blob: 0bbe25485f4c4e51f6aa16a37c68f2f3cdb55546 [file] [log] [blame]
# use the command line interface to install standard actions deployed
# automatically
# To run this command
# AUTH and APIHOST are found in $HOME/.wskprops
set -e
set -x
: ${OPENWHISK_HOME:?"OPENWHISK_HOME must be set and non-empty"}
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "Usage: ./ <authkey> <apihost> <kafkatriggerhost> <kafkatriggerport>"
# If the auth key file exists, read the key in the file. Otherwise, take the
# first argument as the key itself.
if [ -f "$AUTH" ]; then
AUTH=`cat $AUTH`
# Make sure that the APIHOST is not empty.
: ${APIHOST:?"APIHOST must be set and non-empty"}
PACKAGE_HOME="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
export WSK_CONFIG_FILE= # override local property file to avoid namespace clashes
echo Installing the kafka package and feed action.
$WSK_CLI -i --apihost "$APIHOST" package update messaging \
--auth "$AUTH" \
--shared yes \
-p bluemixServiceName 'messagehub' \
-p endpoint "$APIHOST" \
-p package_endpoint $KAFKA_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT
$WSK_CLI -i --apihost "$APIHOST" action update messaging/kafkaFeed "$PACKAGE_HOME/action/kafkaFeed.js" \
--auth "$AUTH" \
-a description 'Feed to listen to Kafka messages' \
-a parameters '[ {"name":"brokers", "required":true, "description": "Array of Kafka brokers"}, {"name":"topic", "required":true, "description": "Topic to subscribe to"}, {"name":"isJSONData", "required":false, "description": "Attempt to parse message content as JSON"}, {"name":"endpoint", "required":true, "description": "Hostname and port of OpenWhisk deployment"}]' \
-a sampleInput '{"brokers":"[\"\"]", "topic":"mytopic", "isJSONData":false, "endpoint": ""}'
$WSK_CLI -i --apihost "$APIHOST" action update messaging/messageHubFeed "$PACKAGE_HOME/action/messageHubFeed.js" \
--auth "$AUTH" \
-a description 'Feed to list to Message Hub messages' \
-a parameters '[ {"name":"kafka_brokers_sasl", "required":true, "description": "Array of Message Hub brokers"},{"name":"user", "required":true, "description": "Message Hub username"},{"name":"password", "required":true, "description": "Message Hub password"},{"name":"topic", "required":true, "description": "Topic to subscribe to"},{"name":"isJSONData", "required":false, "description": "Attempt to parse message content as JSON"},{"name":"endpoint", "required":true, "description": "Hostname and port of OpenWhisk deployment"},{"name":"kafka_admin_url", "required":true, "description": "Your Message Hub admin REST URL"},{"name":"api_key", "required":true, "description": "Message Hub admin key for RESTful interfaces"}]' \
-a sampleInput '{"kafka_brokers_sasl":"[\"\"]", "username":"someUsername", "password":"somePassword", "topic":"mytopic", "isJSONData":false, "endpoint":"", "kafka_admin_url": "", "api_key": "supersecretstuffgoeshere"}'