update test to delete artifacts. reformat with scalariform (#216)

diff --git a/tests/src/test/scala/system/health/BasicHealthTest.scala b/tests/src/test/scala/system/health/BasicHealthTest.scala
index fe9d9bf..7443527 100644
--- a/tests/src/test/scala/system/health/BasicHealthTest.scala
+++ b/tests/src/test/scala/system/health/BasicHealthTest.scala
@@ -47,141 +47,146 @@
 import whisk.utils.retry;
 class BasicHealthTest
-    extends FlatSpec
-    with Matchers
-    with WskActorSystem
-    with BeforeAndAfterAll
-    with TestHelpers
-    with WskTestHelpers
-    with JsHelpers {
+  extends FlatSpec
+  with Matchers
+  with WskActorSystem
+  with BeforeAndAfterAll
+  with TestHelpers
+  with WskTestHelpers
+  with JsHelpers {
-    val topic = "test"
-    val sessionTimeout = 10 seconds
+  val topic = "test"
+  val sessionTimeout = 10 seconds
-    implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
-    val wsk = new Wsk()
+  implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
+  val wsk = new Wsk()
-    val messagingPackage = "/whisk.system/messaging"
-    val messageHubFeed = "messageHubFeed"
-    val messageHubProduce = "messageHubProduce"
+  val messagingPackage = "/whisk.system/messaging"
+  val messageHubFeed = "messageHubFeed"
+  val messageHubProduce = "messageHubProduce"
-    val consumerInitTime = 10000 // ms
+  val consumerInitTime = 10000 // ms
-    val kafkaUtils = new KafkaUtils
+  val kafkaUtils = new KafkaUtils
-    behavior of "Message Hub feed"
+  behavior of "Message Hub feed"
-    it should "create a new trigger" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
-        val triggerName = s"newTrigger-${System.currentTimeMillis}"
+  it should "create a new trigger" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
+    val triggerName = s"newTrigger-${System.currentTimeMillis}"
+    println(s"Creating trigger ${triggerName}")
+    (wp, assetHelper) =>
+      val feedCreationResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
+        (trigger, _) =>
+          trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
+            "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
+            "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
+            "api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
+            "kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
+            "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
+            "topic" -> topic.toJson
+          ))
+      }
+      withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
+        activation =>
+          // should be successful
+          activation.response.success shouldBe true
+          val uuid = activation.response.result.get.fields.get("uuid").get.toString
+          // get /health endpoint and ensure it contains the new uuid
+          retry({
+            val response = RestAssured.given().get(System.getProperty("health_url"))
+            assert(response.statusCode() == 200 && response.asString().contains(uuid))
+          }, N = 3, waitBeforeRetry = Some(1.second))
+      }
+  }
+  it should "fire a trigger when a message is posted to message hub" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
+    val currentTime = s"${System.currentTimeMillis}"
+    val baseTriggerName = "/_/BasicHealthTestTrigger"
+    val triggerName = System.getProperty("trigger.suffix") match {
+      case suffix if suffix != "" && suffix != null => s"${baseTriggerName}-${suffix}"
+      case _ => s"${baseTriggerName}-${currentTime}"
+    }
+    (wp, assetHelper) =>
+      val result = wsk.trigger.get(triggerName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+      if (result.exitCode == NOT_FOUND) {
+        // trigger does not yet exist, create it
         println(s"Creating trigger ${triggerName}")
-        (wp, assetHelper) =>
-            val feedCreationResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
-                (trigger, _) =>
-                    trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
-                        "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
-                        "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
-                        "api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
-                        "kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
-                        "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
-                        "topic" -> topic.toJson))
-            }
-            withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
-                activation =>
-                    // should be successful
-                    activation.response.success shouldBe true
-                    val uuid = activation.response.result.get.fields.get("uuid").get.toString
-                    // get /health endpoint and ensure it contains the new uuid
-                    retry({
-                        val response = RestAssured.given().get(System.getProperty("health_url"))
-                        assert(response.statusCode() == 200 && response.asString().contains(uuid))
-                    }, N = 3, waitBeforeRetry = Some(1.second))
-            }
-    }
-    it should "fire a trigger when a message is posted to message hub" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
-        val currentTime = s"${System.currentTimeMillis}"
-        val baseTriggerName = "/_/BasicHealthTestTrigger"
-        val triggerName = System.getProperty("trigger.suffix") match {
-            case suffix if suffix != "" && suffix != null => s"${baseTriggerName}-${suffix}"
-            case _ => s"${baseTriggerName}-${currentTime}"
+        val feedCreationResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
+          (trigger, _) =>
+            trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
+              "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
+              "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
+              "api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
+              "kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
+              "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
+              "topic" -> topic.toJson
+            ))
-        (wp, assetHelper) =>
-            val result = wsk.trigger.get(triggerName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
+        withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
+          activation =>
+            // should be successful
+            activation.response.success shouldBe true
+        }
-            if(result.exitCode == NOT_FOUND) {
-                // trigger does not yet exist, create it
-                println(s"Creating trigger ${triggerName}")
+        // It takes a moment for the consumer to fully initialize.
+        println("Giving the consumer a moment to get ready")
+        Thread.sleep(consumerInitTime)
+      } else {
+        result.exitCode shouldBe (SUCCESS_EXIT)
+        println(s"Trigger already exists, reusing it: $triggerName")
+      }
-                val feedCreationResult = wsk.trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
-                    "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
-                    "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
-                    "api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
-                    "kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
-                    "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
-                    "topic" -> topic.toJson))
+      retry({
+        val start = Instant.now(Clock.systemUTC())
+        // key to use for the produced message
+        val key = "TheKey"
-                withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
-                    activation =>
-                        // should be successful
-                        activation.response.success shouldBe true
-                }
+        println("Producing a message")
+        withActivation(wsk.activation, wsk.action.invoke(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubProduce", Map(
+          "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
+          "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
+          "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
+          "topic" -> topic.toJson,
+          "key" -> key.toJson,
+          "value" -> currentTime.toJson
+        ))) {
+          _.response.success shouldBe true
+        }
-                // It takes a moment for the consumer to fully initialize.
-                println("Giving the consumer a moment to get ready")
-                Thread.sleep(consumerInitTime)
-            } else {
-                result.exitCode shouldBe(SUCCESS_EXIT)
-                println(s"Trigger already exists, reusing it: $triggerName")
-            }
+        println("Polling for activations")
+        val activations = wsk.activation.pollFor(N = 100, Some(triggerName), since = Some(start), retries = 30)
+        assert(activations.length > 0)
-            retry({
-                val start = Instant.now(Clock.systemUTC())
-                // key to use for the produced message
-                val key = "TheKey"
+        println("Validating content of activation(s)")
+        val matchingActivations = for {
+          id <- activations
+          activation = wsk.activation.waitForActivation(id)
+          if (activation.isRight && activation.right.get.fields.get("response").toString.contains(currentTime))
+        } yield activation.right.get
-                println("Producing a message")
-                withActivation(wsk.activation, wsk.action.invoke(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubProduce", Map(
-                    "user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
-                    "password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
-                    "kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
-                    "topic" -> topic.toJson,
-                    "key" -> key.toJson,
-                    "value" -> currentTime.toJson))) {
-                        _.response.success shouldBe true
-                    }
+        assert(matchingActivations.length == 1)
-                println("Polling for activations")
-                val activations = wsk.activation.pollFor(N = 100, Some(triggerName), since = Some(start), retries = 30)
-                assert(activations.length > 0)
+        val activation = matchingActivations.head
+        activation.getFieldPath("response", "success") shouldBe Some(true.toJson)
-                println("Validating content of activation(s)")
-                val matchingActivations = for {
-                    id <- activations
-                    activation = wsk.activation.waitForActivation(id)
-                    if (activation.isRight && activation.right.get.fields.get("response").toString.contains(currentTime))
-                } yield activation.right.get
+        // assert that there exists a message in the activation which has the expected keys and values
+        val messages = KafkaUtils.messagesInActivation(activation, field = "value", value = currentTime)
+        assert(messages.length == 1)
-                assert(matchingActivations.length == 1)
-                val activation = matchingActivations.head
-                activation.getFieldPath("response", "success") shouldBe Some(true.toJson)
-                // assert that there exists a message in the activation which has the expected keys and values
-                val messages = KafkaUtils.messagesInActivation(activation, field="value", value=currentTime)
-                assert(messages.length == 1)
-                val message = messages.head
-                message.getFieldPath("topic") shouldBe Some(topic.toJson)
-                message.getFieldPath("key") shouldBe Some(key.toJson)
-            }, N = 3)
-    }
+        val message = messages.head
+        message.getFieldPath("topic") shouldBe Some(topic.toJson)
+        message.getFieldPath("key") shouldBe Some(key.toJson)
+      }, N = 3)
+  }