid values are:")
+    }
+    it should "reject an api create command with an API name argument and an API name option" in {
+        val apiName = "An API Name"
+        val rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", apiName, "/path", "GET", "action", "-n", apiName, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"An API name can only be specified once.")
+    }
+    it should "reject an api create command that specifies a nonexistent configuration file" in {
+        val configfile = "/nonexistent/file"
+        val rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", "-c", configfile, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"Error reading swagger file '${configfile}':")
+    }
+    it should "reject an api create command specifying a non-JSON configuration file" in {
+        val file = File.createTempFile("api.json", ".txt")
+        file.deleteOnExit()
+        val filename = file.getAbsolutePath()
+        val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
+        bw.write("a=A")
+        bw.close()
+        val rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", "-c", filename, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"Error parsing swagger file '${filename}':")
+    }
+    it should "reject an api create command specifying a non-swagger JSON configuration file" in {
+        val file = File.createTempFile("api.json", ".txt")
+        file.deleteOnExit()
+        val filename = file.getAbsolutePath()
+        val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
+        bw.write("""|{
+                    |   "swagger": "2.0",
+                    |   "info": {
+                    |      "title": "My API",
+                    |      "version": "1.0.0"
+                    |   },
+                    |   "BADbasePath": "/bp",
+                    |   "paths": {
+                    |     "/rp": {
+                    |       "get":{}
+                    |     }
+                    |   }
+                    |}""".stripMargin
+        )
+        bw.close()
+        val rr = wsk.cli(Seq("api-experimental", "create", "-c", filename, "--auth", wskprops.authKey) ++ wskprops.overrides, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
+        rr.stderr should include (s"Swagger file is invalid (missing basePath, info, paths, or swagger fields")
+    }
     behavior of "Wsk entity list formatting"
     it should "create, and list a package with a long name" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
@@ -956,7 +1037,18 @@
         val optPayloadMsg = "A payload is optional."
         val noArgsReqMsg = "No arguments are required."
         val invalidArg = "invalidArg"
+        val apiCreateReqMsg = "Specify a swagger file or specify an API base path with an API path, an API verb, and an action name."
+        val apiGetReqMsg = "An API base path or API name is required."
+        val apiDeleteReqMsg = "An API base path or API name is required.  An optional API relative path and operation may also be provided."
+        val apiListReqMsg = "Optional parameters are: API base path (or API name), API relative path and operation."
         val invalidArgs = Seq(
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "create"), s"${tooFewArgsMsg} ${apiCreateReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "create", "/basepath", "/path", "GET", "action", invalidArg), s"${tooManyArgsMsg}${invalidArg}. ${apiCreateReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "get"), s"${tooFewArgsMsg} ${apiGetReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "get", "/basepath", invalidArg), s"${tooManyArgsMsg}${invalidArg}. ${apiGetReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "delete"), s"${tooFewArgsMsg} ${apiDeleteReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "delete", "/basepath", "/path", "GET", invalidArg), s"${tooManyArgsMsg}${invalidArg}. ${apiDeleteReqMsg}"),
+            (Seq("api-experimental", "list", "/basepath", "/path", "GET", invalidArg), s"${tooManyArgsMsg}${invalidArg}. ${apiListReqMsg}"),
             (Seq("action", "create"), s"${tooFewArgsMsg} ${actionNameActionReqMsg}"),
             (Seq("action", "create", "someAction"), s"${tooFewArgsMsg} ${actionNameActionReqMsg}"),
             (Seq("action", "create", "actionName", "artifactName", invalidArg), s"${tooManyArgsMsg}${invalidArg}."),