minor updates to travis 1.11
8 files changed
tree: c786848cc44bee8b9ae0c7da8f5e76e70f880e37
  1. actionProxyLoop/
  2. common/
  3. golang1.11/
  4. gradle/
  5. main/
  6. openwhisk/
  7. tests/
  8. tools/
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .travis.yml
  12. build.gradle
  14. CREDITS.txt
  15. gradlew
  16. gradlew.bat
  17. LICENSE-filetype.txt
  18. LICENSE-testify.txt
  19. LICENSE.txt
  20. NOTICE.txt
  21. README.md
  22. settings.gradle

Apache OpenWhisk Runtime for Go (and Generic executables)

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:warning: Work in progress :warning:

This is an OpenWhisk runtime for Golang and Generic executables.

How to Build and Test

You need a Linux or an OSX environment, with Java and Docker installed to build the sources.

Prerequisites for running build and tests with gradle:

  • docker
  • jdk

To compile go proxy in amd64 architecture for docker:

./gradlew build

To build the docker images after compiling go proxy:

./gradlew distDocker

This will build the images:

  • actionloop-golang-v1.11: an image supporting Go sources
  • actionloop: the base image, supporting generic executables ans shell script

The actionloop image can be used for supporting other compiled programming languages as long as they implement a compile script and the action loop protocol described below.

To run tests

./gradlew test --info

Local Development

If you want to develop the proxy and run tests natively, you can on Linux or OSX. Tested on Ubuntu Linux (14.04) and OSX 10.13. Probably other distributions work, maybe even Windows with WSL, but since it is not tested YMMMV.

You need of course go 1.11.0

Then you need a set of utilities used in tests:

  • bc
  • zip
  • realpath

Linux: apt-get install bc zip realpath OSX: brew install zip coreutils

NOTE: Because tests build and cache some binary files, perform a git clean -fx and do not share folders between linux and osx because binaries are in different format...

Using it with Go Sources

The image can execute, compiling them on the fly, Golang OpenWhisk actions in source format.

An action must be a Go source file, placed in the main package and your action.

Since main.main is reserved in Golang for the entry point of your program, and the entry point is used by support code, your action must be named Main (with capital M) even if your specify main as the name of the action (or you do not specify it, defaulting to main). If you specify a function name different than main the name of your functino does not need to be capitalized.

The expected signature for a main function is:

func Main(event map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}

For example:

package main

import "log"

// Main is the function implementing the action
func Main(obj map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
  // do your work
  name, ok := obj["name"].(string)
  if !ok {
    name = "Stranger"
  msg := make(map[string]interface{})
  msg["message"] = "Hello, " + name + "!"
  // log in stdout or in stderr
  log.Printf("name=%s\n", name)
  // encode the result back in json
  return msg

You can also have multiple source files in an action. In this case you need to collect all the sources in a zip file for posting.

Precompiling Go Sources Offline

Compiling sources on the image can take some time when the images is initialised. You can speed up precompiling the sources using the image as an offline compiler. You need docker for doing that.

The images accepts a -compile <main> flag, and expects you provide sources in standard input. It will then compile them, emit the binary in standard output and errors in stderr.

If you have docker, you can do it this way:

If you have a single source maybe in file main.go, with a function named Main just do this:

cat main.go | docker run openwhisk/actionloop-golang-v1.11 -compile main >main

If you have multiple sources in current directory, even with a subfolder with sources, you can compile it all with:

zip -r - * | docker run openwhisk/actionloop-golang-v1.11 -compile main >main

The generated executable is suitable to be deployed in openwhisk:

wsk action create my/action main -docker openwhisk/actionloop-golang-v1.11

Note that the output is always in Linux AMS64 format so the executable can be run only inside a Docker Linux container.

Using it with generic Binaries

The actionloop image is designed to support generic linux executable in an efficient way.

As such it works with any executable that supports the following simple protocol:

Repeat forever:

  • read one line from standard input (file descriptor 0)
  • parse the line as a json object, that will be in format:
 "value": JSON,
 "namespace": String,
 "action_name": String,
 "api_host": String,
 "api_key": String,
 "activation_id": String,
 "deadline": Number

Note that if you use libraries, those will expect the values in enviroment variables:


- execute the action, using the `value` that contains the payload provided by the used and logging in standard output and in standard error (file descriptor 1 and 2)
- write an answer in json format as a single line (without embedding newlines - newlines in strings must be quoted)

The `actionloop` image works actually with executable in unix sense, so also scripts are acceptable. In the actionloop image there is `bash` and the `jq` command, so you can for example implement the actionloop with a shell script:

# read input forever line by line
while read line
   # parse the in input with `jq`
   name="$(echo $line | jq -r .name.value)"
   # log in stdout
   echo msg="hello $name"
   # produce the result - note the fd3
   echo '{"hello": "'$name'"}' >&3

Note the actionloop image will accept any source and will try to run it (if it is possible), while the actionloop-golang images will try to compile the sources instead.