WIP - Addition of VCAP to tests. (#6)

* Addition of VCAP to tests.

* Update url
diff --git a/tests/PushNotificationsTests.scala b/tests/PushNotificationsTests.scala
index 1154e42..ce39f04 100644
--- a/tests/PushNotificationsTests.scala
+++ b/tests/PushNotificationsTests.scala
@@ -32,16 +32,14 @@
     with WskTestHelpers{
   implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
   val wsk = new Wsk()
-  //val credentials = TestUtils.getVCAPcredentials("imfpush")
-  // val appSecret = credentials.get("appSecret");
-  // val url = credentials.get("url");
-  // val appId = url.split("/").last;
-  val appSecret = "a3e08e83-454b-47a5-81f7-07e9539f9524".toJson;
-  val appId = "6da91118-3658-4dfb-b92a-dea0ca7b88d1".toJson;
-  val messageText = "This is pushnotifications Testing".toJson;
+  val credentials = TestUtils.getVCAPcredentials("imfpush")
+  val appSecret = credentials.get("appSecret");
+  val credentialsUrl = credentials.get("url");
+  val appId = credentialsUrl.split("/").last;
   val url = "https://w3.ibm.com".toJson;
+  val messageText = "This is pushnotifications Testing".toJson;
   behavior of "Push Package"
     it should "Send Notification action" in {