blob: 0ffbed2d338da0fb2e0abda31263dfd044a4e3d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package packages
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import common.{TestHelpers, Wsk, WskProps, WskTestHelpers}
import common.TestUtils.FORBIDDEN
import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured
import com.jayway.restassured.config.SSLConfig
import spray.json._
class DeployWebTests extends TestHelpers
with WskTestHelpers
with BeforeAndAfterAll {
implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
val wsk = new Wsk()
// action and web action url
val deployAction = "/whisk.system/deployWeb/wskdeploy"
val deployActionURL = s"https://${wskprops.apihost}/api/v1/web${deployAction}.http"
// set parameters for deploy tests
val deployTestRepo = ""
val incorrectGithubRepo = ""
val helloWorldPath = "tests/src/test/scala/testFixtures/helloWorld"
val helloWorldWithNoManifest = "tests/src/test/scala/testFixtures/helloWorldNoManifest"
val helloWorldPackageParam = "tests/src/test/scala/testFixtures/helloWorldPackageParam"
val incorrectManifestPath = "does/not/exist"
val helloWorldAction = "openwhisk-helloworld/helloworld"
val helloWorldActionPackage = "myPackage/helloworld"
// statuses from deployWeb
val successStatus = """"status": "success""""
val activationId = """"activationId:""""
val githubNonExistentStatus = """"error": "There was a problem cloning from github. Does that github repo exist? Does it begin with http?""""
val errorLoadingManifestStatus = """"error": "Error loading manifest file. Does a manifest file exist?""""
def makePostCallWithExpectedResult(params: JsObject, expectedResult: String, expectedCode: Int) = {
val response = RestAssured.given()
.config(RestAssured.config().sslConfig(new SSLConfig().relaxedHTTPSValidation()))
assert(response.statusCode() == expectedCode)
response.body.asString should include(expectedResult)
response.body.asString.parseJson.asJsObject.getFields("activationId") should have length 1
behavior of "deployWeb Package"
// test to ensure action not obtainable using CLI
it should "not be usable from the CLI" in {
wsk.action.get(deployAction, FORBIDDEN)
// test to create the hello world template from github
it should "create the hello world action from github url" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(deployTestRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldPath),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), successStatus, 200);
// clean up after test
// test to create the hello world template from github with myPackage as package name
it should s"create the $helloWorldActionPackage action from github url" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(deployTestRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldPackageParam),
"envData" -> JsObject("PACKAGE_NAME" -> JsString("myPackage")),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), successStatus, 200)
// clean up after test
// test to create a template with no github repo provided
it should "return error if there is no github repo provided" in {
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldPath),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), """"error": "Please enter the GitHub repo url in params"""", 400)
// test to create a template with a nonexistant github repo provided
it should "return error if there is an nonexistant repo provided" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(incorrectGithubRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldPath),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), githubNonExistentStatus, 400)
// test to create a template with useless EnvData provided
it should "return succeed if useless envData is provided" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(deployTestRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldPath),
"envData" -> JsObject("something" -> JsString("useless")),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), successStatus, 200)
// clean up after test
// test to create a template with an incorrect manifestPath provided
it should "return with failure if incorrect manifestPath is provided" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(deployTestRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(incorrectManifestPath),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), errorLoadingManifestStatus, 400)
// test to create a template with manifestPath provided, but no manifestFile existing
it should "return with failure if no manifest exists at manifestPath" in {
"gitUrl" -> JsString(deployTestRepo),
"manifestPath" -> JsString(helloWorldWithNoManifest),
"wskApiHost" -> JsString(wskprops.apihost),
"wskAuth" -> JsString(wskprops.authKey)
), errorLoadingManifestStatus, 400)