Merge pull request #1 from mrutkows/master

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1881a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Contributing to OpenWhisk
+We welcome contributions, but request you follow these guidelines.
+ - [Raising issues](#raising-issues)
+ - [Contributor License Agreement](#contributor-license-agreement)
+ - [Coding Standards](#coding-standards)
+## Raising issues
+Please raise any bug reports on the issue tracker. Be sure to
+search the list to see if your issue has already been raised.
+A good bug report is one that make it easy for us to understand what you were
+trying to do and what went wrong. Provide as much context as possible so we can try to recreate the issue.
+### Contributor License Agreement
+In order for us to accept pull-requests, the contributor must first complete
+a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This clarifies the intellectual
+property license granted with any contribution. It is for your protection as a
+Contributor as well as the protection of IBM and its customers; it does not
+change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose.
+You can download the CLAs here:
+- [individual](
+- [corporate](
+### Coding standards
+Please ensure you follow the coding standards used throughout the existing
+code base. Some basic rules include:
+ - all files must have the Apache license in the header.
+ - all PRs must have passing builds for all operating systems.