Handle cases when authKey does not exist in DB documents (#366)

diff --git a/provider/consumer.py b/provider/consumer.py
index eb06c00..477b75d 100644
--- a/provider/consumer.py
+++ b/provider/consumer.py
@@ -160,8 +160,12 @@
         if 'isIamKey' in params and params['isIamKey'] == True:
             self.authHandler = IAMAuth(params['authKey'], params['iamUrl'])
-            auth = params['authKey'].split(':')
-            self.authHandler = HTTPBasicAuth(auth[0], auth[1])
+            if 'authKey' in params:
+                auth = params['authKey'].split(':')
+                self.authHandler = HTTPBasicAuth(auth[0], auth[1])
+            else:
+                parsedUrl = urlparse(params["triggerURL"])
+                self.authHandler = HTTPBasicAuth(parsedUrl.username, parsedUrl.password)
         # handle the case where there may be existing triggers that do not
         # have the isJSONData field set